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Chapter 229 Wild Vegetable Seeds

Chapter 229 Wild Vegetable Seeds
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You must know that even in this era, the social status of men and women has changed a lot, women still cannot avoid taking on these long-standing and ancient responsibilities and fulfilling these self-evident, as if it is a natural obligation.Like her husband, who does not reject housework and can help his wife with housework, he is definitely a super good man of the century!Hahaha! ! ! !

Within a few days, Zhang's father, Zhang's mother and others received a package from M country. Apart from some things that have long been very used to, the most comfortable thing for everyone is the package of wild vegetable seeds .You know, at this moment, it is very difficult to collect such a complete set of wild vegetable seeds.Everyone now knows the beauty of wild vegetables. When they see wild vegetables, they will pick them up, or keep them for their own food, or sell them in the vegetable market for a few dollars.And if wild vegetables have really formed a scale in terms of planting and breeding, then they can no longer be regarded as wild vegetables in the true sense.

Especially for those who live in the city, every household has a small vegetable garden, and nine out of ten of them grow some home-cooked vegetables, although they can be seen in many small vegetable gardens of ordinary people. Some small wild vegetable seedlings popped up, but not many of them really allowed those wild vegetable seedlings to grow naturally into edible wild vegetables.

Let’s talk about others, such as elm money and Sophora japonica, the elm money trees and Sophora japonica trees that were often seen in the countryside before are rarely seen now, and even if some people plant a elm money tree or If it is a pagoda tree, when it is ready to be picked and eaten every year, the neighbors will come to your door and ask for some. After all, if you want to buy elm money or pagoda tree in the vegetable market , It's really not easy, not to mention, the market conditions of Yuqian and Sophora japonica are so popular now, not everyone has such good luck to meet and buy them.

The Zhang family has always liked to eat wild vegetables, elm money and Sophora japonica, although after the city, the Zhang family has lived in a high-rise, and it is not as cheap as before to eat wild vegetables.However, in the early years, when the Zhang family was still making handicrafts made of sorghum materials, they often went to the countryside to purchase materials. In those villages, there were still many families who planted one or two elm trees or pagoda trees in their homes. Not to mention the convenience of eating for my family, even in the season of elm money and Sophora japonica, picking some and selling them in the vegetable market is also an income.

However, since the Zhang family closed their physical store and started operating an online store with all their heart, they haven't eaten sweet elm coins and sophora japonica flowers very often.For this reason, Zhang's father also intends to plant a pagoda tree in the yard of Zhang's elder brother's house, which belongs to the elm tree, but because the place is too small, he failed to do so.However, after the youngest daughter bought a villa, this kind of thinking became active again. Last year, a few strong saplings were selected and planted in the corner of the courtyard of the little daughter's villa.

At this time, because those saplings are still young, if you want to eat to your heart's content, you need to wait for a while.It's just that after the people of the Zhou family and the Ke family knew about this situation, they sent these to the Zhang family several times during the season when the elms and Sophora japonicas were ripe, and each time the amount of delivery was not small, enough for them to enjoy it. After two or three meals, I will satisfy my hunger.

Both elm money and Sophora japonica are okay, but wild vegetables are not easy to find, especially wild vegetable seeds.Grandma Zhang and Mother Zhang have searched for it many times, but some families have no wild vegetable seeds at all, and some have the same wild vegetable seeds as Zhang's own.Now that Zhang Hanlu sent over such a complete set of wild vegetable seeds, Grandma Zhang and Mother Zhang were immediately happy.

"Hey, this kid Lulu is really capable! I really haven't seen such a complete set of wild vegetable seeds all at once!"

Grandma Zhang held a pack of wild vegetable seeds in her left and right hands and looked at them. Although she didn’t know some of the wild vegetable seeds, but the little granddaughter was too careful. There was a label on each package of wild vegetable seeds, and there were detailed instructions on the label. It is also accompanied by vivid small pictures, which allows them to match the farm names and literary names of wild vegetables.

"Yeah, I don't know how much thought Lulu has spent on it, but she has collected so complete, and there are so many of each kind. I just said it very casually, and this girl took care of it, hehehe ~~~"

Ms. Zhang smiled, very relieved, and very happy looking at the packs of bulging wild vegetable seeds, and said to herself while talking.Father Zhang and Grandpa Zhang both felt the same emotion as their wives when they saw this.

Zhang's father took a pack of wild vegetable seeds and squeezed them with his hands. He felt that there were so many seeds in it, and his family didn't need that many at all. Thinking of Zhou's family and others, he knew that his little daughter sent so many. A complete set of seeds must also include other people's shares.So he said to the others:
"Lulu sent so many, it must not only be for our own use, but also other people's. I'll go and get some papers. Let's share a point and give some to everyone."

"Okay, this idea is very good, Dongsheng, hurry up, go and get it!"

Ever since he became more open-minded, Grandpa Zhang has been in a very happy mood. Now that he heard his son put forward such a good suggestion, he immediately urged him.

"Hey, I'm going right now!"

So on this day, all the people who are familiar with the Zhang family received unique and very farm-style gifts from the Zhang family.The nutritional value of wild vegetables has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Whether it is someone who plans to grow wild vegetables at home or someone who has such a thought, they are very happy to receive such a gift.

Among them, the Zhou family and the Ke family, two old ladies who have nothing to do now and are obsessed with planting, after receiving the wild vegetable seeds sent by the Zhang family, planted them in their own flowerpots according to the current season. It is planted inside, but it is more of an experimental nature.After all, with the origins and backgrounds of the Zhou family and the Ke family, there are all kinds of convenient channels to eat fresh vegetables. Not to mention, they all know that Zhang Hanlu, the youngest daughter of the Zhang family, has a building in Huaxia. The villa, there is also a greenhouse in the villa, which grows various fruits and vegetables. After they get acquainted with the Zhang family, they often eat the melons, fruits and vegetables sent by the Zhang family, and try to plant them by themselves with a dozen or twenty seeds. It is not only a kind of entertainment in old age, but also a good way of pastime.

As for Mr. Zhou and Mr. Ke, these two big men like to cultivate flowers far more than those edible melons, fruits and vegetables. Therefore, although they do not object to their wives tossing, they are not very supportive. The suggestions they gave were really adopted by their wives because of the many differences between planting flowers and planting edible fruits and vegetables, and in the end it was proved to be very correct. not much.However, when my wife was holding these upside down, they were so happy, and they were also very happy.

Early the next morning, Father Zhang, Mother Zhang, Grandpa Zhang, and Grandma Zhang came to the greenhouse at Zhang Hanlu's villa and planted some wild vegetable seeds. It's time to sow the seeds, and whether they can reap the harvest in the end, but since Zhang Hanlu said so affirmatively, they still chose to obey. After all, they are the people who know what kind of person Zhang Hanlu is.

And what happened later proved that what Zhang Hanlu said was correct. Although some of the wild vegetable seeds sown were not suitable, there was a greenhouse. In the end, the Zhang family still ate the wild vegetables that they sowed. , but also very fresh and tender, very delicious.

Some people even came to the door after knowing that Zhang's family had grown fresh wild vegetables, wanting to buy some to eat at home.For this, Zhang's father and the others were very happy, and also a little helpless. After all, their family had eaten more than half of the wild vegetables, and there were not too many that could really be given away. What's more, they are now This is the first time I have eaten wild vegetables so heartily. I have tried all kinds of wild vegetables, whether they are home-cooked or exquisite. I still eat and eat until I have almost eaten, and I will get tired of eating again, and then I will change to other things.

Of course, they can't eat wild vegetables uninterruptedly for three meals a day. Not to mention that they can't keep up with nutrition, there will be some not-so-good things.Even if it is eaten with other foods, I still eat a lot of wild vegetables.The four old people of the Zhou family and the Ke family also ate with the Zhang family most of the time. Originally, the children of the Zhou family and the Ke family were a little worried about what would be bad if they ate wild vegetables so frequently. The old man was taken to the hospital for a detailed examination of the whole body. After seeing that all the indicators of the old man's body were very healthy, he was completely relieved.

What's more, the Zhang family's food, the Zhou family, the Ke family and others also know it well. They have taken some samples to test, and in the end, all of them are pure natural and healthy.What's more, after their careful observation, since the four elderly people in their family moved to live in that community, their bodies have obviously become much stronger, the age spots on their faces have also faded, and their legs and feet have become stronger. , and the mood has always been maintained in a happy state, and they are even more at ease.

You must know that even in this era, the social status of men and women has changed a lot, women still cannot avoid taking on these long-standing and ancient responsibilities and fulfilling these self-evident, as if it is a natural obligation.Like her husband, who does not reject housework and can help his wife with housework, he is definitely a super good man of the century!Hahaha! ! ! !

Within a few days, Zhang's father, Zhang's mother and others received a package from M country. Apart from some things that have long been very used to, the most comfortable thing for everyone is the package of wild vegetable seeds .You know, at this moment, it is very difficult to collect such a complete set of wild vegetable seeds.Everyone now knows the beauty of wild vegetables. When they see wild vegetables, they will pick them up, or keep them for their own food, or sell them in the vegetable market for a few dollars.And if wild vegetables have really formed a scale in terms of planting and breeding, then they can no longer be regarded as wild vegetables in the true sense.

Especially for those who live in the city, every household has a small vegetable garden, and nine out of ten of them grow some home-cooked vegetables, although they can be seen in many small vegetable gardens of ordinary people. Some small wild vegetable seedlings popped up, but not many of them really allowed those wild vegetable seedlings to grow naturally into edible wild vegetables.

Let’s talk about others, such as elm money and Sophora japonica, the elm money trees and Sophora japonica trees that were often seen in the countryside before are rarely seen now, and even if some people plant a elm money tree or If it is a pagoda tree, when it is ready to be picked and eaten every year, the neighbors will come to your door and ask for some. After all, if you want to buy elm money or pagoda tree in the vegetable market , It's really not easy, not to mention, the market conditions of Yuqian and Sophora japonica are so popular now, not everyone has such good luck to meet and buy them.

The Zhang family has always liked to eat wild vegetables, elm money and Sophora japonica, although after the city, the Zhang family has lived in a high-rise, and it is not as cheap as before to eat wild vegetables.However, in the early years, when the Zhang family was still making handicrafts made of sorghum materials, they often went to the countryside to purchase materials. In those villages, there were still many families who planted one or two elm trees or pagoda trees in their homes. Not to mention the convenience of eating for my family, even in the season of elm money and Sophora japonica, picking some and selling them in the vegetable market is also an income.

However, since the Zhang family closed their physical store and started operating an online store with all their heart, they haven't eaten sweet elm coins and sophora japonica flowers very often.For this reason, Zhang's father also intends to plant a pagoda tree in the yard of Zhang's elder brother's house, which belongs to the elm tree, but because the place is too small, he failed to do so.However, after the youngest daughter bought a villa, this kind of thinking became active again. Last year, a few strong saplings were selected and planted in the corner of the courtyard of the little daughter's villa.

At this time, because those saplings are still young, if you want to eat to your heart's content, you need to wait for a while.It's just that after the people of the Zhou family and the Ke family knew about this situation, they sent these to the Zhang family several times during the season when the elms and Sophora japonicas were ripe, and each time the amount of delivery was not small, enough for them to enjoy it. After two or three meals, I will satisfy my hunger.

Both elm money and Sophora japonica are okay, but wild vegetables are not easy to find, especially wild vegetable seeds.Grandma Zhang and Mother Zhang have searched for it many times, but some families have no wild vegetable seeds at all, and some have the same wild vegetable seeds as Zhang's own.Now that Zhang Hanlu sent over such a complete set of wild vegetable seeds, Grandma Zhang and Mother Zhang were immediately happy.

"Hey, this kid Lulu is really capable! I really haven't seen such a complete set of wild vegetable seeds all at once!"

Grandma Zhang held a pack of wild vegetable seeds in her left and right hands and looked at them. Although she didn’t know some of the wild vegetable seeds, but the little granddaughter was too careful. There was a label on each package of wild vegetable seeds, and there were detailed instructions on the label. It is also accompanied by vivid small pictures, which allows them to match the farm names and literary names of wild vegetables.

"Yeah, I don't know how much thought Lulu has spent on it, but she has collected so complete, and there are so many of each kind. I just said it very casually, and this girl took care of it, hehehe ~~~"

Ms. Zhang smiled, very relieved, and very happy looking at the packs of bulging wild vegetable seeds, and said to herself while talking.Father Zhang and Grandpa Zhang both felt the same emotion as their wives when they saw this.

Zhang's father took a pack of wild vegetable seeds and squeezed them with his hands. He felt that there were so many seeds in it, and his family didn't need that many at all. Thinking of Zhou's family and others, he knew that his little daughter sent so many. A complete set of seeds must also include other people's shares.So he said to the others:
"Lulu sent so many, it must not only be for our own use, but also other people's. I'll go and get some papers. Let's share a point and give some to everyone."

"Okay, this idea is very good, Dongsheng, hurry up, go and get it!"

Ever since he became more open-minded, Grandpa Zhang has been in a very happy mood. Now that he heard his son put forward such a good suggestion, he immediately urged him.

"Hey, I'm going right now!"

So on this day, all the people who are familiar with the Zhang family received unique and very farm-style gifts from the Zhang family.The nutritional value of wild vegetables has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Whether it is someone who plans to grow wild vegetables at home or someone who has such a thought, they are very happy to receive such a gift.

Among them, the Zhou family and the Ke family, two old ladies who have nothing to do now and are obsessed with planting, after receiving the wild vegetable seeds sent by the Zhang family, planted them in their own flowerpots according to the current season. It is planted inside, but it is more of an experimental nature.After all, with the origins and backgrounds of the Zhou family and the Ke family, there are all kinds of convenient channels to eat fresh vegetables. Not to mention, they all know that Zhang Hanlu, the youngest daughter of the Zhang family, has a building in Huaxia. The villa, there is also a greenhouse in the villa, which grows various fruits and vegetables. After they get acquainted with the Zhang family, they often eat the melons, fruits and vegetables sent by the Zhang family, and try to plant them by themselves with a dozen or twenty seeds. It is not only a kind of entertainment in old age, but also a good way of pastime.

As for Mr. Zhou and Mr. Ke, these two big men like to cultivate flowers far more than those edible melons, fruits and vegetables. Therefore, although they do not object to their wives tossing, they are not very supportive. The suggestions they gave were really adopted by their wives because of the many differences between planting flowers and planting edible fruits and vegetables, and in the end it was proved to be very correct. not much.However, when my wife was holding these upside down, they were so happy, and they were also very happy.

Early the next morning, Father Zhang, Mother Zhang, Grandpa Zhang, and Grandma Zhang came to the greenhouse at Zhang Hanlu's villa and planted some wild vegetable seeds. It's time to sow the seeds, and whether they can reap the harvest in the end, but since Zhang Hanlu said so affirmatively, they still chose to obey. After all, they are the people who know what kind of person Zhang Hanlu is.

And what happened later proved that what Zhang Hanlu said was correct. Although some of the wild vegetable seeds sown were not suitable, there was a greenhouse. In the end, the Zhang family still ate the wild vegetables that they sowed. , but also very fresh and tender, very delicious.

Some people even came to the door after knowing that Zhang's family had grown fresh wild vegetables, wanting to buy some to eat at home.For this, Zhang's father and the others were very happy, and also a little helpless. After all, their family had eaten more than half of the wild vegetables, and there were not too many that could really be given away. What's more, they are now This is the first time I have eaten wild vegetables so heartily. I have tried all kinds of wild vegetables, whether they are home-cooked or exquisite. I still eat and eat until I have almost eaten, and I will get tired of eating again, and then I will change to other things.

Of course, they can't eat wild vegetables uninterruptedly for three meals a day. Not to mention that they can't keep up with nutrition, there will be some not-so-good things.Even if it is eaten with other foods, I still eat a lot of wild vegetables.The four old people of the Zhou family and the Ke family also ate with the Zhang family most of the time. Originally, the children of the Zhou family and the Ke family were a little worried about what would be bad if they ate wild vegetables so frequently. The old man was taken to the hospital for a detailed examination of the whole body. After seeing that all the indicators of the old man's body were very healthy, he was completely relieved.

What's more, the Zhang family's food, the Zhou family, the Ke family and others also know it well. They have taken some samples to test, and in the end, all of them are pure natural and healthy.What's more, after their careful observation, since the four elderly people in their family moved to live in that community, their bodies have obviously become much stronger, the age spots on their faces have also faded, and their legs and feet have become stronger. , and the mood has always been maintained in a happy state, and they are even more at ease.

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(End of this chapter)

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