doctor magician

Chapter 104

Chapter 104
Xiao Ying said: "Wait, I'll find a handful of rice." Then he went to Tian Luo Snacks and asked for a handful of rice, put it in a bowl and took it back, and asked Guan Yuying to sprinkle the rice to make a fortune.

The hexagram is completed, Xiao Ying counted the number of meters, added the current time, and calculated the hexagram according to the Plum Blossom Yishu algorithm. After pondering for a while, he said: "The man who can help you has a wood in the radical of his name. He The family lives in the north and is engaged in work related to the hospital."

Guan Yuying said: "There are quite a few of my friends with wood in their name radicals. I have to think about those who live in the north, but I rarely have friends who work in hospitals!"

"It doesn't have to be your very good friend. Take a long-term view and open up a little. For example, your acquaintances, you know. You just hire them temporarily as boyfriends, and you don't really talk to him about friends. Speak well, the price is fair One thing, I believe I will find it. The most important point is that you can’t be cruel to others, otherwise no one will dare to take the risk no matter how much money you give, not to mention, your people’s police may not be able to spend a lot of money.”

Guan Yuying nodded and said: "The master pointed out the direction, and I have a goal. I will go back and check one by one, and I will definitely find the right one. Thank you for your guidance."

After all, Guan Yuying smiled and got up to leave, Xiao Ying hurriedly called her away again, handed him the 50 yuan and said: "This hexagram is free, and it's not a fortune-telling or medical treatment, so no money is charged. Not to mention friends. By the way, I have to thank you for the last Dragon concert, I wouldn't have been able to get in if it wasn't for you!"

Indeed, if Guan Yuying hadn't found Captain Zheng to send herself to the backstage, she wouldn't have known Long Qingquan, and of course wouldn't have caused a series of incidents later, and in the end, she wouldn't have a big brother pretending to be an artifact in her hand, drinking water and thinking about the source , of course I should thank others.

Hearing what Xiao Ying said, Guan Yuying was not polite, took the money back, and said, "Okay, since Master Xiao recognizes me as a friend, it's okay, and if there is anything useful to the Municipal Public Security Bureau in the future, just ask , Of course it can’t be illegal, hehehe, I believe Master would not do such a thing.”


The weekend is here.

Zhu Feibo, director of the Emergency Center of the Second Provincial Hospital, invited Xiao Ying and two people to a high-end western restaurant in the provincial capital to eat western food and drink red wine to chat.

While eating steak and drinking red wine, Xiao Ying said: "If you invite me to such a high-end place for dinner, I'm afraid Director Zhu has something to tell me?"

Zhu Feibo laughed, and said: "Don't think of people as philistines. If you invite you to dinner, you will be asked to do something. But then again, people must ask for courtesy. That's true. Hehehe, if you really say that , I really have something to find you."

Xiao Ying smiled triumphantly and said, "I'll just tell you, tell me, what's the matter?"

"I heard that you run a fortune-telling company, and the fortune-telling is very accurate."

Xiao Ying quickly waved his hands and said: "That's all an excuse for the patients and family members who come to me for consultation to believe my words. I don't know how to tell fortunes. Is there really a magic stick in this world who can tell other people's illnesses through fortune telling? Do you believe it? At least I don't."

Zhu Feibo didn't expect Xiao Ying to categorically deny it, so he was a little surprised.

Xiao Ying has already made up his mind. Pretending to be a fortune teller and seeing a doctor depends on the occasion and the target. For those who already believe in fortune telling, including patients, family members, and people in the officialdom, he should use his identity as a fortune teller to tell their fortunes. cure.As for occasions where I don't believe in fortune-telling and using my identity as a fortune-teller may cause trouble, I use my normal medical knowledge and rich knowledge of medical records to guide and treat diseases.

To put it simply, it is to distinguish between occasions, fortune-telling and medical treatment if you believe in fate, and medical treatment if you do not believe in fate.

What he was facing now was the director of the emergency center of the hospital, so Xiao Ying denied that he knew how to tell fortunes.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Feibo sneered and said, "Okay, even if you admit that you can tell fortunes, I won't do anything to you. I'm just curious, because I heard that you are a fortune teller, and the note you wrote But it is very precise and accurate, so I asked curiously, if this is not the case, forget it."

"Of course not. I rely on my medical knowledge to provide some help to patients and their families who need disease guidance."

Zhu Feibo said: "I'm not hitting you. If you say that you rely on fortune-telling to get an accurate diagnosis, even though I don't believe it, it can still be explained. But if you say that you rely on the results obtained by the school I don’t believe in the book knowledge I learned. ——I’ve never seen a student like you who graduated from a medical university make such a precise judgment. , can you do it as an undergraduate?"

Xiao Ying put down the knife and fork, and said, "A person can't be judged by his appearance and sea water can't be measured. Are we undergraduates not as good as your doctoral students?"

"Of course you can't say that." Zhu Feibo hurriedly explained, thought for a while, and then said, "I invite you to dinner today because I have a difficult medical case and I would like to ask you to help with it. But you said that you rely on medical knowledge, which is reasonable, so if I say it, you can use your medical knowledge to help me figure it out."

"tell me the story."

"This is a friend of mine who is over 50 this year. He began to experience persistent upper abdominal distension and pain 30 years ago, with paroxysmal exacerbations. There are also nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, moderate fever, dark yellow urine, and yellow staining of the sclera. Treated with antibiotics, it got better after treatment, but it will attack again, repeated many times, the symptoms are the same, there is no problem between the attacks, he came to me after another attack a few days ago, and I checked him. On his upper right I felt a lump in my abdomen."

"Wait, tell me his name, date of birth or unit."

Zhu Feibo was a little curious: "Why do you ask this?"

"Just answer according to my request, don't ask too much."

Zhu Feibo told him his name, date of birth and unit.

"Okay, you can continue talking." Xiao Ying listened to him, and immediately searched for the case in his mind, and found it very quickly.After reading it quickly, I immediately found the key to the problem, and my heart felt at ease.

Zhu Feibo went on to say: "I checked him. The white blood cell count was high and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate was fast, indicating infection. Hepatitis B virus surface antigen was positive. Hypoalbuminemia and abnormal liver function indicated liver damage, but I did it for him three times. The alpha-fetoprotein was negative, and the B-ultrasound showed diffuse lesions in the gallbladder. So I suggested that he be hospitalized. Finally, he underwent an enhanced CT scan of the abdomen and was diagnosed with liver cancer and multiple liver cysts."

Because Xiao Ying found the key to the problem, he couldn't help laughing after hearing what he said.

Zhu Feibo was a little strange and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"You finish first and I'll tell you what to laugh about."

"Okay,——the doctor combined all the previous examination results and made a clinical diagnosis of liver cancer with multiple hepatic cysts and acute attack of chronic cholecystitis. He was given blood transfusion, rehydration, anti-infection, and albumin supplementation, but the condition did not improve and further deteriorated. I I visited him and talked with the doctor. The doctor also said that there is no way, I don’t know what the problem is, so I want to hear your opinion.”

"I graduated with a bachelor's degree. You can't do anything with a doctorate. Is there anything I can do with my bachelor's degree?" Xiao Ying teased.

"Hehe, just hold on to my sore foot and I'm sincerely asking for advice today."

"Just kidding." Xiao Ying pointed to a bag next to Zhu Feibo and said, "If you guess right, it should be the patient's CT scan, right! Show me."

"Your eyes are really sharp, indeed." Zhu Feibo took the CT scan from the bag next to him, took it out and handed it to Xiao Ying.

Xiao Ying glanced at it, his eyes lit up immediately, and said to Zhu Feibo: "Do you know why I laughed just now? Because I feel that you have misdiagnosed."

"Oh, why do you say that?"

"You are confused by the CT scan. Your friend is not liver cancer, but liver abscess. Because the CT image is also a kind of space-occupying lesion, just like liver cancer. So you mistakenly think it is liver cancer and multiple liver cysts, and the diagnosis is wrong. Treatment How could it be effective? Look at the CT scan, it’s right here, it’s a liver abscess, there are many places, you should take a closer look.”

Zhu Feibo took the CT scan and looked at it carefully, touched his chin and frowned and said, "I thought it looked like liver cancer at first, but after hearing what you said just now, after thinking about it carefully, it does look a bit like liver abscess."

"Let me ask you, did his body temperature rise?"

"It's a little elevated."

"That's right. If you check his blood again, it should also be elevated. This is the result of liver abscess infection."

"I didn't pay attention to that."

"You go to communicate with their doctor and suggest to transfer to surgery for an exploratory laparotomy, and you will find that it is a liver abscess. Puncture drainage and anti-infection treatment, it will be healed soon, let your friend rest assured, he must be terrified!"

Zhu Feibo laughed and said: "Yes, this kid was so frightened that he cried all day long like a woman, saying that his wife is still young, he is going to die, and his wife will definitely remarry. Worrying all day long. If he knows that it is not liver cancer but liver abscess, he will definitely wake up laughing from his dream. I will tell him to thank you very much, but the premise is that your judgment must be correct."

"Facts speak louder than words, do a laparotomy and you'll know."

Zhu Feibo nodded, thought for a moment and said, "Listening to your analysis just now, I think what you said makes sense, especially after you guided me to watch the CT film, I also think it's more like a liver abscess. How about it?" I'll borrow your phone. I'll communicate with his attending doctor immediately and ask him to transfer to the surgeon for a laparotomy. Then we can eat and drink with confidence."

Xiao Ying took out the brick-like big brother's phone from his handbag and handed it to Zhu Feibo.

After Zhu Feibo called, he told his friend's attending doctor what he had just inferred.The attending doctor also re-observed the CT film over there, and felt that this judgment was very reasonable, and agreed to transfer to surgery for exploratory laparotomy immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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