Chapter 592 Amazing command

On this day, Chen Xinyue and the others were playing in Helante City on the planet Narai while giving fruits from the earth to all kinds of intelligent life passing by. They also visited the exotic city scenery by the way. The class spacecraft returned to Distus and then returned to the training camp.

The rewards of Nalai star are relatively large. I think they are familiar with the neighboring Nalai star for what they did on Distu star. Therefore, Chen Xinyue not only sent a large amount of fruits there today, but also made friends with some people. The store signed a consignment contract. Of course, these contracts are paid to others, and they do not provide them with a store location for free.

For these, Chen Xinyue and others understand very well that business people must be profitable, so it would be suspicious if someone offered to provide them with a store location for free at this time.After returning to the training camp, everyone talked about the situation of going out today in the interstellar network conference room, and then went to rest and practice as soon as possible. After all, although it is a rest day, the daily practice time must be guaranteed. Otherwise, how could the strength be improved?
The days are going on in such a regular way day by day. Although the Earth team still loses more and wins less in the game, the winning rate is still improving at a slow speed.

In the eyes of Chen Xinyue and others, the promotion was very dissatisfied, but in the eyes of the two instructors, it was as if they had discovered something new. They watched the video of their competition every day and studied it, trying to find out the reason why they defeated the strong with the weak.

If it is said that one victory was due to shit luck, but what about two, three, and more victories, the reasons for which are worth investigating.

Although it is said that several hundred of these earth humans have advanced to become E-level supernatural powers during this period of time, it can be said that the combat power of these people is not enough to compete with the strength of other teams. Therefore, the earth team can defeat Other teams are still worth studying.

After watching their hundreds of games, the two coaches saw a little bit of tricks, but they really didn't know whether the measures taken by the Earth team in the battle were accidentally thought of by them, or whether they deliberately arranged troops like this after careful consideration in advance. lined up.

If it is said that the strategies they used could be seen in the first hundred battles, but as the number of battles increased, it was a bit difficult for the two coaches to see the obvious strategies in the battle.

Because, if you know the result and look back, it seems that every step of the Earth team has a deep meaning, and every minute is not wasted, as if they knew the enemy's action steps in advance. How could this not surprise the two instructors? ?
For such a result, of course the two instructors would not ask in person, because they would definitely feel that they were too cheap.

However, if they don't ask, it doesn't mean that no one asks. In this way, Damon, who has been concerned about Chen Xinyue's game situation, asked aloud: "Yueyue, I didn't realize that you are still a commanding genius. They fought very well in several battles, not only made full use of their own strengths, but also suppressed the enemy's specialties as much as possible, so that they made use of their strengths and circumvented their weaknesses and finally won the victory. Seeing you command like this, I think I should learn from you."

"Amon, why are you making fun of me like this? You are a major general of the Star Alliance army, and I am still a student in the training camp. If people know that you want to learn from me, the entire Star Alliance will not use their saliva to kill me. Drown." Chen Xinyue said to Damon with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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