Chapter 658 Come on Luofan
Seeing Luo Fan with Zhang Cancan on his back, walking from east to west like flying, the speed is so fast that ordinary people can't keep up even if they chase lightly. The car followed.

"Luofan, come on, hurry up."

"Don't listen to Luo Fan, just keep your speed, what you want is continuity."

"Come on, Luo Fan."


"Wow, this Cancan is so happy that Luo Fan can carry him around the world for a week. If there is a man who is willing to do this for me someday, I will marry him right away."

"Me too, this is so touching, why haven't I met such a man?"

The women were envious, jealous and hated in various ways, and after the initial excitement, the men couldn't be happy when they heard the women's words.

"This is terrible. What if I have to do this to find a wife in the future before I want to marry?"

"Fortunately, I've already found a wife. Otherwise, if I come here for a while, where is my life?"

"Brother, you should find a woman with many men, so that everyone will take turns to carry it, and it will save a lot of effort."

"Hahaha, that's right, if you put it this way, it would be worthwhile for a few more buddies to marry a wife together."


Although men and women have their own thoughts, everyone is in high spirits. They have been by Luo Fan and Zhang Cancan's side all the time, as if everyone had a group outing together. During the period, some sang and some danced. Don't stop, don't be too happy compared to Luo Fanlai who is walking forward with Zhang Cancan on his back.

Of course, some of them also stepped into Luo Fan's footsteps, and followed behind with their wives or girlfriends behind their backs, but their speed was obviously much slower than Luo Fan's, but they also received a lot of applause and cheers .

Because, just relying on this courage and drive, everyone admired him.


After walking with Luo Fan for about two hours, Chen Xinyue came back with Fang Deyue, and the other onlookers also dispersed one after another, and only sent a team of people to follow Luo Fan and the others to provide for occasional needs. .

In fact, even without this team, it doesn't matter to Luo Fan and Zhang Cancan, because all the things they need must be stored in the space equipment, food, use, clothing, housing, which one is not available Therefore, Chen Xinyue sent the team to follow, not for Luo Fan and Zhang Cancan, but for the other participants.

"Hey, my Xiaofan doesn't know how much he can walk today, he won't be exhausted, right?" Luo Fan's mother sighed and sighed after returning home, looking at the video player in the living room from time to time .

"Auntie, don't worry, it's just a walk, it's nothing to him. When we were training, we often ran for [-] kilometers with a backpack weighing [-] kilograms, without being out of breath." Fang Deyue comforted with a smile .

"Ah, it's been so hard. I see that when the boys here are exercising, they are exhausted after running for [-] kilometers. You actually have to carry a thousand kilograms?" Luo Fan's mother said heartbrokenly, not only in a bad mood, His eyes were still red, thinking that his son must have suffered a lot outside.

"Auntie, these are the initial training items. After we really join the Star Alliance Army, we don't need to run like this. Moreover, our supernatural powers are all A-level now. Lifting a thousand catties is like carrying a piece of cotton. Same, I don’t feel much weight.” Fang Deyue’s analogy is a bit exaggerated, but it also shows how much strength has been improved after the supernatural ability is upgraded.

(End of this chapter)

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