Chapter 670 The Unexpected Person
Moreover, when detonating these black substances, it is necessary to prepare a special medium in advance, or else it cannot be detonated, or the power is insufficient, or it will hurt itself.

Therefore, if you want to use this weapon, you must lead the opponent into the starry sky with a special medium in advance, and you must keep a sufficient distance from the opponent to succeed. so huge.

Chen Xinyue discussed the battle strategy with everyone at the beginning, so the retreat in the eyes of the enemy was also intentional. Some of the ships destroyed by the opponent were just empty frames, and the real ships had long been in ambush In the current star field.

At this time, after the evil alliance fleet was caught off guard, the surviving ships of course immediately knew that they had entered the encirclement, so breaking out became the main purpose at present.

But how could Chen Xinyue let them go so easily? Following her order, all the ships of her side moved into action, orderly cleaning up the opponent according to the established battle plan.

When the battle ended, although many ships of the Evil Alliance Army still escaped, the record of destroying nearly half of the enemy's ships still made everyone excited.

You must know that the size of the opponent's fleet is similar to that of Dimon's fleet. If they attack each other head-on as before, although Dimon's fleet will have the upper hand, it will not achieve such a great result.

If it weren't for Daemon and his army's reference to 36 tactics and other strategies, although they would have used this kind of combat strategy before, they couldn't accurately calculate all the steps step by step to the millisecond level.

And if Chen Xinyue hadn't been familiar with the 36 strategies and had a strong spiritual support, it would have been impossible for Chen Xinyue to successfully complete the command task of this campaign.

After everyone cleaned up the battlefield and captured the prisoners of the evil alliance army who escaped from the destroyed battleship with the aid of aircraft, the Star Alliance army team withdrew to the vicinity of the Overwatch.

In fact, in general star wars, starships like the Overwatch do not directly participate in the battle, but serve as battle fortresses, providing long-range support and security for attack ships and frigates, and exist as rear bases.

After Chen Xinyue returned to the Overwatch, although she won the battle and slightly suppressed the fire of hatred in her chest, she still brought Zhang Cancan, Fang Deyue, Luo Fan, Ye Xianghua and other earth human fighters to those places immediately. In front of the captives of the evil alliance army, he wanted to find out whether there were any demons who invaded the earth.

Although I know that the demons who committed atrocities on the earth were ordered by the evil alliance army, so all the evil alliance forces are their enemies, but if they can find those perpetrators and avenge the human beings on the earth with their own hands, then It's even better.

However, after looking through all the captives and using high-tech interrogation methods, they did not find out the enemies at that time, but unexpectedly found out people like Chen Xinyue who would never dream of encountering them.

But it turned out that among the captives of the evil alliance army, there were actually human beings who were taken away by the defeated evil alliance army. Among them was the head of Jin Hongsheng that Chen Xinyue met when she was looking for her grandparents. .

(End of this chapter)

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