Chapter 129
Fortunately, after everyone circled the fish pond a few times, it was finally confirmed that the zombie's range of activities was only about five meters in diameter.

"It's also possible, but why didn't we think of killing it before, as long as we fill up the fish pond." Luo Fan said.

"You thought it was a small pond. How much manpower would you need to fill such a big fishpond? You thought everyone was as stupid as you." Zhang Cancan was a little upset when he saw that the zombie didn't come over. So after hearing Luo Fan's words, he couldn't help but say.

"But, you said, if we don't do this, what can we do?" Luo Fan did not confront Zhang Cancan today, but continued to ask.

"Well, this is really difficult. We can kill it with a gun, but how can we get out its energy beads?" Fang Deyue also asked as he walked around the embankment.

"Brother Fang, in fact, what Luo Fan said is correct, we just need to fill it with soil." Chen Xinyue said after observing it.

Because, since the zombie is basically fixed in the middle of the fish pond, it means that it will not move around, so they only need to build a road to the middle of the pond.

In this way, the project is much smaller. Compared with the energy beads that can be obtained, this bit of hard work is nothing.

When Chen Xinyue shared her thoughts, everyone agreed.

Yes, as long as this zombie is killed, they can go back to the supply point immediately, and they can use this energy bead to exchange for their food for the next five days.

In order to confirm this discovery, everyone walked around the fish pond a few more times to attract the zombie's attention and see how big its range of activities is.Only then can this be put into action.

In this case, the five of them began to dig the soil and prepare to fill the pond.

Although there is a thick layer of ice and snow on the ground now, but fortunately the fish pond is next to the former farmland, so as long as the snow is dug up and then the permafrost above, it will be much easier to dig below.

Although there were five of them, everyone would never let Fang Deyue do anything.

Therefore, the main force of digging is Damon and Luo Fan, and Chen Xinyue and Zhang Cancan are also doing their best to help dig.

Chen Xinyue proposed the idea of ​​filling the pool because she has now found another usage of space, that is, the function of transportation.

As long as they dug out the soil clods, she could use the space to pack these large and small soil clods, then walk to the fish pond and throw the soil clods down again.

In this way, everyone's labor is greatly saved. Now, Damon and Luo Fan only need to concentrate on digging.

Fang Deyue, on the other hand, held a gun in his hand and kept patrolling around them on guard.

Digging the soil is a laborious task. After digging for a while, Chen Xinyue's body felt hot, and she didn't feel particularly cold in the wind and snow.

Time and time again, she walked back and forth between the excavation site and the fish pond, and then, more and more soil clods accumulated in the fish pond, gradually extending towards the middle.

Fortunately, on the earth, winter is a dry season, so the water level in the fish pond is not high, and they only need to pile the soil out of the water.

Although there is a layer of ice on the water beside the fish pond, Chen Xinyue still threw the soil down from the shore. in the water.

(End of this chapter)

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