doctor magician

Chapter 161 Emergency Collection

Chapter 161 Emergency Collection

Xiao Ying said again, "Your school organized an earthquake and disaster drill, right?"

Both Zhuo Ran and Li Jinning nodded: "It was held last week."

"Did all teaching staff and students gather in the square after the broadcast?"


"Okay, let's break open this door, Zhuo Ran, you come to broadcast, let all the staff and students of the whole school evacuate and gather in the playground, everyone, no matter who they are. Let's say that the school leaders will check one by one. Those who stayed in the house were to be criticized by the whole school, to be checked in writing, and to be punished. Li Jinning and I blocked the door with something to prevent outsiders from interfering."

Zhuo Ran and Li Jinning didn't react for a while, and the movement was too big, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Xiao Ying had to ask the two of them to help him broadcast the broadcast. If it was broadcast by himself, the faculty, staff and students would be suspicious, and girls' voices were generally not easy to identify if they were announcers, and they were easier to believe.

Seeing the two hesitate, Xiao Ying looked at his watch and said anxiously: "There are only 12 minutes left. Do you want to watch your classmates die one by one, or help them? If you don't believe me, then I will do it myself." Come on, lift your foot and kick hard at the door lock.

With a bang, the door trembled violently, but it was not knocked open. The quality of the door frame and door lock was good.

Xiao Ying took another two steps back, kicked the door fiercely, and made a loud bang, but still didn't knock it open.

Seeing that Xiao Ying was serious, Li Jinning immediately said, "Shoulder it! I'll help you!"

Xiao Ying nodded, and the two of them started banging on the door forcefully together, and the door began to shake and loosen.Zhuo Ran gritted his teeth and joined in.

At this moment, a few people rushed out from the principal's office at the other end of the aisle, it was Xiong Yuanfeng and the others.Seeing the young man who came to make trouble just now standing at the door of the studio and knocking on the door of the studio with two girls, he shouted loudly: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Ying shouted: "Come on, one! Two! Three!"

The three of them slammed into each other with all their strength, and the door of the studio was finally knocked open with a bang, and the three of them fell in.

"What are you doing? Call the security department!" Xiong Yuanfeng yelled anxiously while leading people towards him.

The three got up, Xiao Ying said to Zhuo Ran: "You come to broadcast. We are blocking the door, hurry up, life-saving is important, trust me!"

You have already run into a catastrophe, and there is no way back.Zhuo Ran shook his head, said hello, and rushed to the broadcasting station.Here she came in before to send a manuscript or something, so she roughly knows how to operate it.In fact, it is also very simple, just turn on the switch and you can broadcast directly.

Xiao Ying saw a table next to it with teacups on it. He didn't care to put the teacup down first, grabbed the table and pulled it over to block the door, and said to Li Jinning: "Block the door quickly!"

The two quickly pressed against the table behind the door.

Xiong Yuanfeng and the others had already rushed to the door and slammed it hard, but there was a table behind the door, and Xiao Ying and the others supported it with force.

At this moment, Zhuo Ran's voice spread throughout the campus through the loudspeaker: "Attention all the staff and students of the school, an earthquake evacuation drill is being held now - this is a drill decided by the school leaders temporarily, to test everyone's safety in emergencies. Please take care of your resilience. Please leave the office and classroom immediately, and gather in the playground according to the plan. ——Please note that this is a drill, so please don’t panic. The faculty and staff will organize the students to evacuate in an orderly manner. Please wait within 5 minutes Arrive at the designated area quickly. The school leaders will check each room, and if someone is still stranded in the room, a written inspection will be conducted throughout the school and punishment will be given.”

Zhuo Ran's broadcast was very calm, without any panic, she said repeatedly.

Because the earthquake drill was held just a week ago, everyone has experience.The teacher was at a loss because he hadn't been notified in advance, and the students were afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Even if it was more lively in the rain, they all stood up and rushed out of the classroom with laughter.

The teachers could only quickly maintain order, yelling loudly not to be crowded, and evacuated in order by floor and class according to last week's plan, so as to avoid congestion or even stampede in the crowded corridors.

The evacuation was quick and orderly. The students, like a flock of sheep that had opened the sheepfold, rushed into the playground in the rain while chatting and laughing, and gathered in the playground to chat and laugh.

Not only the teaching building, but also other office buildings, general logistics department, cafeteria, garage, everyone in the whole school left their rooms and rushed to the playground to meet up.

Some people cursed and said that the principal was torturing people, but because it was clearly stated on the loudspeaker that they would come out within 5 minutes, if there were still people stranded in the room, a written inspection would be carried out throughout the school.The new Principal Xiong acted resolutely and decisively, and he could even be said to be ruthless, and he was a new official who took office three times, so no one dared to hit the gun.Although it was still raining heavily outside, all the people came out of each room under umbrellas or braved the rain, and they would gather on the playground.

Principal Xiong and the others outside the studio were shocked and angry, but Xiao Ying went to the studio and asked two girls to help him.Principal Xiong knocked on the door outside and shouted: "Stop the broadcast! What are you doing!" Turning around, he said to the vice principal, "Hurry up and let the police deal with it!"

From the glass window of the studio, Xiao Ying could clearly see that all the students in the square were discussing with each other, and no one had come out of the building.

He immediately said to Zhuo Ran and Li Jinning: "Quick, let's go to the square!"

Xiao Ying grabbed a paper cutter on the table, pulled Li Jinning over, put it on her neck, and said to the second daughter: "I'll pretend to hold you hostage, cooperate a bit, let's rush downstairs!"

The second girl thought it was fun and nodded excitedly.

Xiao Ying pulled the table away, put the knife on Li Jinning's neck, and yelled at Xiong Yuanfeng and others who were about to stop him with livid faces: "Go away! Or I'll kill her!"

Xiong Yuanfeng and the others quickly backed away.Xiao Ying carried Li Jinning out of the studio, and then dragged the two of them downstairs.He rushed downstairs in one breath and rushed into the rain curtain.

The director of academic affairs said to Xiong Yuanfeng: "Principal, this, this person is simply crazy! What should we do?"

"Call the police!" Xiong Yuanfeng turned around and rushed to his office, followed by the others.

They had just reached the door of the principal's office when they heard a muffled thunder.It's just that the sound didn't come from the sky, but from the feet. It was like the feeling of a stray father chasing the sun, stepping on a hole in the ground with one foot. At the same time as the sound was muffled, the whole building began to shake violently.

Xiong Yuanfeng and the others were dumbfounded, and immediately realized that there was an earthquake, so they rushed into the house to find a place to hide.But it was a bit late, and the cement fragments fell from the ceiling and hit them on the head with a crackling sound. Before Xiong Yuanfeng hid under the desk, his head had already been hit by several cement fragments.

The roaring sounds all around made people tremble with fear, and the screams of the vice principal and the dean of teaching came from my ears.

The violent shaking and terrifying sound lasted for more than ten seconds, and then it slowly calmed down.The room was already full of dust, which made Xiong Yuanfeng and others cough continuously.

When the shaking finally stopped, Xiong Yuanfeng got out of the desk and found that several school leaders came out of the hiding place with a bloody head, especially the academic director who was seriously injured. The blood fell on the ground unconscious.

Xiong Yuanfeng was also hit on the head, but the cement block was not very big.He wiped the blood, and quickly ordered: "Leave the teaching building quickly, and carry Director Zhao down, hurry up. Watch out for aftershocks!"

While giving orders, Xiong Yuanfeng personally carried the unconscious dean on his back.Several people panicked and supported each other from the fifth floor to the first floor, and then rushed into the rain.Some faculty and staff responsible for maintaining order came to help when they saw it, helped them to the square, put the academic director on the grass, held an umbrella for support, and called an ambulance.

Xiong Yuanfeng breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What's going on? Was it an earthquake? Was anyone else injured?"

The few teachers who greeted them were stupefied with fright, shook their heads silently, and murmured towards the teaching building.

Xiong Yuanfeng wiped the blood and rain from his face, turned his head to look, and couldn't help being stunned. ——On the side of his office in the five-story teaching building, the three floors from the bottom to the top have collapsed, while the fourth and fifth floors are like protruding eagle beaks, hanging in mid-air.

Looking down, a big pit appeared below, and the collapsed three-story building fell into the big pit.

But it turned out that the groundwater formed by the torrential rain hollowed out the foundation of a corner of the building, and a ground subsidence appeared, causing most of the corner of the teaching building to collapse.

In this corner, there are offices on the first floor and student classrooms on the second and third floors. If the students hadn't been evacuated to the square, there would have been heavy casualties.

Xiong Yuanfeng stared blankly at the terrifying scene in front of him. After a long time, he remembered the young man he thought was a lunatic.

He hurriedly looked around, only saw Zhuo Ran and Li Jinning, but couldn't see the young man, hurriedly walked over to Zhuo Ran and the others and said, "Where was that man just now? Where did he go?"

Both Zhuo Ran and Li Jinning were also stunned by what happened just now, secretly glad they escaped in time, and at the same time proud of helping Xiao Ying save the lives of many students.

Now when the principal asked about Xiao Ying, Zhuo Ran said: "My eldest brother has already left. He said that he has finished his work here, and you will deal with it yourself, so he left."


It has been several days since the partial collapse of the teaching building of No. [-] Middle School in the city.

In the past few days, Zhuo Ran and Li Jinning were struggling to find out how Xiao Ying calculated it.Xiao Ying only smiled and said that the heavenly secrets should not be revealed.

Because of this incident, both Zhuo Ran and Li Jinning were rated as outstanding students at the provincial level.According to relevant regulations, the two will be rewarded with five points in the college entrance examination in the future, and the two are naturally elated.

The principal Xiong Yuanfeng reported this incident to the deputy mayor Wang Kairong, and also reported Xiao Ying, the mysterious young man who made him angry at the time but made him very grateful afterwards.

(End of this chapter)

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