Chapter 160

"There are still about 200 meters left, we will be there soon, everyone get ready." Now, she did not deliberately lower her voice, so the people around her heard her words clearly and immediately became fully alert.

The guns of Chen Xinyue's five people were all raised at this moment. The distance is so close, they can always try to shoot a few rounds, even if they only kill one, it would be good.

As soon as Chen Xinyue finished speaking, Fang Deyue, Dai Meng and others also saw the shadows of the zombies, so under Fang Deyue's command, the five people fired at the same time, and after they seemed to see zombies falling to the ground, Daimon, Fang Deyue, The three of Luo Fan quickly turned their guns back, took the knife and ax into their hands, and slashed at the zombie who had already run in front of them.

However, how could there be only one person rushing towards them, so when he was cutting towards a zombie, he had to avoid the attack of the zombies behind him.

Although Chen Xinyue and Zhang Cancan hid behind a few men at first, they had to dodge at any time in order to avoid the attack of the zombies. Therefore, while hiding and hiding, Chen Xinyue actually directly confronted a zombie.

The zombie's extremely sharp claws shone coldly even in the faint starlight, and it scratched fiercely at Chen Xinyue's face.If she was caught by it, Chen Xinyue knew that not only her face would be torn apart, even her head might be clawed by the claws of Jiuyin White Bones, and several holes would appear.

"Ah." Chen Xinyue exclaimed, impatiently, the gun in her hand was raised high reflexively, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the mouth of the zombie, and her fingers frantically pulled the trigger desperately, bang bang bang... A few gunshots were fired, but the zombie didn't fall down immediately, Zong's claws still grabbed it straight, making her unable to avoid it.




At this time, there were also zombies dealing with them in front of the others, not to mention that they couldn't help her, even if they were empty, it was impossible to come to her in an instant and knock that zombie away.

"Are you going to die here today?" Chen Xinyue felt sad. Although she knew that she might die in the next second, the gun in her hand did not stop firing, and she wanted to avoid it as much as possible.

However, she has nowhere to escape now, because behind her, there is another zombie. If she takes a few steps back, she will be sent to the door automatically, and if she moves to both sides, Zhang Cancan is on her left. , on the right is Luo Fan, they are also chopping up zombies, but they are not the one attacking her.

But Dai Meng and Fang Deyue were about four or five meters away from him, even if they were extremely anxious, they couldn't reach them.

Therefore, she had no choice but to hide from both sides, but if she did, then either Luo Fan or Zhang Cancan would die.

What a dilemma this is. Does she really want to pull her companion over to be a scapegoat for her own survival?
When Chen Xinyue fired the bullet, although the momentum of the bullet could be used to stop the zombie's speed, the blocking was so slight that it was almost negligible.

What's more, the recoil generated when the gun was fired was also causing her body to move backward.

Seeing that she was attacked from the front and back, and she was doomed to die, Chen Xinyue yelled: "You guys take care." Then she closed her eyes, because, through the mask, she had already felt the sharp claws ruthlessly clawing towards her. took her

(End of this chapter)

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