Chapter 162
Fang Deyue didn't want Chen Xinyue to die for the benefit of the collective. As for whether there was a trace of personal emotion in it, if he was asked now, he would definitely not admit it.

However, whether it is Damon or Fang Deyue, Chen Xinyue doesn't care about their thoughts. Her mind is completely immersed in the battle in front of her now, and she has no leisure to care about these things.

In the dark night, I really don't know how many zombies came to intercept them. However, the final result is that humans defeated the zombies. As for how many humans died again in this battle, they have no way of knowing. It's good to die so many zombies, who has the leisure to count the dead on the ground?
After the battle, because it was night, someone sent an order to let everyone do their own work, collect energy beads, and distribute them uniformly at that time.

Chen Xinyue didn't know what unified distribution meant, but the energy beads dug out by the five of them were placed outside Fang Deyue's place, and she took the rest into the space.

If we say that apart from the inexplicable shocks today, then they have gained a lot, because when the team opened the way again, 26 energy beads had already been put into Chen Xinyue's space.

Obtaining so many energy beads in one day was something that was unimaginable before, but now, it is so easy to achieve, Chen Xinyue would like to thank Ye Xianghua for inviting them to participate in this battle, otherwise, how could they have such a big reward.

"The so-called wealth and wealth are sought in danger", and "a horse can't be fat without night grass, and a man can't be rich without windfall." Those are really nonsense. Didn't today's results prove the wisdom of the ancients again?

However, this sentence is only for the five of them and the leaders in the supply point.

Because, when they returned to the supply point exhausted, they were about to sit down and rest and wait for the protective cover to open. Some members of the three major teams began to ask them to hand over the energy beads on their bodies one by one.

It was said that it was agreed when they went out, and all energy beads must be collected and distributed by the collective.

However, when collecting it, some people raised objections, that is, what will be calculated later, it will definitely be a struggle of life and death. Hand it in, that's absolutely impossible.

It would be dissatisfying for people to spit out the things they put in their pockets, because these energy beads are the guarantee of everyone's survival in the next few days.Although those leaders vowed again and again, saying that after entering the supply point, the energy beads will be replaced with food and water, and then distributed to everyone.

However, how could it be so easy to hand over something that was related to his own life?
As a result, this group of human beings who had trusted and cooperated with each other just now turned against each other for the energy beads.

In the end, it was Ye Xianghua, Yang Pingxiu and other team leaders who discussed again and agreed to leave one energy bead with each person first, and collect the rest into the collective, and then distribute them according to work after entering the supply point.

Only then did everyone reluctantly hand over the excess after each left an energy bead.

Therefore, when the five of Chen Xinyue took off their coats and had them check them again, they only found seven energy beads on Fang Deyue's body, and handed over two of them, and the other five were sent to the hospital. It became the result of the five of them again.

 May [-]st is a good day. Xiaxia’s article can be released today as a VIP chapter, but I think that after joining V, everyone will spend money just reading the book, so let’s post two free chapters first. Happy May Day everyone !

(End of this chapter)

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