doctor magician

Chapter 158 The Truth about Esophageal Cancer

Chapter 158 The Truth about Esophageal Cancer
It was a bit far from the station, so he took a taxi to the train station. After getting off the bus, he took the box and asked the police station of the train station. It was in a corner of the square, so he took the box and went into the police station. .

People came in and out of the police station, but no one cared about him.

He entered the duty room with the box in his hands, and the policeman inside asked him what he was doing?He handed over the box and said that someone asked him to deliver it.

The policeman took the box suspiciously and shook it, but there was no sound, and put it to his ear to listen again. Suddenly, he heard the clear ticking sound of the clock coming from the box.

The policeman couldn't help but change his face. At this moment, he heard someone outside yelling: "Put down the box, there is a time bomb inside!"

The policeman was so frightened that he dropped the box and ran away, yelling, "Go! There's a bomb! Hurry up!"

The other policemen and people working in the police station, including the bald middle-aged man, were so frightened that they fled the police station with their heads in their arms.The police station quickly ran away.

Panting, the director of the police station questioned the policeman who was the first to yell the bomb in the square. After learning about the incident, he asked the policeman who ran out to organize the evacuation of the passengers near the train station square, and at the same time, he hurriedly reported to the Municipal Public Security Bureau for reinforcements. Send bomb disposal experts.

After the deployment, he remembered the middle-aged bald man who brought the bomb, and hurriedly ordered to search for the bald man who delivered the bomb, and soon found the bald man who was trembling in fear and hid in the crowd. The fists and kicks made him cry for his father and mother.

The police asked him why he sent the time bomb to the police station. The bald man said that a strong man forced him to send it. The police asked him where is the man?The bald man said he didn't know, only that his woman was somewhere.So a group of policemen dragged him to catch the mistress of the iron pot.

At the same time, an iron pot flashed in the corner outside the duty room of the police station, and he was the one who yelled that sentence just now.Earlier, he used the remote control to trigger the movement of the alarm clock in the box, and only then did it make a ticking sound.

Seeing that everyone ran out of the police station, he slipped into the office of the director of the police station like a little mouse.

The office is equipped with a security door, but it is open at the moment. The director heard that all the bombs were dispatched, and there was no time to close the door when he escaped.There was an iron cabinet against the wall.

After he went in, he took out a wire from his pocket, poked it into the lock of the iron cabinet and fiddled with it for a while, then heard a click, the door lock opened, he opened the door, and there were more than a dozen pistols and a box of boxes inside. of bullets.

He took two pistols and put them in his waistband, took a few boxes of ammunition and put them in his trouser pockets, clapped them, closed the door, and rushed downstairs.

Instead of going out through the gate, he opened the window of the duty room and jumped out, holding his head, yelling and looking very flustered.

Before this, many people heard that there was a bomb, and they hid in various corners before they had time to run out. There were policemen and people who came to the police station to do business. After hearing nothing for a long time, they boldly rushed out.Therefore, the iron pot escaped through the window. The police outside thought it was the people who had been hiding inside to hide the bomb, and urged him to run quickly.

The iron pot rushed into the lively crowd with his head in his arms. No one cared about him, and he was secretly happy that everything went well.

Just as he was rushing out, his feet were hooked, and he fell to the ground with a bang, and a pistol was thrown out from his waist.

He subconsciously reached out to grab the pistol, but a pair of big feet firmly stepped on his wrist.Looking up, it was Guan Yuying, the tall policewoman who escorted him earlier.It's just that he's wearing a casual suit now.It was the fortune teller Xiao Banxian Xiao Ying who hooked him down.

He reached out with his left hand to draw the other pistol at his waist. Guan Yuying grabbed his hand and locked it behind his back, grabbed his head and hit him on the concrete floor, making him almost fainted with starry eyes. Guan Yuying's knees pressed the waist and eye points, and all the strength in her body disappeared instantly.

Guan Yuying pulled out the pistol from his waist, then searched him, found out all the bullets, and put them aside.

The onlookers dispersed, and what happened here immediately attracted the attention of the police who escaped from the police station. They rushed over and saw a tall woman pushing a short and strong young man to the concrete floor, and saw her The two pistols in his hands were startled.

The officers at the police station didn't have guns, and all the guns were stored in the iron cabinet in the director's office, so they all backed away with pale faces.

Guan Yuying took out the handcuffs and handcuffed the iron pan behind her back, took out her police officer ID from her pocket, shook it, and said, "The city's criminal police team is handling the case, call your chief over here."

The director of the police station quickly came to the side, recognized Guan Yuying immediately, greeted her quickly, and asked what was going on.

Guan Yuying grabbed the iron pot by the hair, pulled his face up, and said to the superintendent, "Do you know this kid? I just sent him to your police station yesterday for surveillance. He was executed outside prison because of esophageal cancer." .”

The director bent down to look at it, and said, "That's right, it's him, Iron Pan, he just came to report the situation. What happened to him? What happened to the gun?"

"This gun was found on him. It should be your police station's gun. - This kid set up a bomb scam and scared you all out, so he stole the gun calmly. The bomb should be fake .”

The director was taken aback and said, "These two guns belong to our police station?"

"Just identify it yourself. There are gun numbers on the walls."

The director hurriedly took the pistol to identify it, and sure enough, he broke out in a cold sweat. If the gun was stolen, he would not be able to afford it and walked around, wishing to be kicked to death by the iron pot.

The director quickly put away the gun and the bullets, and Guan Yuying walked into the police station twisting the iron pot.The director asked her what she was doing, and Guan Yuying said, "Defuse the bomb!" The director was shocked again and told her not to take any risks and wait for the bomb disposal experts to come.

Bai Yuying only said that the thing was fake, and she wanted to prove it.So I grabbed the iron pot and came to the lobby of the police station, and asked the iron pot, "Is this real or fake?"

"It's fake, there's only an alarm clock inside."

Guan Yuying unlocked his handcuffs, fastened them in front of him, and said, "Go and take them apart, don't expect to run, don't say you're wearing handcuffs, you might not be able to outrun me without handcuffs."

The iron pot nodded in frustration, walked over, tore off the tape of the box, opened the lid, and took out an alarm clock and a remote control device, but nothing else.

Guan Yuying stepped forward to check and confirmed that there was no bomb, and said to the iron pot, "Why did you think of this trick to steal the gun? What are you doing to steal the gun?"

"I don't want to go to jail, I want to use the opportunity of execution outside the prison to get a gun and do something, earn hundreds of thousands, and then escape to Southeast Asia. I used to be punished by the public security, and I got it in this police station. Once I accidentally Saw a pistol in the locker, so came up with the idea."

"Your brain is not bad, but it's a pity that you didn't use it on the right way. Now you will stay in prison for the rest of your life."

"Stay, just stay. I was going to steal the gun and do a job to earn a sum of money for my mother's pension, but she is dead, so I don't have anything to worry about. I will stay in prison for the rest of my life with peace of mind. All right."

Guan Yuying grabbed him by the neck and told him to walk out with the box in his hands.On the way, Tie Guozi finally couldn't bear to ask Guan Yuying, "How did you know about my plan? I never told anyone about it."

Guan Yuying was a little proud, and said: "Because someone found out that your esophageal cancer is fake and notified me. I followed you secretly to find out what you were up to. When you entered the police station just now, I was actually You are staring at you nearby, and your every move cannot escape my sight."

Iron Pan smiled wryly and looked at Guan Yuying: "Who found out that my esophageal cancer is fake?"

"Xiao Banxian!"

Guan Yuying pointed to Xiao Ying, who was wearing a double-breasted Tang suit and wearing retro round glasses, shaking a folding fan in the crowd, "You asked him to tell your mother's fortune yesterday, but you didn't want him to tell you about esophageal cancer." How to treat it is unreasonable. He was curious, so he took the initiative to do the math for you, and it turned out that before your boy took an X-ray in the prison hospital, he tied a piece of fat meat to his teeth with a thin thread, and then put the fat meat on his teeth. Swallowed it down the throat, thereby fooling the X-ray examiner. Unexpectedly, it couldn’t fool us Xiao Banxian.”


Although it was already the beginning of autumn, a sudden thunderstorm still appeared in the sky above the provincial capital somewhat unexpectedly.

It has been raining for three days, intermittently. Since this morning, the rainfall has increased and poured, and it has continued until the afternoon.

Due to the continuous torrential rain, almost no customers came to Xiaoying's Universal Company.

Xiao Ying stood bored at the entrance of the company and looked at the railway station square where the flow of people had decreased significantly. He could only see the rainwater splashing on the cement floor of the square that had already shallowly accumulated a layer of water.

This is a big test of the urban drainage system.

The passengers driving the bus and the passengers getting off the bus and rushing home don't care about the heavy rain, and they also hold umbrellas, wear raincoats and carry big bags and bags to catch the bus.

Because no one came to see a doctor for fortune-telling today, Xiao Ying read all kinds of medical records in his mind all day, from morning to afternoon, he was really tired, so he wanted to take a rest.

But without television, radio, or smartphone, how do you entertain yourself?

He caught sight of a small newsstand opposite the train station square, and decided to buy a newspaper or magazine to read.So he closed the door, took an umbrella, and went to the newsstand through the train station's stagnant water to buy an evening paper and a magazine. He was about to pay for it when he heard a black and white TV in the newsstand playing a book. city ​​news.It is a TV station in the provincial capital, and it happens to be the news of the heavy rain in the provincial capital.

The announcer broadcast the distressing news in a sweet voice: "This city has had three days of heavy rain, and it will continue today. The amount of rain will be the largest in three days. The river has begun to rise, and some residents along the river The transfer is in an orderly manner. The main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government have personally visited the front line of flood control to check the situation related to flood control and drainage, and evacuate residents in low-lying areas, and many residents' homes have already been flooded."

(End of this chapter)

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