Chapter 223 Jin Sui Rebellion ([-])

At that time, the crown prince's expression mixed with resentment and sadness kept circulating in Jun Jiang's heart. She didn't understand love, but she could feel the unhappiness in her heart.This made her want to do something for this heartbroken infatuated man.And what she can do is to help him fulfill his wish.

After studying the information brought by Lan Falcon, she has a lot of knowledge about Jin Sui as a whole.On the surface, Jin Sui is a harmonious and loving country, but when wealth accumulates to a certain level, crimes will follow.

Selling slaves, selling prohibited drugs... The nobles used the almost endless money they earned to enjoy themselves, but the common people had problems with food and clothing.It can be said that countless workers die in various mines every year, which makes Jun Jiang, who loves the people like his own son, hate it deeply.

No wonder the crown prince hates this country so much. If it were her, she would definitely want to use blood to purify this already decayed country.

What made Junjiang more concerned was that there was no information about Miss Nalan in the materials sent.In fact, she wasn't very interested at first, but when she noticed that there was no relevant information, she became interested instead.

The prince didn't want to say it, but it didn't mean she couldn't go to other places to ask.As the saying goes, sometimes the person who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy.

So she went directly to the house of the second prince who was fighting for the throne the most, and brought out his concubine.After a little scaring, the concubine said everything.

It turned out that two years ago, the prince met Miss Nalan when he was on tour in the white dragon fish uniform, and fell in love at first sight.It's just that a girl who is alone and whose identity is unknown will definitely not be accepted by the emperor as the queen who will be the mother of the world in the future.So the old emperor secretly used some tricks to get the other sons who wanted to compete with the prince for the throne to take the woman hostage.

Unexpectedly, because the people below did not find out the real reason, they tortured Miss Nalan, and almost died.Fortunately, the prince got the news and personally led people to rescue.

After a fight, in order to save the prince, the girl dragged her weak body to block a hidden arrow for him, and then fell into the rushing river...

He was injured, shot by an arrow and fell into the river, even a big man would definitely die.

The prince spent half a year leading people to search both sides of the river, and finally almost died outside because of excessive grief.Apart from the small statue of Jialan Chenxiang left by Miss Nalan, the only thing that can support him is his hatred for his father, brothers, and even the entire Jin Sui Kingdom.

Feeling that there was nothing more to be dug out of the concubine's mouth, Jun Jiang broke the beauty's slender and beautiful neck and returned to Zhuyan Pavilion.As for how the second prince, whose concubine was stolen from his home, got angry when he found out that he was missing and then found the body, she didn't care about it.

In order to destroy the Jin Sui Dynasty, the prince laid many threads as early as more than a year ago.In addition, as the heir of a country, there must be forces that have been cultivated in the dark.Now these forces are all in the hands of Jun Jiang.It can be said that as long as there is an opportunity, the power in her hands alone is enough to make Jin Suiguo drink a pot.

But this is not the result the prince wants.What he wanted was the destruction of the Jin Sui Kingdom, so in order to achieve his goal, Jun Jiang had to make more arrangements.

In fact, she didn't like such a hands-on work. She was so busy that she was dizzy and dizzy, and she wasted time on other things.In her opinion, what a good leader should do is to release tasks and let subordinates with corresponding talents take over and handle them.

Suddenly, she clapped her hands: "There are so many people in Chilie Valley, can't they all be used?"

(End of this chapter)

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