doctor magician

Chapter 115

Chapter 115
He found that Director Du of their gastroenterology department was the one who looked at the police car pulling Chen Zhiyuan away with a complicated expression just like him.

When Director Du found that Dr. Xu was secretly watching him, he glanced at him with cold eyes, then turned and left. This look made Dr. Xu shudder,

Doctor Xu comforted himself in his heart, Xiao Ying had already said earlier that he would use his own method to deal with these two people.Now that Chen Zhiyuan has fallen, there is only Dr. Du left, I hope Xiao Ying can kill them all, so that there will be no future troubles, and this will prevent Dr. Du from suspecting him and turning against him.

Of course Xiao Ying would not let the enemy go easily, especially those who had to deal with him.

He already had a plan in mind.

He has been observing the situation outside the hospital. When he found that the police car had taken Chen Zhiyuan away, he went to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and found Ding Hong, a college classmate.

Seeing him, Ding Hong was both surprised and happy and said, "I thought you wouldn't come to see me, old classmate, have you finally remembered me?"

After Ding Hong was discharged from the hospital, she immediately reported to the Second Provincial Hospital and was assigned to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Xiao Ying said: "If you have nothing to do, go to the Temple of Three Treasures, can you help me prepare some complete nutrient mixture, that is, TNA, this thing can only be prepared in a sterile room with strict aseptic operation, so I came to you .”

"What do you want this for?"

"Save people. Give me another set of related equipment, including a portable sterile box. I will take it to the mountains and use it. Just prepare the amount for two days. I just need to let them know that this method is effective."

Xiao Ying went on to talk about the formula of the nutrient solution, which he determined after searching in his mind according to his needs.

Ding Hong remembered it, and without asking, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll match you right away."

Ding Hong quickly prepared everything, including sterile gowns, gloves, masks, etc. for him.

Xiao Ying said, "How much? I'll give it to you."

"You saved my life, what is this money? I told the director of the department that it will be deducted from my salary. Don't worry, I won't take advantage of the public."

"Thank you so much, I'll treat you to dinner later."

"Okay, I won't refuse to eat, remember to owe me a meal." Ding Hong smiled and winked at him.

Ding Hong was very careful, and put all the things in a foam box, sealed all around, and only needed to carry it on the back.

Xiao Ying handed him his business card. Ding Hong glanced at it and found that there was a mobile phone number on it. He was surprised and delighted and said, "You already have a mobile phone? It's amazing, it's too expensive!"

"I'm in a hurry, let's talk later."

Xiao Ying smiled and clapped his hands and left the obstetrics and gynecology department. After leaving the hospital, he came to the coach station and got on the coach to Xiushan County.Xiushan County is more than 70 kilometers away from the provincial capital, and it was already afternoon when we arrived at the county seat.

And the destination he was going to was called Hongwan Village, which was more than 30 miles away from the county seat, and there was no bus to go there, because there was no road to that place, so he had to walk.

After he asked how the road should be taken, he set out on the road alone.

Before leaving, he bought a three-section flashlight. This kind of flashlight has a concentrated beam of light and can illuminate far away.This Hongwan village is in the mountains, and the mountain roads are taken all the way up and down the mountain.

He climbed up a hill, and when he reached the top, he saw that the sun was about to set, and the clouds in the distance had been dyed red, and the scene was very gorgeous,
He sat on a rock to rest his breath, and then saw a young village girl on the mountain road, carrying a basket of things, twisting her waist up the mountain.She walked very fast, just now she was just an invisible figure, and she arrived beside Xiao Ying after a while, wiped off her sweat, looked at Xiao Ying and asked curiously: "Brother, where are you going?" ? It's getting dark."

Xiao Ying saw that the village girl's face was flushed, maybe it was the result of the exhaustion of walking in the mountains, and it was also the result of the sunset glow, but it seemed to be covered with a layer of rouge, she was very beautiful, her skin was that healthy wheat color, and her teeth were white and neat , a round apple face, and a single black and thick braid that hangs down to her waist. Her waist is very strong. Under the tight short-sleeved shirt, her round breasts are ready to be seen. She wears a pair of cloth shoes, and she has a whole body. Kind of mountain village fitness.

Xiao Ying said: "I'll go to Hongwan Village to find someone."

"Hongwan Village, it's still far away. Who are you looking for? I know all the people in Hewan Village. Their village is at the top, and our village is at the bottom of the mountain, next to each other."

"I'm looking for Pan Zhuzi."

"Oh, you went to their house for Pepsi?"

Xiao Ying didn't feel well, so he hurriedly asked, "Go Pepsi, what do you mean?"

The village girl wiped off her sweat and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I thought you knew that Pan Zhuzi's family had funeral affairs, and you went to visit relatives for funerals!"

Xiao Ying was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Is there something wrong with their family? Who died, is it Pan Zhuzi?"


Xiao Ying's heart was cold. Before coming here, he had already searched for Pan Zhuzi's related pathology in his mind. He knew that he had been treated in the county hospital for the past few days. He was discharged from the hospital a few days ago. I bought some medicine and took it with me, just to rush to the village to give Pan Zhuzi emergency treatment.

But now, hearing what the village girl said, he was already dead, and if the one I was looking for died, then the whole plan would have to be sorted out again, and my trip would be in vain.

Unexpectedly, the village girl went on to say: "If you can make it in time, you should be able to see him for the last time. He probably hasn't died yet, but he's coming soon."

"Oh, he's still alive?"

"Yeah, he was brought back from the hospital two days ago. The doctor said that he couldn't find the cause of his illness. His health was no longer good, and the treatment would cost a lot of money. Their family really had no money, so they sent him to the hospital. Carry it back, and wait for the funeral to die!"

And one last breath!Xiao Ying rekindled hope, stomped his feet and said, "I came here because of his illness. His illness can be cured. I am a doctor in the hospital. Can you take me there? I don't know the way."

The village girl couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard it, but she couldn't believe it, and said, "But the doctor in the hospital said that he won't live long!"

"Don't worry about it, I have a way to keep him alive, you take me there quickly, it's too late."

Upon hearing this, the village girl hurriedly said, "Okay, come with me quickly."

She trotted forward all the way, Xiao Ying hurriedly followed behind and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Yunxia."

Xiao Ying looked up and saw that the sun had already set in the sky, a rosy glow was dyed red by the afterglow of the sun, just like this girl's pretty face, when the sky was full of rosy clouds, meeting a girl named Yunxia was really a good occasion.

Xiao Ying hurriedly said: "My name is Xiao Ying, it's great to have you lead the way, thank you."

"We should thank you. You are from the provincial capital, right? All the way."

Following behind, although he has been maintaining physical exercise, his familiarity with mountain roads and endurance for walking on mountain roads are still inferior to this young village girl, not to mention that he is carrying a heavy foam box on his back, which is filled with ice. There were no lumps and medicines, so she was out of breath after running for half an hour, but the village girl still acted nonchalantly.

Seeing him panting like a cow, Yunxia slowed down and said, "Give me your backpack, I will carry it."

"It's okay, I'll carry it!"

"In the future, if you walk fast, there are still two hours left. You are so tired now, what should you do next? Hurry up and give me the things, are you afraid that I will swallow yours?"

Yunxia stopped, put down the baskets, and moved the contents of one basket to the other, leaving an empty basket

Seeing that she really had more stamina than himself, Xiao Ying stopped being polite and put the box in his basket.

Yunxia picked it up and continued walking, as if it didn't affect her at all.

Xiao Ying said: "You are really good. If it were me, I would have fallen down from exhaustion."

"We mountain people who grow crops, how can we do farm work if we don't have the energy? Unlike your doctors, who are full of ink and make a lot of money, we earn some hard money."

"By the way, do you know what's going on with Pan Zhuzi's illness?"

"Of course I know. My sister-in-law is from their village. I often go back to her natal house with my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law and her natal family live next to Pan Zhuzi's house. I often visit their house. He was still in good health at that time! Later, it was said that he had stomach cancer or something, and the stomach was removed. Since that major operation, he has become thin and out of shape very quickly. He has diarrhea every day, twenty or thirty times a day, whatever he eats. The iron man can't stand it either! He used to be as strong as a bull, but after these two years, even a child of eight or nine years old can pick him up, and he is so thin that only his bones remain."

"Their family has worried a lot about his illness, right?"

"Of course, I stayed in the county hospital for more than half a year, and I went to the provincial hospital to see a doctor, but I didn't find anything wrong with it, and no matter how I treated it, it couldn't be cured. In order to treat Zhuzi, their family borrowed from east to west, even the house They all mortgaged to others to borrow money to see a doctor, and the cattle were sold, and they borrowed from others during the spring plowing. The food was gone, and they all relied on food relief. They thought that the family could live a good life again after the pillars were cured. Their family’s big labor force, without him, no one would farm the land. Thanks to the help from the neighbors, including my sister-in-law’s family, they have lent him money and food, but now they can’t sustain it anymore, and they borrowed a lot of money Debt. The key is that the doctor said there was no cure, so I had to carry him home and wait to die.”

"Then you haven't thought about why the pillar is like this?"

"Their family is also very strange, so they invited a fortune teller to do the calculation. He said that he was a hungry ghost. He eats whatever he eats. He is always hungry, but he can't eat enough. He said that this ghost is very powerful. Please ask a mage to do it. It's useless, even moving their ancestral graves to other places still won't work."

Xiao Ying smiled wryly and shook his head and said, "Didn't you find the reason from his own body? For example, was there something wrong with that operation? Haven't you thought about it?"

"There is a problem with the operation? How could it be? How could the doctor do the operation wrong?"

Xiao Ying felt an inexplicable sadness at the absolute trust of the simple and kind-hearted villagers in the hospital and doctors, and said: "Doctors are also human beings who make mistakes, just like a craftsman who builds a house with good craftsmanship and a beautiful house. If the workmanship is not good, the house built will not be able to live in people, or even collapse. There are also good doctors and bad medical skills. A good doctor cures the disease and saves the life, but a quack doctor will kill people, haven’t you heard of it?”

(End of this chapter)

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