Chapter 700 Star Wars ([-])

What Chen Xinyue didn't know was that every day after sending out her message board, Dimon, who was under another starry sky, would always turn on his smart brain to read her message at the first time. Every time he saw her message, Dimon would Smile knowingly and be either happy for her or worried about her.

Just like after Jared and Abt arrested a few spies and people with ulterior motives, he worried about her for several days, and even passed his intentions to the two guards through special channels, that is, no matter what To ensure her safety, don't be soft on those with ulterior motives.If it's not a big deal, get rid of the person directly without letting her know to affect her mood.

When he said such words, the frost in Damon's eyes could freeze the space. If he met such people in person, would he be polite to those people, even in the name of loving him and worshiping him? no.

Anyway, soon, after two years of preparation work, the final moment is coming, when the matter is over, he can go back to reunite with her, at that time, everything will be blocked by him for her, no more Let her bear the pressure of being blamed alone.

Since he chose her so that she could not live the life of a human on Earth like Zhang Cancan and Luo Fan, then he will definitely give her what she wants, and will not let her be treated unfairly for choosing him.

"Yueyue, just wait, I will return to you soon."


After another three months or so, the interstellar network was suddenly covered by an unprecedented news. As long as they were literate and intelligent, the attention of intelligent beings were all attracted by this news. At the beginning, Damon's Overwatch went deep alone, and infiltrating into the center of the evil alliance's star field was even more eye-catching.

That is, the United Fleet, which unites all the interstellar alliance forces and the self-defense forces of various advanced civilization planets, has all assembled at the edge of the evil alliance star field, and at the same time, launched an attack on the evil alliance army.With a lot of vigor, he wiped out the momentum of all the evil alliance star fields.

While initiating the war, the fleet led by Chen Xinyue was also ordered to move forward to the boundary line between the Star Alliance and the Evil Alliance star field, the purpose is to meet the Star Alliance forces fighting ahead and do necessary aftermath work for them.

There is only news of the outbreak of war on the interstellar network. As a mid-level general of the interstellar alliance army, Chen Xinyue knows much more about this war than ordinary interstellar citizens.

Because this is an unprecedented battle that requires the cooperation of all Star Alliance forces, so she has the right to know some general military action plans.

Thus, he also knew that the supreme commander of this battle was the man he had always cared about—Demon.

After so many years of fighting, Daemon's outstanding commanding ability has been recognized by everyone. The elusive and clever general Changsheng is recognized as the No. 1 commander in the modern Star Alliance army that has never been seen before or since.It is expected that he will be the commander of such a massive war, and no one will object.

From the general layout of the Star Alliance army sent by Chen Xinyue from the army and the battles that have already started, after a little research, she can see that these layouts are all from Damon's handwriting.

(End of this chapter)

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