doctor magician

Chapter 177 The Most Annoying Person

Chapter 177 The Most Annoying Person

As for Biaozi who has been lying next to him, because his kneecap was kicked by Xiao Ying, he has been lying on the ground, unable to go anywhere. However, if he relies on the strength of his arms, Biaozi can also crawl away slowly, but, maybe He was still intimidated by Xiao Ying, for fear that Xiao Ying would kill him if he got angry, then it would not be a problem that a small orthopedic surgery could solve, but he would go to the crematorium.

After Xiao Ying finished wiping the knife, he stuffed the cloth back into his pocket, and then slowly pressed the sword against the fat woman's chest.

"Tell me, it would be bad if the knife was stained with blood."

"What exactly do you want?"

Xiao Ying's actions, coupled with his seemingly inadvertent but murderous words, completely broke down the fat woman's inner defenses. She was originally just a fat woman sweating profusely, but this time she directly started crying, tears It kept flowing down, and it was hard to tell whether it was sweat or tears.

"You said, you never thought of this before you came to take revenge on me?"

Xiao Ying asked curiously with some teasing, his eyes were full of indifference.

"What do you want, what do you want."

The defense in the fat woman's heart had completely collapsed, and she didn't have the heart to answer any of Xiao Ying's questions, she just kept repeating "What exactly do you want?"

"You want to know what I want, don't you? Ah!"

Xiao Ying's voice was much louder, and his tone was full of anger.

"Let me tell you, I fucking hate people like you who don't repent."

Xiao Ying held the knife in his backhand, and then directly thrust the knife into the fat woman's hand that was on the ground, and the knife directly penetrated the fat woman's fingers, and the sword was just inserted into the crack of the brick on the ground.


The fat woman's screams echoed in the dark alley.


When Xiao Ying first came to the capital, he decided one thing for himself, that is, to set up a stall in Dashilan for only three days, and then never go to Dashilan again, because after a long time, everyone will naturally not Put him in your eyes, and after three days and one hour, he can become like a hidden expert, and this will naturally raise the price at that time.

Soon, it was the third day of setting up the stall. At the beginning of the third day, someone came to tell the fortune. It was a very young looking woman who looked like she was born in a noble family, or at least she was also from a family. The conditions are relatively superior. Compared with the simple clothes of the people around her, her clothes look very out of place.

She walked in front of Xiao Ying with a panicked expression. At this time, Xiao Ying was laying the stall. Although she looked very anxious, she waited until Xiao Ying finished laying the stall, hung up the sign "fortune-telling and healing", and sat down cross-legged. She just spoke.

"You must save me!"

The flustered young woman spoke with a pleading tone, but her eyes were wandering, looking around, or, more like, checking to see if she was being followed.

"Name, date of birth, place of origin."

"My name is Chen Jiao. I was born in 1970. I am a local."

The flustered young woman quickly reported the information Xiao Ying asked, and then continued to look around.

"What do you want?"

When asking this sentence, Xiao Ying had already searched the information about Gillian silently in his mind, and found that this Gillian died three days later, the cause of death was drowning, and after knowing this, , Xiao Ying didn't ask, and knew what she was trying to calculate. However, the process that should be followed still had to be followed, otherwise it would be easy to frighten others.

"You help me figure out when something will happen to me."

After finishing speaking, the young woman who looked flustered and looked around from time to time took out a stuffed paper bag from her bag. It seemed that this young woman spared no expense to save her life.

"Better hide now, or you'll be drowning in three days."

The flustered young woman, after hearing what Xiao Ying said, slumped on the ground powerlessly. At this time, there were not many people setting up stalls around. Today was the last day, so Xiao Ying came out early to set up a stall. , did not expect to pick up a big piece of fat just after he came out, Xiao Ying felt that getting up early this time was also very worthwhile.

"Bastard, you really want to kill me."

The young woman who was flustered at the moment seemed to have taken a reassurance. The flustered expression turned into anger, a kind of anger that wanted to tear the "bastard" in her mouth to pieces.

However, Xiao Ying had seen this kind of thing a lot, and he was not surprised, so Xiao Ying closed his eyes and rested his mind. The young woman with an angry face left Xiao Ying's booth with a murderous look.

And soon, another fortune-teller came, but this time, she was not as flustered and bitter as the previous young woman.

Standing in front of Xiao Ying at this time was a young guy wearing glasses, standing in front of Xiao Ying with a face full of expectation, and did not disturb Xiao Ying with his eyes closed.

Xiao Ying, who had just closed his eyes, felt the person standing in front of him after a while, opened his eyes slowly, and asked.

"Name, date of birth, place of origin."

"My name is Zhang Wei, my birthday is May 1969, 5, and I am a local."

After all, this young man named Zhang Wei took out a pile of money from his bag, but it didn't look like a lot, and put it in front of Xiao Ying.

"I want to figure out when I will be promoted, is it enough?"

Xiao Ying glanced at the money in front of him, and then flipped through the information of this young man named Zhang Wei in his mind. Combined with his medical records, he quickly analyzed the time of his promotion.However, after 1 minute, Xiao Ying spoke.

"Before the end of next year."

"Then what shall I do?"

The young man named Zhang Wei asked curiously, but this was naturally beyond the scope of Xiao Ying's answer.

"Some things are preordained. As long as you develop according to your current situation, you will be promoted before the end of next year."

Faced with this kind of problem, Xiao Ying naturally has his own way to deal with it, but his statement is not unreasonable.

The man named Zhang Wei left with joy after knowing how likely he was to be promoted. It may be that he had fully witnessed Xiao Ying's strength two days ago, and the two people who came to tell the fortune today had no doubts.

Before noon, there was a long queue in front of Xiao Ying's booth, and Xiao Ying answered them one by one.

Today is already the third full day of setting up the stall. From the first day when no one cared about it to today's long line of customers who come to tell fortunes and cure illnesses, three full days have passed.

Although compared to the empty crowd on the first day, there are more and more customers who come to fortune-telling and treatment.But there were not enough guests, not enough to satisfy Xiao Ying.Moreover, although the number of people has doubled several times, except for the first person who comes to fortune-telling, the others are nothing more than "when will my wife have a baby", "when will I meet my other half", "when will I get rich" and so on. It is a small problem that makes Xiao Ying earn too much money. However, the problem itself is not small, but most of the fortune-tellers are ordinary people. He didn't have that much money either, so for these fortune-tellers, the price Xiao Ying asked for was considered affordable.

Xiao Ying has made a lot of money in such an empty-handed job as fortune-telling, and Xiao Ying is naturally a little happy in his heart.The pockets, which were nearly empty, became thick again, and once rich, the waist would naturally harden.

However, Xiao Ying made up his mind that if he wanted to gain a complete reputation, he would have to retire for a period of time after setting up today's stall. Naturally, showing his face on the street like this is not a long-term solution. Xiao Ying knows more It should be the kind that sees a patient and can eat for a year, not like today, relying on more people to make money, this is the job of a breakfast seller, not like Xiao Ying. So much precious information should be done for a long time.

Summer nights always come very late, but the sun gets off work on time every day, and soon, it will be sunset again today, and today is also the last day for Xiao Ying to set up a stall, Xiao Ying will be completely exhausted after today Disappear from this big fence with mixed fish and eyes, and in doing so, you can directly become the focus of people's discussions after dinner.


Xiao Ying looked at the anxious aunt in front of him and said.

"What, boy, I've been in line for such a long time, why is it over?"

Aunt held a fan in one hand and kept fanning it, while pointing at Xiao Ying with the other hand, she asked.

"When it's over, it's over."

Xiao Ying didn't pay any attention to this aunt any more, and started to pack his things, preparing to end the last day of setting up a stall.

After hearing the conversation between Xiao Ying and Big Mom, the people behind Big Mom saw Xiao Ying started to pack his things, and left disappointed. Among those people, there were always some people who wanted to complain.

"Hey, what, it's been so long in line."

"I can only come back tomorrow."


The people who lined up quickly left, and the aunt looked at Xiao Ying's unquestionable expression, so she had no choice but to turn around and leave without pestering Xiao Ying any more.

Just after Xiao Ying finished tidying up, he stood up and turned around when he saw five or six people in urban control uniforms standing in front of him. It seemed that the urban management had their eyes on him in just three days.

"Why, the stall was closed so early."

A person who looked like a leader, his tone was full of joy after a wolf caught a chick. It seemed that if Xiao Ying was not allowed to bleed a little today, they would not let it go.

"Yes, it's time."

Although Xiao Ying saw the person in uniform in front of him, his tone was still as plain as before, and he didn't lower his tone just because the person in front of him was a small boss. This is not Xiao Ying's style, but like this Xiao Ying would not even pay attention to such a small role.

Xiao Ying didn't pay attention to them, but walked straight forward with his things in hand, and sure enough, he was stopped by a few people in front of him.

"I heard that your business is very good, kid?"

The leading urban management officer continued to speak, and at the same time, he signaled his subordinates to back down.


(End of this chapter)

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