doctor magician

Chapter 278 Enthusiastic Look

Chapter 278 Enthusiastic Look

Xiao Ying accompanied Faye Wong to watch it for a while, and finally couldn't help but said: "Sister Fei, is this TV so good?"

"Ah?" Faye Wong turned her head and saw that Xiao Ying was sitting beside her, she couldn't help standing up hastily in fright.

"Sir, when did you come back?"

"Me? For a while! But I don't want to disturb you since you're watching it with such relish!" Xiao Ying said after thinking for a while.

"I'm going to cook!" Faye Wong was like a little girl who was caught stealing food.After your face is red, you are ready to run away!

Xiao Ying grabbed her hand with a smile and said: "It's still so early, why worry! Let's watch for a while!"

"Ah!" An exclamation sounded.

Xiao Ying was a little embarrassed, but at the same time enjoyed it a little.

Because Faye Wong left in such a hurry, she didn't expect Xiao Ying to grab her hand, so she fell into Xiao Ying's arms very logically!
I don't know if someone did it on purpose, and I didn't mean to remind others at all.

The two were in a stalemate like this, and Faye Wong didn't move.A familiar face is lowered like this, with a pair of eyelashes blinking, it is really charming.

There is no comparison between this green apple and a ripe apple.As far as this physical feeling is concerned, Xiao Ying also felt as if he was hugging a ball of soft cotton.

Xiao Ying's hand moved, feeling that this life is good to eat, and it is still beneficial!
You see, when Faye Wong just came here, her body was skinny and skinny!After a period of time, the place that should be soft is also soft.

Some time ago, looking at the back made Xiao Ying sink in, and this feeling was another feeling.At least Xiao Ying didn't intend to ask her to get up.

As a nanny, Faye Wong certainly knows about the dealings of some rich people and nanny.Of course, she never had the intention of resisting Xiao Ying in her heart.Some things are not things that can be paid off with two bottles of Moutai for three or two catties of apples.Besides, she couldn't afford Moutai either.

Just when the two were stalemate there, it was wrong!When Xiao Ying was reluctant to part with it, an episode of Dream of Red Mansions suddenly ended, and the loud voice of the advertisement sounded.

Like a startled rabbit, Faye Wong hurriedly left Xiao Ying's arms and went to the kitchen.

Xiao Ying touched his nose with a slight smile, this damn advertisement!But the relationship between himself and Faye Wong seems a bit unclear.Hope nothing is different.

"No. 30! Roy from Russia vs. Xiao Ying from China!"

Ok!Today is the day of the semi-finals, and today is also the draw to decide the opponent!
Of course, if your opponent is from the same country as yourself, you can apply to change your opponent.Otherwise, could it be that his family beat his own family?

Xiao Ying felt that his luck was a bit bad, and it was Lao Maozi who was so special.And looking at this posture, he is still a boxer.heavy duty!

Then Xiao Ying wanted to scold people, these heavy boxers are all fucking tall?What Roy looks like today seems to be similar to the one yesterday.

Almost two meters tall.It looks oppressive.

"Huaxia boy! I know you. You defeated my good friend Shelev yesterday. I won't let you go today!" This old man spoke fluent Huaxia, which made Xiao Ying a little surprised.This guy can actually speak Chinese.

Fortunately, I stabilized myself. I said to scold this Polaris just now, but he didn't understand anyway!It turns out that he didn't expect him to speak Huaxia.Looking at it like this, it's obvious that you didn't just learn it!

"It's that stupid big guy from yesterday? I don't think you're very good! Maybe you're still a silver gun with waxed gun head." Xiao Ying's words revealed disdain.

The old man recognized it, but he didn't understand what the silver gun wax tip meant.

"Damn you! I'm going to tear you apart!" That guy looks very oppressive, and he also feels oppressive when he runs.

Xiao Ying felt that if he didn't know about it last night, he might be frightened and stupefied today!
A heavy boxer, his shots are really powerful, and just like his body, it can bring people a sense of oppression.Roy seems to have learned a lesson from Serev.When punching, it is a top-down punching method.

Xiao Ying pursed his mouth, and immediately took a step back.Then when his punch was exhausted and he hadn't gained momentum.A punch rubbed Roy's left waist and passed.

Obviously, from Roy's point of view, this Xiao Ying wanted to repeat the old trick.Just like defeating Serev, hit it on your own.

When Serev recovered yesterday afternoon, he told himself that if he faced the Huaxia people, he must not let them defeat this place.

Because he felt yesterday that the Chinese man could numb his whole body when he hit here.

Although he tried it with his own hands, it didn't work. He thought it was due to Huaxia Kung Fu.

So today Roy is particularly vigilant.Seeing Xiao Ying's punch go straight there, he turned sideways immediately.

Xiao Ying pursed his lips, it seemed that these guys were also prepared.The Zhangmen acupoint is well protected!
But it doesn't matter, the human body has more than 30 fatal points.It is not only the Zhangmen point that is fatal.As long as you hit other positions, you will still lie on the ground for half a day.

However, Roy's reaction was indeed quick. After dodging Xiao Ying's punch, he punched Xiao Ying who was next to him.

Xiao Ying had been prepared for a long time, when he punched him, he kicked hard on the ground with his right foot.With the force of this counter-shock, he jumped up.

Then he pressed his palm on the top of Roy's head, and pressed his middle finger and index finger on his Baihui acupoint with the weight of his body after jumping up.

Sometimes victory comes so easily, the moment Xiao Ying jumped up, Xiao Ying knew he had won.

Baihui acupoint is a fatal acupoint, but naturally it is impossible for Xiao Ying to kill him.It just made his brain confused for a short time.

Now it's a competition, this short period of confusion is enough for Xiao Ying to win!
People who don't have cheats will never truly understand the huge cheating effect of cheats.

This point, Xiao Ying's experience is huge.In his previous life, he didn't have a golden finger.So I lived my life in a mediocre way.Having a wife is like not having one.A job is also a job of eating and waiting to die.

There is no future in work, and there is no meaning in life.What I was talking about was Xiao Ying's feeling at that time.

And now?

Everything changed because of Goldfinger!The medical records of the whole country are all in his head.When I dream at night, I also dream about whether I will fight the next day, and whether I will need acupuncture to save people the next day.

So Xiao Ying in this life, because of Goldfinger.History has completely changed!Some people who were going to die didn't die, and some people who didn't know each other knew each other!

For example, myself and Bai Tingting were in the previous life.One is a strong woman in the business world, with a lot of wealth in her hands.And what about myself?A small employee of the Ministry of Health!How could the two meet?
But in this life, I knew her.You said that this world is so wonderful.A little change, history is completely different!

I gave up the job assigned by the school and chose to start my own business, and I became a genius doctor in the provincial capital, and a magic stick!

Because of a dream, I ran to the capital.

And because of some changes, he was standing on the competition field in the gymnasium. By the way, the one named Roy had already been defeated by himself.

Xiao Ying felt good standing on the court, and he overthrew an old man with just a few moves. Isn't this feeling good?

So Xiao Ying put on a POSS before going down.Just like Bruce Lee, he cried and howled twice.

Originally, Xiao Ying wanted to take off his shirt and punch him twice like Bruce Lee, but he felt that it was not bad!
But if you think it will damage your image, forget it!

When the reporters saw Xiao Ying posing on it, they cooperated and took pictures of him.Then I heard the howling of wolves and ghosts.They've already figured out the front page headline for the evening paper!
"Bruce Lee is second!"

Xiao Ying's POSS has brought generous salaries to many journalists.Because in the evening they published the manuscript for the newspaper.It sold out quickly!

"Bruce Lee is second!"

"The second Bruce Lee!"

"Show off our country's prestige!"

"The Undefeated God of War!"

Numerous headlines were carried in the different evening papers.Whether it is the undefeated God of War or Bruce Lee second.They are all expressing one meaning, that is, they are very optimistic about Xiao Ying.

Correspondingly, the common people are also very optimistic about them.Because their newspapers have been robbed!
At this time, a man in his 30s was also holding a newspaper in his hand.

The front page above is Xiao Ying's jade photo!

And the following are a few big words-Bruce Lee washes away Luo Kun's shame for the second time!
"Bastard! Damn bastard!" Seeing this, the man couldn't help tearing the newspaper into pieces.

"Aren't you so proud! Aren't you so beautiful! Don't those media think so highly of you! I'll let them down, I'll ruin your reputation!" The man said with a ferocious face.

People say that the night is beautiful. In Xiao Ying's view, the night in the capital is more beautiful than the later generations!
Because there is no dirty air, no sandstorms, no smog here!The air is fresh and the sky is blue.The night is full of little stars!
Sitting in the car, Xiao Ying looked at the starlight above his head, and was about to go back.The big brother in the seat next to him rang loudly.

Xiao Ying picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

Although he was puzzled, Xiao Ying still picked it up.

"Excuse me who?" Xiao Ying asked calmly.

"Brother Xiao, right? Are you free tonight? May I invite you to have a drink or two?" A hearty voice came from over there.

When Xiao Ying heard it, it was actually Luo Kun's voice. He didn't know why he would call him and buy him a drink.Xiao Ying remembered that he had no friendship with Luo Kun, right?

"It's Luo Kun! Let's get rid of the drinking! It's not a happy event!" Xiao Ying refused with a smile.He didn't want to go out to drink with this person, because he felt that this person's smile was too hypocritical.

"Hey! Brother Xiao, how can there be no happy event? You didn't read the newspaper! Now you are in the newspaper again! You are now Bruce Lee's second, how can you say that there is no happy event? How? Drink two tonight Cup, let's celebrate?" Luo Kun invited again.

"Those are all nonsense from the media. How could I possibly compare to Bruce Lee! Besides, I've already had dinner with my friends! I won't eat any more!" Xiao Ying still refused.

He felt that Luo Kun was a bit strange, why did he always invite him to drink?
"That's just right! I ate too, let's go to the bar for a drink!" Luo Kun still looked enthusiastic.

(End of this chapter)

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