Chapter 397 The Emperor Arrives ([-])
Today is sunny, Lin Yinuo led a group of women to grow lotus seeds in the paddy field of the farm.

These lotus seeds have been soaked in water for a few days and have begun to germinate. Now everyone will plant them in the paddy fields and let them grow into lotus seedlings. They can be moved to their own fields in the spring of next year.

"Sister Nuo, your method is very good, so that our lotus will bloom at the same time in the future, it must be very spectacular and beautiful." Lizheng's wife He Shi said.

"Sister Nuo is really considerate of us. In the beginning of spring, the lotus seedlings have grown tall, and we will reap them in June." Li Youcai's wife, Niu Shi, said.

The patriarch's grandma also came today, and when she saw the two Lizheng wives praising Lin Yinuo to each other, she joked, "You two are worthy of being Lizheng wives, you both want to go together."

Just as Lin Yinuo was about to say something, Steward Chen ran to the edge of the field and shouted loudly: "Miss Lin, the emperor's guard of honor has arrived at the Dragon Mansion!"

"What? The emperor is here? Where are Brother Long and the five knights?" Lin Yinuo shouted in surprise.

"They are still feeding geese in the fish pond, and this old slave will go find them immediately." Steward Chen hurried away after finishing speaking.

Lin Yinuo hurried back to Huaguo Mountain to prepare food. She didn't know whether the emperor would stay in Longfu tonight or come here, anyway, let's do it first.

"His Royal Highness, the emperor is here, are you still in the mood to play mahjong?" Lin Yinuo couldn't help but said when he saw the young master playing mahjong leisurely.

"Strange, why are you so nervous when the emperor comes here!" the son muttered.

The corner of Lin Yinuo's mouth twitched, thinking that if you are a prince, you don't need to be nervous, but of course I am a commoner.

"Sister Nuo, do you want to ask some more women and maids to come up the mountain to help?" Wu asked nervously.

"Well, go and call the second aunt, the five wives and the two maids to help with cooking and tidying up the room." Lin Yinuo said.

"Okay! I'll go right away. When we come back, we'll pick some vegetables." Wu Shi said.

Long Haoyu and the five knights heard Steward Chen say that the emperor is coming, so they hurried back to the farm and galloped to Longfu.

For a while, the villagers of Anlai Village and Xiaoli Village were overjoyed. It was the first time for the emperor to come to Yonghe Town after he had been on the throne for so long, not to mention that the emperor might come to live in Huaguo Mountain!

At this time, in the old house of the Lin family, Mrs. Su was sitting on the threshold eating melon seeds, while Mrs. Liu was sitting beside her doing needlework, and the two were talking bad things about Lin Yinuo.

Suddenly Lin Laogen ran in in a panic and said, "The emperor is here! The emperor is here! I heard that the emperor is going to stay at Sister Nuo's Huaguo Mountain for a few days."

"What... what? The emperor wants to live in Nuojie's Huaguo Mountain? The Dragon Mansion is so big, why doesn't he live in the Dragon Mansion, but why does he come to our mountain valley? Isn't this cheap for Nuo Sister?" Su stared Said the big eyes.

"Fourth, fourth, come out!" Lin Laogen shouted anxiously.

Lin Zhongren, who was reading a book in the room, heard Lin Laogen's eager voice and thought that something serious had happened, so he ran out quickly.

"Father, what happened?" Lin Zhongren ran out and asked.

"Fourth, I heard that the emperor is going to live in Sister Nuo's Huaguo Mountain." Lin Laogen said excitedly.

"No way? Why does the Dragon Mansion be so spacious, why does he live in the barren mountains?" Lin Zhongren said.

"Fourth, you should go to Huaguo Mountain for a few days. If you are lucky enough to let the emperor know you, then it will be much easier for you to get into an official career." Lin Laogen said self-righteously.

"Father, can the emperor let people get close to him casually? You are not afraid to say it and make people laugh at you to death!" Lin Zhongren said in a low voice.

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(End of this chapter)

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