doctor magician

Chapter 109 Shooting yourself in the foot

Chapter 109 Shooting yourself in the foot

Miao Xiang said: "Thank you, -- yesterday a fortune teller told my master's fortune, saying that the doctor made a misdiagnosis, so he wrote me a note, and I gave it to the doctor, but the doctor hasn't changed my master's medicine until today. Dean Zheng gave instructions yesterday to ask them to change their medicines, but they refused to listen. My master's condition is even worse than yesterday."

When Director Zhang heard this, he quickly asked, "Is the fortune teller who wrote you the note surnamed Xiao?"

"Yes, doctor, do you know him too?"

Director Zhang didn't answer and asked instead: "What's your master's name? Which department are you hospitalized in?"

"****, is the abbot of the Lotus Temple. He lives in the gastroenterology department."

"Understood, don't worry, I'll tell the dean immediately to change your medication as soon as possible, you go back first."

Miao Xiang was very grateful. After thanking her with clasped hands, she wiped her tears and went back to the ward.

Director Zhang thought for a while, and, ignoring going to the toilet, found a piece of paper from his pocket, took out the ballpoint pen from the jacket pocket of his white coat, wrote a few lines, and then hurried back to the venue.

A department director was speaking, and Dean Zheng sat at the head and wrote it down carefully in his notebook.Director Zhang walked up to him, put the note in front of him, and quickly returned to his seat.

Dean Zheng was a little surprised. He took the note and glanced at it. It said: "The Department of Gastroenterology did not follow your instructions to change the medicine for the presiding Master of the Lotus Temple of the Lotus Temple. The patient's condition is getting worse."

Dean Zheng's expression darkened immediately, and he slapped the note heavily on the table. With a loud bang, the director of the department who was speaking was startled, and he quickly shut up. All the department heads on the field looked at each other. Looking at Dean Zheng.

Dean Zheng stared at Director Du of the Department of Gastroenterology, and said, "The teacher who lives in your department, Master ****, yesterday I instructed you to change the medication according to the note, why didn't you follow it?"

Director Du was taken aback. He never thought about changing the medication as stated in the note. What he wanted was just a piece of evidence, and he didn't expect that Director Zheng would hold on to this matter.Now seeing Dean Zheng getting angry, he was so scared that he dropped his pen on the table. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and immediately said with a very innocent look: "Does the dean have any instructions? I, I didn't see it, did you send it to me?" Are you in the department? I'll check right away."

Dean Zheng snorted heavily and turned his head away from him.

Director Du was sweating profusely on his forehead, he stood up quickly and hurried out of the venue.

Dean Zheng's face was gloomy again, and after a while, he signaled the director of the department who had spoken just now to continue.

After a while, Director Du timidly entered the meeting place, bowed his waist and said to Dean Zheng: "Xiao Xu from our department was going to give me the note, but I forgot it in the meeting. Now*** *The Shitai medicine has been replaced, and the prescribed medicine was replaced according to the note, and I did it myself."

Dean Zheng didn't seem to hear it, and continued to write it down in his notebook.

Everyone in the room looked at Director Du, and many people had obvious gloating expressions in their eyes.

Director Du was very embarrassed, and returned to his seat awkwardly, but he gritted his teeth and thought to himself: You are showing your prestige now, and when your feudal superstition is exposed to the provincial party committee, I think you will still be shaking your ass.

Chen Zhiyuan has been sitting next to Dean Zheng, and seeing his cronies being criticized face to face by Dean Zheng, he felt merciless, and felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't say anything, because Director Du did something wrong in the first place. There are long instructions that are not implemented.

However, he had the same idea as Director Du, and he was also sneering in his heart. Looking at Dean Zheng's current prestige, there should be news in the afternoon, and then he should have his own prestige.

Chen Zhiyuan's guess was correct. In the afternoon, just after he got off work at noon, he received a call from his secretary urging him. The voice was very anxious, saying that he was waiting for him in the car across the road outside the hospital and told him to come out immediately because of something urgent.

Chen Zhiyuan couldn't help but feel anxious when he heard it, because Secretary Cui's voice was very anxious and heavy from the phone, and he definitely didn't look like he was going to tell him good news. He hurried out of the hospital in a hurry and came to the hospital. Next to Secretary Cui's car across the road, after confirming that Secretary Cui was sitting inside, he opened the door and got in and sat in the passenger seat.

Secretary Cui handed him the envelope with a sullen face.Chen Zhiwei saw that it was the report letter that he entrusted Secretary Cui to Huang Gaoguan yesterday, with Dean Zheng's instructions on the note written by the fortune teller Xiao Ying attached to it.

Chen Zhiyuan wrote a signed report letter, because he had to let his superiors know who caught the fake authority of the health system who believed in feudal superstition.

In the blank space at the top of Chen Zhiyuan's report letter, Deputy Mayor Huang wrote a line: "President Zheng please take discretion."

Seeing this instruction, Chen Zhiyuan, who has been in the officialdom for a long time, suddenly felt cold. He knew that if the report letter was genuine, if the superior thought it violated party discipline and government discipline, he would order it to the discipline inspection department for investigation. In order to express trust in the person being reported, the report letter will be directly forwarded to the reported leader.

Now Deputy Mayor Huang has forwarded his report letter to Dean Zheng, who was reported by him to engage in feudal superstition, which means that Deputy Mayor Huang does not believe what the letter says at all, or thinks that this issue does not involve Party discipline and government discipline, at the same time, are enough to show that Deputy Mayor Huang, who is in charge of the province's health system, has great trust in President Zheng of the Second Hospital.

Holding the letter, Chen Zhiyuan leaned weakly on the back of the chair, and lightly beat his forehead with his hand, not knowing why this happened.

Secretary Cui said in a low voice: "I handed this letter directly to Deputy Mayor Huang this morning. After reading it, the Deputy Mayor wrote a comment on it with a sullen face, and then handed it to me, asking me to hand it over to Yuan Zheng. He also asked me to remind Dean Zheng to be careful about you. Moreover, he used a word, I don't know if I should tell you. "

"Let's talk..., there is nothing that can hurt me more..."

"He are a villain."

"Hmph!" Chen Zhiyuan snorted heavily, "Who in the officialdom is not a villain? How many people can climb to a high position without relying on villain methods? Forget it, this time I fell, I don't understand Deputy Huang Why does the mayor defend this Zheng so much?"

Secretary Cui sighed and said, "Yesterday you should have told me the content of this letter, and in that case I will have told you in advance."

Chen Zhiyuan got carried away yesterday, and was faintly afraid that Secretary Cui would take his credit, so he sealed this envelope in the envelope, and now hearing that Secretary Cui had something to say, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Are they related?"

"Of course, Dean Zheng was appointed by Vice Mayor Huang himself to be the dean of your hospital by air. Vice Mayor Huang is very optimistic about Dean Zheng. It can be said that he single-handedly promoted Dean Zheng."

Chen Zhiyuan couldn't help smiling bitterly, he really hit the muzzle of the gun in a daze, couldn't help smiling bitterly, stretched out his hand and beat his forehead: "Thank you, old classmate, what should we do about this matter?"

"As soon as I go to work in the afternoon, I have to hand this letter to Dean Zheng. You have to make preparations and preparations before then."

"I wrote this letter with my own hand. Do you want me to write a new one? However, Huang Gaoguan's signature is on this letter."

"What are you thinking? You can't change a single word! The boss has already read this letter. If he changes it, he will know immediately. Then I will be out of luck. I can't use my future to take the blame for you!"

Secretary Cui took the letter back, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are better at this kind of thing than I am. I just want to tell you the news. You can make up your mind early on what to do. Remember, you only have one At noon, because I go to work in the afternoon, I will send this letter to Dean Zheng."

Chen Zhiyuan nodded with a heavy heart, shook hands with Secretary Cui and said, "My good brother, thank you for telling me the news. I will thank you very much later."

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhiyuan got out of the car and watched Secretary Cui's car go away.Putting his hands in the pockets of his white coat, he quickly walked into the hospital and returned to his office with his head down.

He sat in a chair and kept thinking about what to do about it.Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, he finally thought about the plan thoroughly, so he picked up the phone, dialed the gastroenterology department, and asked Director Du and Dr. Xu to come to his office.

The two thought that there was good news about the downfall of Dean Zheng, and they both came to Chen Zhiyuan's office happily.But when they saw Chen Zhiyuan's gloomy face, the two of them had a premonition that something was wrong, and sat on the chair opposite his desk nervously, looking at him nervously.

Chen Zhiyuan said: "I was filled with righteous indignation at President Zheng's practice of feudal superstition in the hospital, so I wrote a report letter to Deputy Mayor Huang and attached the note, and it turned out..., alas! It's my fault. To be honest, I didn’t figure out these nepotism. I just found out that this old man surnamed Zheng is actually a member of Vice President Huang. My report letter was forwarded to Dean Zheng."

Hearing this, both Director Du and Dr. Xu poured cold water on their heads. Subconsciously, they knew that Chen Zhiyuan called them here. Maybe it wasn't because of bitterness. There might be a next step involving them, so they were even more nervous.

Sure enough, Chen Zhiyuan smiled wryly, looked at the two of them and said, "Once my letter of report reaches Dean Zheng, with the virtue of this old man, he will never let the three of us go. What do you think we should do?"

Now that Chen Zhiyuan kicked the ball to the two of them, Director Du shivered, glanced at Dr. Xu next to him, then puffed up his chest and said, "Brother, you have the final say, we will do whatever you say, we Together."

Dr. Xu also quickly swore his allegiance, but his confidence was quite lacking.

Chen Zhiyuan nodded in satisfaction, took out a pack of Hongtashan, smoked two, and handed them to Director Du and Dr. Xu respectively.

Director Du quickly took it and took out the lighter, lit it for Chen Zhiyuan first, and then lit it himself. Seeing Dr. Xu holding the cigarette in panic, he put the lighter in front of him and said, "Take one, the hospital will use it." It’s rare to give it a long time.”

(End of this chapter)

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