doctor magician

Chapter 106 The Master's Illness

Chapter 106 The Master's Illness
Deputy Director Liu was very curious when he heard what they said was so miraculous, and asked, "Where is that Dr. Xiao? I want to meet him."

"He left after the surgery," Zhu Feibo said.

"Oh, what a pity, which hospital is he from? I must thank him well."

"He is a high-achieving student who graduated from a medical university with excellent medical skills. He chose to start his own business and opened a disease medical consulting company."

Deputy Director Liu was even more surprised. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "I have the impression that Jin Laifu once asked me to sign for a company of college graduates, also surnamed Xiao, to set up a medical company. He is the legal representative. But that company has Luo Qingsong, the retired chief doctor of your hospital, and several senior pharmacists and nurses who are head nurses. If they meet the requirements, I will approve it for him. I remember that the company’s location seems to be near the train station. Is it he?"

"It should be right, it's him."

Deputy Director Liu said with emotion: "When I signed the letter, I was really worried. I was afraid that if he failed to pass the letter, it would damage the interests of patients. However, thinking of the authority of Director Luo Qingsong, And it was extremely responsible, so I finally signed it. If I had known that Dr. Xiao is so skilled in medicine, I would have signed without hesitation, and I didn't need to consider Luo Qingsong and the others. Hehehehe!"

Deputy Director Liu laughed heartily.

the next morning.

Xiao Ying received a call from Zhu Feibo, telling him that Deputy Director Liu's child's condition had turned from danger to safety. Thanks to him finding the bleeding point in time, most of the spleen was preserved. Deputy Director Liu asked him to express his gratitude.

Then he told him that Zhu Feibo's friend did not find any tumor after a laparotomy. The ct image showed that it was actually the same as what Xiao Ying said, it was a liver abscess, and he had undergone puncture and drainage surgery, and he was expected to recover soon.His friend escaped from death, and the whole family was overjoyed. After hearing what Zhu Feibo said, Zhu Feibo must express his gratitude.


This morning.

Xiao Ying is waiting for customers to come to the company, flipping through a large number of medical cases in his mind to learn from them.

At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of the Buddha's trumpet coming from outside the door: "Namo Amitabha Buddha! Donor Xiao."

Xiao Ying looked up and saw Master Minghui, the abbot of Xianglu Temple standing at the door, and beside him was a thin old nun with a sickly face, supported by a young nun.

Xiao Ying hurriedly folded his palms together, and said salutingly, "Master Abbot, are you here all right?"

"Tofu, thanks to the master's guidance, the condition is gradually improving, and I can walk on my own." Immediately, he introduced the old nun beside him: "This is the **** teacher of the Lianhua Temple in Lianhuashan. The one next to her is her apprentice. "

The two nuns clasped their palms together and saluted, Xiao Ying hurriedly returned the salute.

Xiao Ying let the three of them into the room, sat down on the corner sofa, took the teacup and poured tea.Miao Xiang hurried over to help, Xiao Ying was not good at arguing with her, so he asked her to pour tea and sit down by himself, looking at Abbot Ming Tong, waiting for him to speak.

The abbot exchanged some greetings first, and waited until Miaoxiang poured the tea and sat down, then he got to the point: "That's right, this teacher is my good friend for many years. Take refuge in the Dharma, the Dharma is very exquisite, and you are a good monk in the Buddhist sect."

**** Teacher was too busy and smiled humbly.

Abbot Mingtong went on to say: "We haven't seen each other for a long time. Yesterday I heard from the visiting layman that Mrs. **** was also sick and hospitalized, and she was staying in the Gastroenterology Department of the Second Provincial Hospital. So I went to visit. I just learned that her illness has been repeated in several hospitals without a diagnosis, and now she has not been diagnosed in the gastroenterology department, and her body has been tortured badly, so I told him about your advice to cure the disease, and suggested that she come to see Take a look, that's why you're here today. Benefactor Xiao, please show Grand Master Tai, what's wrong with her?"

Xiao Ying nodded. According to the existing information, she should be able to find her medical records, because nuns rarely see a doctor in hospital. At the current time and the hospital, she quickly found the relevant information about Mrs. ****'s hospitalized medical records. .

Xiao Ying slowly pinched his fingers and counted, but then quickly scanned the entire medical record in his mind.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. According to the medical records, the old nun would die in the hospital two months later due to organ failure.It should be too late for her to come to her now, but the key is to let her attending physician believe in her own judgment.

After Xiao Ying read the medical records, he said to the grand teacher: "The teacher has been a monk since childhood, right?"

**** Shitai nodded.

Xiao Ying said: "For long-term vegetarians, due to the deviation of food structure, it will have some impact on the body. Corresponding adjustment measures should be taken, such as taking some folic acid vitamins, so as not to cause nutritional anemia."

Master **** smiled slightly and said, "Does Master Xiao think that my illness has something to do with the long-term vegetarianism? But there are many people who have been vegetarians for a long time, including my teacher, who have never been sick and are in good health."

"Master, I misunderstood too much. I'm not saying that every vegetarian will get this disease. It should be understood that some people who get this disease are long-term vegetarians, but we can't draw a conclusion that long-term vegetarians will definitely get this disease." This disease cannot be reversed. It has something to do with each person's unique constitution."

****Master Tai nodded: "I understand what the benefactor said, but what kind of disease does the benefactor think I am?"

"In order to let my wife have confidence in my advice, I just counted my wife's previous diagnosis and treatment. Is it right for me to tell my wife to listen to me? If it is not right, my wife does not need to listen to my advice. If I say By the way, take the test again, I am, listen to me and guide me."

"First of all, I heard Abbot Mingtong say that benefactor Xiao is able to describe the illnesses of people he has never met with the utmost accuracy. I am very impressed. Now the poor nun wants to experience it for himself. Please tell me, benefactor!"

Xiao Ying said: "Master found out that there was something wrong with her body. It was because she had suffered from diarrhea for several days, and her body began to lose weight. After she went to the XC District Hospital to see a doctor, she thought it was enteritis and prescribed drugs such as Smecta and norfloxacin. After taking medicine for two months, the diarrhea did not stop, and my body became weaker and weaker, so I was hospitalized. I was admitted to the Municipal People’s Hospital. The city hospital suspected thyroid disease, but after examination, it was finally ruled out. After a month of treatment Time still has no effect, and the doctor's consultation suspects that it is a malignant tumor of the intestine."

****The teacher was very surprised, and praised: "It is true that it is better to be famous than to meet, and to meet is worse than to be famous. The benefactor Xiao is really good at calculating, and the calculation is very accurate. It is indeed the case. The poor nun diagnosed by the city hospital is likely to be a malignant tumor of the intestine. At that time, I thought I was going to pass away, hehehe, I didn’t expect the doctor to tell me that the diagnosis was wrong, because after the examination, no relevant evidence of intestinal malignant tumor was found, so the poor nun breathed a sigh of relief, but Still haven't found the cause."

"Yes, so the teacher was transferred to the No. [-] Provincial Hospital. The reason for admission was diarrhea. Your real disease is called megaloblastic anemia. This kind of disease is due to atypical clinical manifestations and early red blood cell counts in the blood routine. And the amount of hemoglobin, average red blood cell volume, and average red blood cell hemoglobin are not as obviously reduced as other anemias, and even higher than normal values, which makes people think that it is anemia, so doctors are easy to misdiagnose."

"Benefactor Xiao thinks my diarrhea is caused by anemia?"

"Yes, this kind of anemia is often accompanied by digestive tract and nervous system symptoms. But because your blood routine indicators do not meet the indicators of anemia, it is difficult for doctors to link your digestive tract problems with anemia. This is You can’t diagnose the real cause for several months. You need to ask the doctor to do a bone marrow puncture, and you will find that your megaloblastic system hyperplasia, reticulocytes decrease, and the serum will also find folic acid and vitamin B12 decrease In this way, the diagnosis can be confirmed. I am worried that you will not be able to explain it when you go back, so I will write the cause of the disease on a piece of paper for you, and you can take it back to your attending physician and ask him to do these checks for you.

****Master Tai nodded and said, "Okay, thank you, Master Xiao."

Xiao Ying wrote a few lines on the paper, then handed it to Miao Xiang who was sitting beside her.Master Minghui asked: "Excuse me, benefactor Xiao, how much is the fortune-telling fee?"

Xiao Ying shook his head with a smile and said: "No need, if you have to charge money for the doctor's fortune-telling, then I'm too sorry."

Master Minghui said thank you.Abbot Mingtong at the side laughed and said, "The benevolent Master Xiao has a benevolent heart and devoted himself to the Buddha. During this time, he has donated several Ksitigarbha Bodhisattvas to our temple."

****Master was very surprised, got up and clasped her hands together, bowed slightly and said to Xiao Ying: "If benefactor Xiao wants to do good deeds and accumulate virtue, please consider our Lotus Nunnery."

"Okay, since the teacher said so, next time I will donate a few statues of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to your Lotus Temple."

"Thank you so much, I'll take my leave."

A few of them left and went back to the hospital.

****The lotus nunnery where the teacher is located is just an ordinary nunnery and has no influence, so she herself did not join the CPPCC, unlike Abbot Mingtong, who is a member of the CPPCC. The hospital only arranged for a young doctor with the last name Xu, responsible for treating the teacher.

Miao Xiang helped Master back to the ward to lie down, then took the note, found Dr. Xu, blushed without saying a word, and whispered softly: "Doctor, please take a look at this, it is related to my Master's condition." .”

Dr. Xu was still very polite to the monks, nodded and took the note, read it twice, frowned, and said to Miaoxiang, "Where did this note come from?"

"Master and I found a fortune teller to read it. He was very accurate. Master Mingtong, the abbot of Xianglu Temple, also got advice from him. His illness has begun to improve."

Dr. Xu snorted, didn't know how to answer for a while, thought for a while and said, "I can't make the decision when it comes to changes in the treatment plan. I have to report to the director. I'll tell you the result after the report is over, okay?" ?”

Miao Xiang nodded, saluted, and left the office.

(End of this chapter)

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