doctor magician

Chapter 164 In a daze

Chapter 164 In a daze
Huang Cuilian finally stammered and said, "You, how did you know?"

"Like I said, my nickname is Half Immortal, can I get this nickname if I have no skills?"

Xiao Ying pointed the folding fan in his hand at Huang Shiren and said: "When you were ten years old, you were poisoned by eating moldy sugar cane and almost died. Those sugar canes that were moldy and threw them on the side of the road, you picked them up and ate them. Nausea and vomiting, convulsions, rigid limbs, sent to the hospital for gastric lavage, intravenous infusion of glucose and large doses of vitamin C, etc., finally saved your life."

Huang Shiren was also dumbfounded, he didn't know how Xiao Ying knew about this, because even his parents didn't know about these things.

At that time, during the summer vacation, he went to his grandmother's house to play. Because he found a pile of moldy sugar cane thrown away by others, he picked it up and ate it, but he was poisoned and sent to the hospital.Because his grandmother was afraid that his parents would complain if they found out, she kept her mouth shut and repeatedly told her not to go back and tell her parents, or they would beat him, so he didn't say anything after she came back.

Huang Shiren couldn't think of this matter that only he and his grandmother knew about it, how did Xiao Ying, a person who didn't know him before, know about it?Could it be that he is really a fortune-telling half-immortal?If he wasn't a half-immortal, how could he detect such secret things?

Xiao Ying smiled rather mysteriously, and said to Huang Shiren: "You escaped a catastrophe when you were young, but this time you got into big trouble, because the girl you kicked was a celestial girl, and the heaven is already on your lap I got a malignant tumor, bone cancer. You will feel pain in your right knee soon, and it will become more and more painful. You will go to an x-ray examination and you will find that the medullary cavity and cortex of the middle and lower part of your right femur have been destroyed , onion skin-like periosteal reaction, this is the manifestation of malignant tumors. Amputation is necessary for treatment, otherwise, once the cancer cells metastasize to other tissues in the body, your life will be gone."

Although Xiao Ying's words had been mentioned before, hearing Huang Shiren's ears this time was like thunder, because before this, Xiao Ying had already proved to them how accurate his fortune-telling was.

Xiao Ying said: "I'm telling you this. I'm just here to tell you that you kicked the fairy, and God will take your leg. It's only right and proper. It's fair! Nothing else. Goodbye."

Xiao Ying walked to the door of the ward, suddenly remembered something, turned around and said to Huang Shiren: "I forgot to tell you, you will sprain your ankle today, and from tomorrow onwards, your foot will hurt more and more."

Xiao Ying walked away with a folding fan in his hand, Guan Yuying gave Huang Shiren and the others a hard look, and followed Xiao Ying like a tough and conscientious thug and left the hospital.

Huang Shiren and Huang Cuilian looked at each other in blank dismay.Huang Cuilian saw that there was blood all over his face and body, as well as on the ground, so she hurriedly told him to go to the bathroom to wash it.

Huang Shiren went to the bathroom to wash off the blood, but stared at the opposite mirror in a daze.

He kept thinking about what Xiao Ying said just now. Of course he didn't believe that Li Jinning who was kicked by him was really a fairy in the sky, but why could this mysterious young man accurately say that it was impossible for them to be What about the disease known to outsiders?
He was no longer in the mood to discuss with his aunt Huang Cuilian how to deal with the principal Xiong Yuanshan. What he was thinking about now was whether he would develop a malignant tumor on his leg.

Back in the ward, he saw the director of the Logistics Equipment Department of No. [-] Middle School sitting beside the hospital bed talking to Huang Cuilian.He is Huang Cuilian's best friend.

Seeing Huang Shiren enter the ward, the director of the equipment department was taken aback. Pointing to the blood on the clothes in front of him, he said, "What's the matter with you? Why is your nose bleeding? There's blood all over the clothes."

Only then did Huang Shiren remember that he just wiped the blood from his mouth, but forgot to wipe the blood from his clothes.I'm embarrassed to say that I was beaten by someone just now.At this time, Huang Cuilian said: "There was a fortune teller who brought a very vicious man and woman, saying that Huang Shiren kicked a female student, and he would break Xiao Huang's leg. It's ridiculous. Huang Shiren reasoned with him, and they Just beat Huang Shiren like this."

Hearing what Huang Cuilian said, Huang Shiren knew it was to save his face, so he smiled wryly and said, "This fortune teller even told my aunt and me to prove that what he said is true. This man is really crazy."

The director of the equipment department hurriedly advised them to call the police. Since they were beating people in the hospital, they were so arrogant, so they should call the police and arrest them.

Huang Cuilian knew that the tall and burly woman who dealt with Huang Shiren just now was a policeman, why should she call the police? Besides, it was Huang Shiren who did it first, so she pretended to be big.

The director of the equipment department said suspiciously: "Why does this person stand up for a girl? Who is this girl?"

"Said he was a friend."

The director of academic affairs rolled his eyes, remembered something, and asked, "Is this person surnamed Xiao? Wearing round retro sunglasses and a double-breasted Tang suit?"

"That's right, it's him, why do you know him?" Huang Cuilian asked.

The director of the equipment department was attending the meeting in Huang Yuanshan's conference room at that time, and he knew the whole process. He couldn't help but change his face when he heard this person, and said mysteriously: "This person is not simple. Our school collapsed a few days ago. That's exactly what he predicted."

Huang Cuilian only knew that the school had collapsed, but fortunately, because of the earthquake resistance drill was held in the rain, only the director of academic affairs who did not evacuate at that time was seriously injured, and several other school leaders were slightly injured, and none of them died.But they didn't know that the fortune teller surnamed Xiao predicted the collapse of the school, because Xiong Yuanshan had greeted the people who knew about it at the time, and no one was allowed to tell it.At the same time, he also explained to Zhuo Ran and Li Jinning.Since this matter was tightly sealed, Huang Cuilian naturally did not know about it.

Huang Cuilian asked curiously, "What's going on?"

The director of academic affairs lowered his voice and said, "It was raining heavily that day, and we were having a meeting in Xiong's office. This man surnamed Xiao rushed in and said that the school was going to collapse, and asked us to evacuate to the campus playground. We thought he was crazy, and we were going to call the police. Yes, in the end he carried Deputy Mayor Wang out. He seemed to know Deputy Mayor Wang very well, so the surname Xiong finally let him go. Unexpectedly, he took two girls with him, one was that Li Jinning, and the other was Zhuo Ran After the three of them knocked down the door of the school radio station, it was announced that an emergency drill for earthquake prevention would be held, and everyone gathered in the playground. We rushed to stop it, because we didn't know that this would really happen, and it really collapsed , There was a big hole in the ground, and a corner of the teaching building caved in. Fortunately, the students and teachers listened to their words and evacuated to the playground, so there was no major accident, otherwise it would have been miserable."

Huang Cuilian was dumbfounded and said, "Is he really that powerful?"

"Isn't that right? Later I heard from Xiong that he was really close to Vice Mayor Wang Kairong. After Xiong called and told Vice Mayor Wang, Vice Mayor Wang was also very emotional and said that this person was a strange person. , we must thank him well, he has saved so many children. But this incident is so miraculous, people don’t believe it when it is told, and they think our school teachers are spreading feudal superstitions, so they told everyone not to spread this incident, so there is no Everyone knows. Principal Huang and Teacher Huang, please don’t say anything about it, otherwise it will reach the ears of Xiong, and he will be held accountable.”

Huang Cuilian and Huang Shilong looked at each other, eyes full of horror, and nodded slowly.

Huang Shiren was even more nervous when he heard this, and subconsciously rubbed his knees with his hands.His foot was elbowed by Guan Yuying just now, and the pain was so painful that he still hasn't recovered from it yet.Is it true that this leg will grow a malignant tumor?But before that, there were no symptoms at all!
He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked the director of the equipment department, "That girl named Li Jinning broke into the studio with the fortune teller surnamed Xiao, which shows that they really have a good relationship."

The director of the equipment department nodded and said, "I heard that the girl called the fortune-teller surnamed Xiao is the eldest brother, so he should have a good relationship."

The more he said that, the more nervous Huang Shiren became.

After chatting for a while, the director of the equipment department bid farewell to leave, and Huang Shiren followed suit to bid farewell to Huang Cuilian. After the two left the hospital, Huang Shiren took a taxi home.

They lived on the first floor with a small yard.

When he got to the door, he found that he didn't know where to throw the key. After thinking for a long time, it seemed that he drank water and threw the key on the table when he went out, so he borrowed a ladder and put it on the fence, and climbed over the fence to the yard. Jump.

He has done this kind of thing many times before, and he has never been injured once, but this time it was strange. When he jumped down, his foot happened to step on a small rock below, and he sprained suddenly, excruciatingly painful.

But the pain in his feet was far inferior to the horror in his heart, because just now Xiao Ying had warned him that he would sprain his ankle today, and the pain would start tomorrow, and now he really sprained his ankle.

If it is possible for Xiao Banxian to know about the poisoning from eating moldy sugarcane when he was a child, it is impossible for anyone to tell him about his sprained ankle, which will only happen in the future. It can only show that this young man is really good at predicting things.

And if this is the case, what Xiao Banxian said, that he will grow malignant tumor bone cancer on his leg, will become a reality.

This terrible feeling grew wildly in his heart like weeds, making his whole body cold, and he forgot the pain while sitting on the ground.

After a long time, he resisted to get up, limped into the house, and found that the key was forgotten on the table.

After his wife came back, she found that his expression was not right, and asked him what was going on?He ignored it, and when the child asked him to help with homework, he even slapped the child directly, making the child cry.

The possibility of a bone cancer growing in his leg haunted him all night with the horror of it.When he woke up the next morning, he really felt that his knees began to ache gradually.

This made his heart feel even colder. Could it be that the second prediction that Xiao Banxian said would also appear?

There was his physical education class that day, and it was the class of Li Jinning who was kicked by him.When he saw Li Jinning and other girls looking at him with disgust and hatred, he didn't have the usual pleasure and the urge to continue molesting and torturing them.Because at this time, all he could think of was Xiao Ying predicting that he would have a terrible future with bone cancer.

So he was listless in physical education class this day, and let the students practice by themselves most of the time, while he just sat aside, his hands touching his knees, his whole body was cold and dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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