doctor magician

Chapter 118 The Girl Has a Date

Chapter 118 The Girl Has a Date
Dean Zheng was very ashamed, and said to Xinghua: "Although this crime did not happen in our hospital, but he did it in the city hospital, but we did not choose people properly, and actually selected such a beast to our hospital. Provincial Hospital, we should take leadership responsibility, I will review the organization. For you, besides saying sorry, in view of your financial situation, I decided to treat your husband first, postpone the payment of hospitalization medical expenses, and wait until the city hospital After the compensation is made, it will be paid out of the compensation.”

Xinghua was very grateful and thanked repeatedly.

Captain Gao said to Guan Yuying: "Your friend is not easy. Within a few days, two criminals who sneaked into the People's Hospital were caught in a row. I will give you credit for solving a few more cases like this."

Of course Guan Yuying was overjoyed.

Later, lawyer Wang Zhenfeng filed a lawsuit against the city hospital.

The city hospital admitted that they should bear the consequences of this intentional medical accident, because the public security organs have already filed a case against Dr. Du for intentional injury and transferred him to prosecute for criminal responsibility.When he carried out this act, he was a doctor in their city hospital, but they couldn't agree on the amount of compensation.

Wang Zhenfeng filed a civil lawsuit after consulting with Xinghua and her husband.After nearly a year of litigation, a huge sum of money was eventually awarded.Xinghua's family not only paid off all their debts, but also had the money to reorganize the family business.

Xinghua's husband, Pan Zhuzi, also slowly recovered after receiving the correct medical treatment, and took up the heavy responsibilities of the family again, and the family enjoyed themselves happily.

Whenever they think of the mysterious Doctor Xiao who came from the provincial capital, they are always full of gratitude.If it weren't for him, this family would have been ruined.


This morning.

Xiao Ying opened the door as usual and sat behind the large boss chair, waiting for customers to come to the door.

But the first one to come in was Zhuo Ran's classmate Li Jinning.

Li Jinning deliberately dressed up today, put on light makeup, and her hair was also treated in the hairdresser's shop. It was straightened and fell loosely on her back shoulders. A touch of beauty.

Li Jinning is much more mature than Zhuo Ran, and her chest is already very full. With her slender waist, she is more likely to catch the eye. Today she deliberately wears a tunic dress, which outlines her curves vividly.

He wore a pair of snow-white silk stockings, which were pulled up to his knees, and he wore half-high heels, which set off his slender figure.At this moment, he was holding his hands behind his back, tilting his head, and looking at him with a smile.

Xiao Ying just glanced at it and said: "You are so beautifully dressed today, are you looking for Zhuo Ran? She should be at home and not with me."

"I'm not looking for her, I'm here to look for Brother Xiao, why, don't you invite me in?"

"Look at what you said, I'm free to come in and out, come in if you want, what's the matter?"

Li Jinning came to the table on catwalks, and sat there, holding the hem of her skirt with both hands, and sat on the chair in style. Suddenly, there was a gust of fragrance, and the smell was quite pleasant.

Li Jinning said: "I can't come to you if I have nothing to do? I'll come to you to tell your fortune, so you can show me the palmistry!"

After finishing speaking, he spread a pair of white and slender plain hands in front of Xiao Ying.Her fingernails are obviously painted with nail polish, which are colorless and transparent, and are very clear now. Her hands are well shaped, with slender fingers, as white and tender as scallions.

Xiao Ying said: "Sorry, I really don't know how to read palms, I can only tell fortunes and cure diseases."

"Then show me if I'm sick."

Xiao Ying said: "The patients who come to me to see a doctor are all difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and I give advice. That is to say, the diseases that can't be cured by doctors in other hospitals. Have you seen a doctor for your disease?"

"I've seen a doctor, but it hasn't been cured. But it's not a serious problem, so let me take a look!" Li Jinning leaned forward delicately, and with this movement, her neckline was pulled down very low, and her attractive round gully was displayed on the screen. In front of Xiao Yingyuan.

"Then let's hear it."

"When good things happen to me every month, my stomach hurts, and sometimes I sweat so much that I can't hold on to class. The doctor prescribed medicine, both Western and Chinese medicines. I always feel bad after taking it, but it's only one or two days. God, but it doesn't hurt so much when it's good.—Can you fix it for me?"

Xiao Ying said: "Tell me your date of birth."

After Li Jinning said that, she smiled and said to Xiao Ying: "You also said that you don't know how to tell fortunes, what do you want people to do with their birthdays?"

Xiao Ying immediately searched, but found no medical records related to Li Jinning's dysmenorrhea.Of course Xiao Ying couldn't tell her that he couldn't find her relevant medical records, so he didn't know how to treat her, so he asked casually: "How long have you been here for good things? I mean how old were you when you first came to good things."

"It's been more than two years. I came when I was 13."

"Does it hurt every time you come?"

"No, it's just that I've been bored recently, so every time I come here, the pain is severe. Although it hurt a little before, it's still acceptable."

"Then why are you bored recently? Boyfriend ignores you?"

Li Jinning blushed immediately, looked at him resentfully and said, "I've never had a serious conversation with anyone, they are the ones chasing me, I don't like it, so they don't have a boyfriend yet!" He secretly glanced at Xiao Ying again.

"Then why are you bored?"

"Is this important?"

"Of course it's important. Didn't you say that you will have severe menstrual pain after being bored? It must be related to it."

Li Jinning said curiously: "Do you suffer from dysmenorrhea if you are in a bad mood? What is the reason for this!"

Xiao Ying is not very good at Chinese medicine, so he only knows a little bit, and he really can't answer it for a while. Of course, he won't give up in front of a girl.Immediately searched for medical records with the key word dysmenorrhea in my mind, and quickly found a medical record. An old doctor in the Chinese Medicine Hospital read it and said it according to the above records: "Stagnation of liver and qi stagnation, abdominal pain during menstruation, so every time When doing good deeds, as long as the mood is not bad, it will lead to Qi stagnation and blood stagnation,—by the way, is your good deed a lot?"

"Not much, just a little." Li Jinning said with a blushing face. It is indeed a little embarrassing to discuss her own good things with a young man, but I still feel pity for this shy look.

Xiao Ying nodded, the medical history in his mind was similar to hers, it was also less menstruation and abdominal pain.So he went on to say: "That's right, because your qi is stagnant and blood is blocked, so your menstrual flow will be less, and if you don't have flow, you will have pain. You must activate blood to relieve pain. Less menstruation and less abdominal pain, this is called wood not smooth."

Li Jinning said with a look of admiration: "You are really amazing, you speak the same thing, I also went to see a Chinese medicine doctor, but the medicines prescribed to me were all Western medicine, and all you talked about was Western medicine. The brand of Chinese medicine, when I came out, I said it was a trick. Only you can tell me Chinese medicine seriously. I believe you, why don’t you write a prescription for me! ——By the way, do you want it? Take your pulse and look at your tongue or something?"

"Of course!" Xiao Ying said with an old-fashioned look. In fact, it didn't matter to him whether he took the pulse and checked his tongue, because he couldn't understand the pulse at all, and he couldn't tell the difference between the tongue.

Li Jinning stretched out her hand, and Xiao Ying also stretched out three fingers, and lightly put them on the Cunguan ruler on his wrist. She had learned Chinese medicine techniques before, and there was nothing wrong with them. Then she rubbed her chin pretending to mutter She felt Li Jinning's skin was very gorgeous and moist between her fingers, and it felt good to the touch.But he didn't dare to touch it for too long, for fear of having evil thoughts in his heart, he quickly changed another hand, pretended to touch it for a while, and said, "Let me see your tongue."

Li Jinning lay down on the table, obediently stretched out her nipples.

Xiao Ying leaned over to look, and looked away, seeing that half of her breasts were in front of her eyes with her collar lowered, she suddenly felt dizzy, and quickly sat back and said, "That's fine."

"You haven't watched it yet!" Li Jinning said coquettishly.

So Xiao Ying had no choice but to look at her tongue again.The tongue is very beautiful, light red, with a layer of luster, and it squirms slightly, like a small hand scratching Xiao Ying's heart.

Xiao Ying coughed twice, waved his hands pretending to be serious and said, "Okay, after reading it, do you want me to prescribe you a traditional Chinese medicine?"

"Of course, you see a doctor and don't prescribe a prescription. How can you see a doctor like this?"

"But to tell you the truth, it's the first time I've used Chinese medicine alone to see a doctor. Do you dare to eat the prescription I prescribed?"

"If you dare to open it, I will dare to eat it. If you really want to die in your hands, I will come to your dream at night and scare you to death, so that I will have company." Li Jinning laughed so hard that she felt herself saying He was too affectionate, and his pink face turned into a burning cloud.

Xiao Ying looked at the medical records in his mind again.The patient was also a 15-year-old girl, and her symptoms were very similar to Li Jinning's, so he decided to give it a try.However, I carefully checked the medicines on the prescription, and found no poisonous medicines or medicines with obvious side effects, so I said, "That's fine, I'll write a prescription for you. If you feel unwell after taking the medicine , stop the medicine immediately, remember?"

"Okay, remember."

The business scope of Xiao Ying's company includes general medical treatment of Chinese and Western medicine, that is, he has the right to see a doctor for others, but he has not yet printed his company's prescription list.Taking a piece of letterhead, according to the prescription in my mind, I wrote a Xiaoyao San decoction, with Wulingzhi, Curcuma, etc. ground into powder and taken.

While Jin Laifu applied for a business license for him, he also engraved an official seal for the seal department that he reported to the public security organ for the record, and immediately took it out and stamped it on the prescription.

After finishing writing, Xiao Ying reviewed the medical records in his mind again, and he was cured after three doses. He handed him the prescription and said, "Take only three doses, no matter whether it's good or bad, don't take it anymore."

"I believe you will be fine. You are so clever, you have cured Zhuo Ran's father's cancer, and Pan Jianqiang. My illness will be fine. Thank you first. How much is it?"

"Forget it, what kind of money do you students have? It's just a prescription."

"That won't work, why don't you charge people for medical treatment!" Li Jinning rolled her eyes and said, "How about I invite you to go boating in the park to pay for your medical treatment, and then you can help me catch it along the way." , I’m afraid that the medicine I’m taking is not suitable.”

It's inappropriate not to let you catch yourself, Xiao Ying muttered in his stomach, but even a blind person can tell that Li Jinning wants to date her.At this moment, a woman's voice came from behind: "Master Xiao, you really have to help me this time!"

Both Xiao Ying and Li Jinning looked back, there was a policewoman standing at the door, wearing a neat police uniform, majestic and heroic, it was Guan Yuying, a female police officer from the criminal police team.

(End of this chapter)

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