Chapter 540 Endless Worries

The Star Alliance executives also issued a statement, that is, the Alliance Army will spare no effort to defeat the enemy's invasion as quickly as possible, and return everyone a peaceful starry sky.

Of course, what appeared on the interstellar network at the same time were the videos of the evil alliance doing evil in various places in the interstellar over the years, and the battle between Party B and the evil alliance is to maintain interstellar peace and for the intelligent life of all intelligent planets to live a peaceful and happy life.Of course, some great footage of the Overwatch battling enemy forces in the Unholy Alliance galaxy was placed at the top of every virtual network.

Perhaps all intelligent life in other interstellar alliances will feel sincere pride and pride for Overwatch and for Damon and other soldiers when they see these videos, but after seeing those videos, Chen Xinyue is completely stunned, if It wasn't that Zhang Cancan knew that she might not be able to bear this stimulus and came to her side to persuade her, she didn't know when she would wake up in a daze.

The video is really exciting. When the planets of the evil alliance are turned into nothingness or are riddled with holes under the fire of the Overwatch, everyone's mood is not to mention how happy. This is everyone's dream. One day the evil alliance can be completely wiped out. Now that someone has done this, and it is the hero Damon in their hearts who is doing it, everyone is crazy.

They were not worried about the same invasion of the Star Alliance by the Evil Alliance Army. Instead, they excitedly expressed various opinions on the Interstellar Network. Some said that this was the most exciting news, and they must support it to the end.

Some people also said that they wished they could be on the Overwatch and fight together with Daemon, and strongly urged the Alliance military to dispatch more starships to the evil alliance galaxy, so as to help Damon's Overwatch, The second is to directly destroy the evil alliance army completely, and see how arrogant they will be in the future.

Some people even asked if everyone should do something, besides contributing money and strength, would you take a starship together to the fringe galaxies of the Star Alliance, and then fly to the galaxy of the Evil Alliance to participate in the war together.


Facing the crazy interstellar network, Chen Xinyue's eyes watched several videos over and over again, that is, after being surrounded by starships, frigates, and various protective weapons of the evil alliance army several times, the Watchman always escaped at a critical moment. While getting out of the encirclement, it also gave the opponent a heavy counterattack.

People may praise Damon's resourcefulness and the strength of the Overwatch, but Chen Xinyue only sees the danger of the Overwatch. This is an interstellar war. No matter which side's weapons are not vegetarian, if they are really surrounded, If there is no way to escape, can the Overwatch remain intact?Where is the chance of Damon's life in the Overwatch?
Moreover, these are just a few battles. Although it is seen from the video that the Overwatch has successfully escaped, you must know when these videos were taken. The current Overwatch is still in the Evil Alliance galaxy. Probably experiencing the same danger all the time.

He was able to break out of the encirclement once, and he was able to break out of the encirclement the second time, but after eight times, ten times, a hundred times, and a thousand times, would he be able to escape successfully?
Although his ability is outstanding, he is only S rank after all. If the opponent sends out SS rank powerhouses, or even stronger, can he bring the only starship to rampage in the evil alliance like this again?

(End of this chapter)

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