Chapter 199 Two Choices ([-])


"Holy rank?"

This time even Feng Haoyu screamed, and then glared at Jun Jiang mournfully.What kind of baby pig do you think you pretend to be like a holy tiger?He could show off his power with a wave of his hand, but he wanted to pretend to be deep, which made him think that he really controlled the overall development all the way!

The grandma looked Jun Jiang up and down, from head to toe, from top to bottom, very carefully.Finally, he gave a compliment: "Good demeanor." Then he shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity."

The corners of Jun Jiang's eyes twitched, and she already guessed where she said it was a pity.Even if she knew clearly that she participated in the Qunfang Banquet and won the right to host it, then she must have known about her and Xiaobai's rumored broken sleeve.

"Since it's a sacrifice to the ancestors, please come with me." The old woman turned around, cut through the whirlwind and sandstorm with the same technique as Jun Jiang, and passed through the middle.

Jun Jiang smiled at her secret rivalry, and followed closely behind with Shi Zhanfeng's agility.

The rest of the Red Sand Pirates were puzzled and looked at each other.

"Grandma Lin said he was Jun Jiang just now, that Jun Jiang?" Xuan Zhiyi blinked, as if he was still a little bit overwhelmed.

Feng Haoyu glanced at her: "That's right, it's that Jun Jiang from "Peach Blossoms Blooming Without Owner, Lovely Crimson Loves Light Red"."

"Tsk." Xuan Zhiyi smacked his lips: "Broken sleeve." No wonder just now the little princess was crying and shouting to be with him, and he sent her away cruelly.Thinking of this, she suddenly smiled, and looked at Feng Haoyu ambiguously: "You are also pretty, I wonder if that holy rank is interested?"

Feng Haoyu was shocked by her words: "Your brother's looks are even better, why don't you worry about him!"

"Haha, it turns out that Feng Haoyu, the wise general, also has something to be afraid of." Xuan Zhiyi laughed, and then nodded quite seriously: "It is true, I have to go back and tell my brother not to go out until that person leaves Already!"

Jun Jiang didn't hear these words, if she did, she would probably be depressed again.At this time, she was following the grandma all the way to the burial place of the generals of the Xuanfeng Army.

Grandma seemed to be testing her intentionally, and her flying speed gradually increased, while Jun Jiang followed closely behind without paying attention.With Feng Shan's speed alone, there is no other skill in the world that surpasses it.This made Grandma's eyes brighter and faster.

After chasing and catching up, Jun Jiang finally stood at a familiar place.

Everywhere you can see are tombstones carved from black spar, and there are thousands of them densely packed.These are the daughters of Xuanfeng who sacrificed their lives for the country when they conquered the countries in those years. It is a pity that the Linhuang country was besieged by powerful enemies, and the soldiers of the Xuanfeng army who stood up to fight the enemy had no chance to stay here again.

She put her hand on the nearest tombstone, where her good subordinates were engraved.She went deep into the enemy's camp three times and killed four enemy generals, making the outcome of the battle decided before it even started.But it's a pity that he was hit by a poisoned arrow for the last time, and died as soon as he returned to the camp.

It can be said that every tombstone is buried with a legend of a hero's daughter.They sacrificed their precious lives for their country and themselves.But the country they gave everything for is gone.

A tear slipped quietly from the corner of Jun Jiang's eye.

She faced life and death countless times without shedding tears, but today, she couldn't control it.

The emperor had warned her when she was very young that tears were the last thing an emperor needed.As a king and an empress, what she wants to show the world is her firmness and majesty, so that she can be loved and respected by her people.

I'm sorry, Queen Mother.

I may not be a qualified empress, but one day, all those who owe the national debt of Linhuang will have to pay a high price for what they have done!

(End of this chapter)

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