Chapter 314 Grandma Gone 1
Because Ning Qiu had been protected by Qi Mingnan all the time, she didn't know how serious the injury on his back was. She could only feel the smell of blood, which made her heart ache.

Looking up again, Qi Mingnan's face was pale, his body was trembling uncontrollably, but his hand was still tightly clutching the self-defense dagger, and he pressed his other hand with special force.

Ning Qiu quickly patted his arm, tried to calm down his voice, and comforted him constantly: "Brother, don't be afraid, the dog has already run away..."

Qi Mingnan slowly turned his head around, although there was still panic in his eyes, they were immediately filled with heat.

Quickly leaning down, he hugged Ning Qiu tightly, squeezing the space between them.

Ning Qiu subconsciously wanted to push him away, but his strength was very strong. She pushed it once, but she didn't push it away. Just about to push him again, she heard his trembling voice say: "Ning Qiu... I like you, I like you...I don't want to see you slip up a little..."

Ning Qiu froze for a moment, and didn't care to push him again.

She never expected that this phrase of liking would be uttered by him at this time.

Qi Mingnan was still there and said guiltily: "Since you fell off the cliff that time, I have been guilty all the time. I feel that I am useless and can't save you from danger like Mrs. Rong... But just now When I saw that wolfhound, my first reaction was not how to run away, but how to protect you from being hurt... Ning Qiu, I can't see you making any mistakes, I will really go crazy..."

Ning Qiu also came to his senses at this moment, and continued: "Brother, let me go first and check the injuries on my body, okay?"

Qi Mingnan shook his head, but still hugged Ning Qiu tightly: "The injury on my body is fine, the dog just scratched my clothes with its paws, causing some skin trauma..."

After finishing speaking, Qi Mingnan raised his head, pulled Ning Qiu a little further away, and looked at her seriously: "What about you, Ning Qiu, what do you think of me?"

At this moment, Ning Qiu really didn't know how to say that refusal.

It's not that he doesn't know how afraid Qi Mingnan is of dogs, but he stands up for himself. He would rather get hurt than protect himself from mistakes.

What kind of virtue and ability am I to be treated so kindly by him.

But... Ning Qiu still has a voice in his heart shouting, if you don't like him, then don't use your unbearable heart to hurt him, and it's best for the two of you to speak clearly earlier.

After being silent for a while, Ning Qiu finally lowered his head, and instead of looking into Qi Mingnan's gaze, he said softly, "Brother, let me go first."

It was only then that Qi Mingnan realized that he had been hugging Ning Qiu since the very beginning, his cheeks blushed instantly, and after letting go of Ning Qiu, he took several steps back.He wanted to apologize, but felt that he had spoiled the atmosphere, so he just kept silent, Ning Qiu didn't speak, and he just looked at her.

Ning Qiu got up from the ground, tidied up the somewhat messy skirts, and once again set his sights on Qi Mingnan.

From her point of view, she could see that his shoulders were reddened, and behind him were green trees, and under his feet was the dirt that had been trampled so that no grass grew.

When the breeze blows, you can see his somewhat torn clothes fluttering with the wind, which is indescribably embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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