You who came from the stars in the end of the world

Chapter 649 Are the Children Happy?

Chapter 649 Are the Children Happy?
Seeing that she was still shaking her head and unwilling to accept it, she had no choice but to directly open her brain and share it with Chen Xinyue, so that she could see their laws and regulations on reproductive aspects of Di Si Tuxing.

"A child is the crystallization of two lovers who love each other. How can the birth of a child be determined according to the pros and cons of genes? How can a child born in this way thrive in a loveless environment since childhood?" Chen Xinyue saw After the two genes are combined, the newly conceived embryo sac begins to grow in a special container until the fetus matures, and then leaves the incubator and is handed over to a special robot nurse for feeding.

Then, after they have initial intelligence, they will be sent to various levels and varieties of puzzle training classes to learn all kinds of knowledge, so that they can master all the knowledge and skills needed in the modern interstellar era. Hobbies, choose the field you want to engage in in the future, and do deeper study, research or work.

During this period, if the child’s paternal or maternal gene provider is interested, he will take a look at his child. If he is not interested in the child, he may not know what his child looks like throughout his life. How to grow up, what to like, what to dislike, these will not be understood.

"Yueyue, it's nothing, we are all bred like this, don't you think I'm very good?" Damon said softly, while letting Chen Xinyue look into his eyes, trying to prove the authenticity of his words.

"Then I ask you, do you know who your parents are? Did they hold you, kiss you, take you out to play when you were a child? Would they love you like my father loves me?" Although these questions It might have been difficult for Dimon to answer, but she asked anyway.

"Yueyue, these are not important. Most intelligent life forms on advanced civilization planets grow up in this way. Children growing up in the same environment are more conducive to their cultivation."

"It is true that it is beneficial to cultivation, but don't you think it is too cruel for these children? It is all handed over to machines to complete their prenatal and infancy, and it is impossible to get the love of their parents and relatives. Days, for me, are really unacceptable."

Chen Xinyue thought that although her parents divorced when she was ten years old, they still love her, and she has the wholehearted love of her grandparents, so, compared to those orphans who have no father and no mother, she is more beautiful. I'm happy.

But aren't the children bred like Damon like orphans?It's just that the orphanage they live in has complete facilities and everything they need, so that they don't have the pressure of food, clothing, housing, transportation, study and work.

"Yueyue, when you learn more about this in the future, you will understand the meaning of this. If intelligent life wants to evolve towards the most perfect gene, it must start from the fetus. If you are as casual as you were on Earth before, If you give birth, it will be difficult for the genes of the entire human being to be improved in a short period of time, and will always be in a primitive state."

"Even though we humans are still primitive in your eyes, I still think the children of our earth are much happier than your children with excellent genes."

"Okay, if you say happiness is happiness, how do you feel now, are you alright?" Seeing that she had the strength to get angry, Damon knew that her body should be better than before, but he still asked worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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