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Chapter 308 Business Inspiration

Chapter 308 Business Inspiration
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Next, the couple completely put aside the jewelry and accessories they were looking at just now, and devoted themselves to the rosewood box on the coffee table. The results of the final research made the couple overjoyed! !
"This is great, my wife, we will definitely shine tonight!! Trust me!!"

After looking at all the jewelry and accessories, Shu Yu played with one of the exquisite and unique bracelets and said excitedly to his wife.


Zhang Hanlu absolutely agrees with this!
Xiao Qi made a move, how could it be ordinary! ! !
"Oh, wife, tonight, you must stay by your husband's side and cannot leave! Definitely!!"

After the excitement, Shu Yu suddenly turned to stare at his wife with jealousy, talking about his machismo request! !
Originally, his beloved wife was so charming and eye-catching, but now that he has such a set of exquisite and unique jewelry and accessories to add luster to himself, then his wife tonight will definitely be more beautiful. More beautiful, more beautiful and fairy, like a goddess!

"Hee hee hee~~~ Alright, my wife just listens to my husband!!"

Zhang Hanlu enjoyed the jealousy and jealousy shown by her husband, and immediately agreed without saying a word, and made the same request to her husband:

"Then, hubby, in the same way, you can't leave my side, not even a single step!! Do you understand?"

Jealousy and jealousy are not only limited to men and women, husband and wife are also equal in this respect! !

"Hehehe~~~ Follow orders, my dear wife!!"

Shu Yu, who was very happy and happy to accept the jealousy and jealousy of his beloved wife, immediately agreed with a smile on his face! !
The little jealousy of his beloved wife is so cute! ! !

Xiao Qi, who was already used to being numb to the affectionate look of the master and his wife, rolled her big eyes in an inelegant manner.

In fact, he has absolutely high-end jewelry and accessories here, not to mention, as long as there are materials for making, with Xiaoqi's craftsmanship, skills, and aesthetic concepts, if he wants to make some good jewelry and accessories, that's really It couldn't be easier.

However, perhaps it is because of the relatively long experience in the world of comprehension, as well as in the time and space of the ancients and the world of the ancients. Therefore, the jewelry and accessories collected by his Xiao Qi and his brothers are eight out of ten. Jiudu definitely has classical charm, like the set he sent out just now, there are not too many left.

However, with today's example in front, I believe that in the future, as long as the master and his wife are worried about jewelry and accessories, or can't make a decision, I'm afraid they will ask Xiao Qi to help.

Very good, the world the master lives in, everyone's aesthetics are still very colorful, anyway, there is a lot of time, absorbing more knowledge of this kind, and gaining more knowledge in this area is also a very good experience, isn't it? ?
With such an idea, Xiao Qi shook his head, picked up a book that was absolutely divine for his master and his wife, and continued the translation work in hand.

Just as Xiao Qi was writing down the first translated word, suddenly, he sneezed very strangely, which immediately changed Xiao Qi's expression a little bit! ! ,

You know, he is a weapon spirit, even if it is only one of the avatars, but for an existence like them, a sneeze, no matter how small the sneeze, means something will happen! ! !
With doubts in his heart, Xiao Qi simply put away the things in his hands, cleared his mind, closed his eyes, and meditated!


Things won't be too much trouble! ! !

Zhang Hanlu and Shu Yu, who didn't know about all of this, at this moment, just because they solved the problem of jewelry and accessories for the party tonight, while they were relieved, they were still watching with great interest. This set of jewelry and accessories sent by Xiaoqi.

Because their family already had a jewelry business, Zhang Hanlu and Shu Yu's aesthetic values ​​were relatively acceptable after long-term exposure.

Originally, both the husband and wife believed that as long as the design of jewelry, accessories, or pendants can attract the attention of customers, impress them, and make them desire to buy or collect, then it is good and relatively successful s work.

However, seeing the set sent by Xiaoqi now, every piece of jewelry, every piece of accessory, their design is so cumbersome and simple, the style is simple and generous, and the colors are so coordinated, so Harmony, so that everyone who sees them will not only be deeply attracted by the first sight, but also have a strong sense of love from the heart and from the depths of the soul! !
Moreover, this kind of deep love is like wine, the longer the age, the better the taste of wine, this set of jewelry is also the same, the more people look at it, the more intoxicated, the more intoxicated, the more loved, the more Love, the infinite charm of the more obsessed! ! !

Also, there are still many changes in this set of jewelry. The small mechanism design and ingenious ideas can make them change into more than a dozen different styles!That is to say, although the husband and wife only have this set of jewelry in front of them, with a little change, it will be transformed into more than a dozen sets of exquisite and unique jewelry! !
What an amazing design! ! !

And such a design is what the current jewelry industry lacks the most! ! !
It is also the most needed at present! ! !

It has great commercial value! ! ! !
As a businessman, especially Shu Yu, who is more sensitive to business and business opportunities, after he calmed down, he immediately moved his mind, pulled his wife, and started discussing the set of precious jewelry in front of him.

"Honey, look..."

Following her husband's narration, Zhang Hanlu's eyes became more energetic and brighter.

There is no woman who is not keen on jewelry, and there is no one who can never seek and pursue the absolute beauty. Therefore, under the influence of business for so many years, Zhang Hanlu immediately thought of several kinds of jewellery. How great the success of jewelry, accessories, and pendants of different styles will be in the shopping malls, and what huge and considerable commercial benefits will be brought to them! !

However, after being happy and excited, Zhang Hanlu immediately thought of the follow-up effect of the colorful bead incident. Up to now, they are still working hard on the colorful bead incident. Will this jewelry also...

"Husband, will this set of jewelry bring us as much trouble as the colored beads?"

"Oh no?!!"

Shu Yu, who was speaking in high spirits, was suddenly extinguished by his wife's big pot of cold water on his business enthusiasm! !
Recalling the two of them, the husband and wife, and Xiaoqi's various efforts for the Caizhu incident, he also became terrified! !

The case of Caizhu has not been resolved, if there is another incident of the same nature, it will be a terrible thing! ! !

The two husbands and wives who had a tacit understanding also looked at each other with serious expressions and their hearts beat fast for a while. Then, the couple said in unison:
"Ask Little Seven!!"

However, when Zhang Hanlu was about to call Xiaoqi in his heart, the image of Xiaoqi crossing his legs and closing his eyes in meditation first appeared in the minds of both of them. The husband and wife had seen such a scene many times , and they all know that at this time, Xiao Qi, they shouldn't, and they shouldn't bother! !

Therefore, due to the unlucky timing, the husband and wife had no choice but to temporarily suppress their fears, and then stopped discussing about the changeable types of jewelry, lest the more they discuss, the more excited, the more excited, the more urgent, the more urgent, The more likely it is to cause trouble! !

"Forget it, let's talk about it after we ask Xiaoqi. Wife, I want to take a nap, so you can accompany me."

Shu Yu reluctantly moved his eyes away from the set of exquisite jewelry in front of him, and in order not to regret it, he quickly covered the lid of the wooden box, put it in front of his wife, and motioned for her to take the red sandalwood The wooden box is received into the space.

After the wooden box disappeared in front of them, Shu Yu rubbed the center of his brows, feeling a little tired, maybe because he had discussed too hard just now.

"Okay, I'll accompany you!"

Zhang Hanlu looked up at the clock on the wall and found that there was still some time for her husband to take a nap, so she followed her husband's wish and nodded in agreement.

In fact, if Xiaoqi was not meditating, he would never be disturbed. The husband and wife can enter the space, have a good sleep in the space, and replenish the physical strength and energy consumed.


Zhang Hanlu saw her husband lying on the bed in the lounge, and fell asleep within a few seconds, thinking, with her watching over her, in such a short time, her husband should be able to rest almost as well.

Since a long time ago, more precisely, after giving birth to the octuplets, she discovered that no matter a little baby who doesn't know anything or a mature and stable adult, as long as she stays by her side, she will be very happy. It is easy to relax and unwind.Her husband also has a deep understanding of this point, so everyone in the family always surrounds her unconsciously.

It is because of this unclear and incomprehensible reason that although there are many flower plants such as lavender that have a calming and tranquilizing effect in their own small home, the effect in their home is far from The effect is not as obvious on the side of elder brother, sister-in-law and sister-in-law, because as long as she is there, it can have the best effect of calming and calming the mind.

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(End of this chapter)

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