Chapter 640 Want to Return to Earth
"Hehe, let you inform me." Chen Xinyue stepped forward, quickly tapped her forehead, chest, and waist a few times, and walked away quickly with a smile.

Zhang Cancan didn't regain the ability to move until he got to Damon's side, which made Zhang Cancan secretly hate.

But there is such a big difference in strength between the two, what can she do other than take advantage of words?Even if she used her quick tongue for a while, she would take revenge in the end like she did just now.

Days like this make it impossible for people to live.

Although she was very annoyed, Zhang Cancan stood in the distance and watched for a while before returning to her room. Being able to interact with Chen Xinyue in this way would make her feel much better, at least adding a little vitality to the boring life in the military camp.

Otherwise, on days when there is no battle, other than sticking to one’s position when on duty, one would practice sleeping in the room or surf the Internet to pass the time.

And this interstellar network is still blocked. You can't go to various websites without any scruples like you did in the training camp, and you can't contact your relatives and friends except the comrades in the military camp. It's too boring.


"Yueyue, the supplies you want me to send back to Earth have arrived. Your father said everything is fine, so you don't have to worry." A year after Chen Xinyue returned to Dimon, another batch of supplies sent to Earth passed through the defense. Army, sent to Earth.

During this period, Chen Xinyue cultivated a large number of rare plants in response to the request of the research institute. Because Damon was her agent, the research institute still purchased these plants at [-]% of the market price.

With such a large amount of continuous and stable income, Chen Xinyue was able to purchase a large amount of materials needed by the earth and send them back through Dimon's hands.

I believe that within a few years, the pollution on the earth will be completely eliminated, the scorched earth will become fertile land, and a beautiful earth full of trees, green grass, beautiful mountains and rivers, and colorful flowers will appear in front of people's eyes.

"Amon, next time I change defense, can I go to the Milky Way? I miss home so much." Hearing the news of his father, Chen Xinyue couldn't help but see his father's kind figure in front of his eyes.

It has been more than five years since I left the earth. In addition to the time in space, it feels like she hasn’t seen her father for decades. She really misses him and misses him very much. The blue planet where she lived since she was a child.

"Let's talk about it at that time, I will arrange it." Dimon didn't immediately agree, but he didn't immediately object, which made Chen Xinyue full of hope.

"Amon, please let me go back next time. I haven't seen my father for a long time, and now I can't meet on the interstellar network. You also know that the time ratio in my space makes me go crazy." Chen Xinyue Shaking Damon's arm, pouted his mouth high, and elongated his voice begging softly.

"Understood, didn't you say it will be arranged? If everyone else is like you, how can I be a major general?" Damon shook his head lightly, pulled her to sit beside him, and said to her fondly.

"But you didn't say when you would let me go back." Someone even complained softly and forcefully.

"As far as your request is concerned, you see that other soldiers have not obeyed the arrangement. Some of them have not returned to their hometown for decades or hundreds of years. If others also ask to return to their hometown to garrison, what do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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