Chapter 215 Jin Sui Rebellion ([-])

In a tavern in Zhucheng, the capital of the Jin and Sui Dynasties, Jun Jiang, dressed in desert attire, sat in a corner and listened to the conversation around her.With her strength, even the mosquitoes flying in the entire three-story teahouse cannot escape her ears.

It is indeed easy to collect information in a place where fish and dragons are mixed, but apart from those exaggerated endless and entertaining stories, there are not too many things that are really useful.But even so, Jun Jiang, who had been sitting for an hour, still grasped a little bit of the situation.

For example, the old emperor's illness is getting worse and worse, and he has already begun to prepare for his funeral.For example, among several princes, who took over who's shop, who snatched a strong man from whom, in short, there are always a bunch of messy things.

When she heard about the old emperor's serious illness, Jun Jiang's heart couldn't help but move.This reminded her that Lei Lan's old emperor seemed to be seriously ill, and he no longer cared about state affairs.Looking forward, it took only three short years for Longcheng Emperor Hua Qingyuan to ascend the throne, and the old emperor also passed away due to a serious illness.Fortunately, the relationship between the brothers of the Hua family is not bad, even if there is an eldest prince who disappears and hides and is always ready to usurp the throne, the foundation of the country has not been shaken.

Jun Jiang didn't know much about other countries, but just the emperors of these countries made her feel that things were too coincidental.Birth, old age, sickness and death are things that everyone will experience, but several emperors were all seriously ill in such a short period of time, which made her vigilant, because it cannot be ruled out that someone may be playing a big game of chess in the dark!
But this is just her conjecture, and there is no evidence to prove it, maybe it is a coincidence.

While holding a glass of wine alone for a drink, Jun Jiang's calm face suddenly changed.Then a gust of wind swept by, and her figure had disappeared.In the bustling hall, no one noticed that the guests at the table by the wall were gone. There was only a jug of wine, a wine glass and a piece of silver on the table, which proved that this table had been patronized.

At this time, Jun Jiang was silently following a man who was wearing a desert attire covering head to toe like her, but the heavy clothes did not cover up the faint flame breath on his body.The aura that others don't feel at all, is as easy to distinguish as the bright moon at night for Jun Jiang, because it is the special mark she left on the assassin who assassinated her.

Last time when she was tracking down a mysterious person with her aura, she was almost injured by a trap set in that person's yard.So this time she was more cautious, just followed from a distance, and restrained all her breath.In addition, her strength has improved a lot compared to before, and I believe that even a strong person higher than her will not find her trace.

Not long after, the man walked into a place called Zhuyan Pavilion.

This time is different from the last time. Last time it was a single house, so it doesn't matter if it is destroyed.This time, it was a shop with many people. From the decoration point of view, it was somewhat similar to the mysterious place where she was pulled by Hua Jingcang in Zhaohua. It was low-key but luxurious, rich and elegant.

Jun Jiang was still not careless, after remembering the location in her heart, she left first.She didn't know if there would be strong guards here, but it's hard not to hire some powerful people to guard the place like this kind of business.So she had to find an identity that would not be suspected to enter here.

"Chunxiang, why are you walking so slowly! If you don't hurry up, you will miss the preparation!"

"Girl, you bought a lot of things, it's not easy to take them."

A master and a servant hurried past Jun Jiang and entered the Zhuyan Pavilion.The master in front was dressed in a bright dress, very pretty, and even the girl who was carrying a lot of things was pretty and charming.

(End of this chapter)

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