Chapter 1273
"I want to go home," Joey sobbed softly.A series of experiences made her spirit on the verge of collapse.

Not to mention her, even the bonfire lurking undercover in the Lava Group Union could hardly bear it.From the moment the new island beasts appeared, she completely overturned her cognition, and felt as if she had come to another world.

A world completely different from what was previously known.

"It's okay, it's okay. You'll be fine when you arrive at Fengruo Town tomorrow, which is the base camp of the rangers. Then you can contact the Elf Alliance and go home," Sirona comforted in a soft voice beside her.

Can everything really go so smoothly?
Jeff frowned again looking at the position of the 'face imprint'.

The remaining aura above is very strange, somewhat familiar and yet somewhat unfamiliar.

For some unknown reason, the people in the entire Gangbo Town emptied their buildings, leaving only an empty city.Fengrao Town, which is so close, might not be much better.Even if it is the base camp of the Union Rangers.

The more you experience, the more you can discover your own insignificance.The Battle of the New Island made Sirona and the others understand that a mountain is higher than a mountain, and all kinds of little-known mythical beasts have sprung up like bamboo shoots.A champion-level trainer is just an average combat power, and a king-level master may not be able to hold back.
"Everyone, don't separate for the time being, just rest here for the night."

Just in case, everyone can only get together to rest.Simply the room is big enough, and the bed is big enough for all the women present to rest on it.

As for men?
The floor, the sofa or even floating in mid-air, just one night will do.

Nothing strange happened until dawn.The scenery outside the window gradually became brighter. Although the sky was still gray, the road could already be seen clearly.

There is still a misty 'drizzle' falling in the sky, as if it has not been heard all night.

After experiencing the invasion of unknown creatures in the middle of the night, except for a few, most of the people did not rest well.The eyes were bloodshot, and the dark bags under the eyes looked more tired than before going to sleep.

For example, Mi Keli and his friend Dawu have two big dark circles under their eyes.On the contrary, the scared Joey and the others rested well in the middle of the night.

Jeff is naturally not in the ranks of most of these people. Moreover, in terms of his physique, it doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep for a few nights, let alone a night.

"Let's go quickly, and the sooner you contact the alliance, the sooner you can feel at ease." Mikri began to urge everyone early in the morning.

In fact, he is still very worried about the situation of his fiancée, Na Qi, the owner of the Gymnasium in Yinyu City.

Undoubtedly, all the elf trainers present were powerful, if not super powerful, and they rode the elves at a fast speed.

It took less than an hour to arrive near Fengrao Town.

Along the way, I still didn't see a single figure, not only human elves, but also the same.There are far more elves in the pocket world than humans, so it's understandable not to see anyone on the way, but you can't even see a single elf.
Even in the most remote and harsh environment, there will be one or two elves inhabiting the existence. The adaptability of elves is one of the strongest creatures that Jeff has seen so far.

However, I didn't see even half of them along the way. It seemed that the elves, like the residents of Gangbo Town, disappeared without a trace.

This kind of phenomenon has cast a layer of haze in the hearts of everyone.

"We're going to Windy Town soon. I hope everything is safe."

There are many black technologies in the pocket world, and the degree of protection of nature in most areas is beyond the reach of many worlds.Especially in a remote place like the Almia region, even the avenue is not a straight line, but a winding and rugged road.

After climbing over a low mountain, everyone's eyes lit up.A small town with a very western flavor is displayed in front of everyone.

Although no elves were found within the field of vision, they saw the long-lost humans!
Yes, a few men in denim are cleaning with brooms at the gate of the town.

Is the ranger academy all right?
This is undoubtedly good news.It's like injecting a heart booster into the body, which makes people feel refreshed.

Joey, who was originally sluggish, couldn't sit still immediately.Even Mikoli and Dawu, who are usually stable, can't wait to quicken their pace towards the town.

A few cowboys outside the town seemed to have noticed them too.However, when they found everyone, their first reaction was not to be happy, but turned around and ran away in a panic.

"Wait a minute, we are good people." Seeing this, Mi Keli was even more anxious, and quickly shouted to stop them.It's rare to see living people who haven't figured out what happened, so they can't be allowed to run away.

As a result, those people ran faster when they heard that Mi Keli called himself a good man.
Facing a few ordinary people, the trainers quickly caught up with them.After a brief communication, those 'cowboys' finally believed that everyone was not malicious.Everyone also learned from those cowboys that they were students of the ranger academy.

"What happened outside? Cough cough"

Just when everyone was about to ask what happened in this continent, a benevolent white-haired old man walked out slowly with the help of a patrolman.

"Master Dean." Those 'cowboys' said respectfully after seeing the old man.

The old man called himself the old man Yuangu, and he was the dean of the ranger academy, to be precise, he should be the former dean.

"Hello, Mr. Tsuburaya. I'm Sirona from the Sinnoh region. It's my first time meeting you, sorry to bother you." Sirona approached to greet politely but not gracefully.

"It turns out to be Sinnoh's champion, Lord Sirona. Long time, long time."

"You are old and serious."

As the champion of the league, Sirona's communication skills are quite superb.After a while, he had a happy conversation with the old man Yuangu.

Of course, if you encounter a choice, you must not let Sirona play.She can even struggle with the existence of what color clothes to wear when she goes out in the morning.

Soon, Sirona learned the information she wanted to know from the old man Tsuburaya.

It was not attacked as everyone imagined.According to the old man Tsuburaya, a highly contagious vicious infectious disease suddenly appeared in the Almiya area about two weeks ago.The speed of transmission was so fast that it infected 30.00% of the mainland's residents in just one or two days.And not only humans, but even elves with ridiculously strong vitality were also infected.

For this reason, the Ranger Academy also deliberately reported to the alliance, but the alliance was helpless against this sudden emergence of a new type of infectious disease, and there was no effective way.

In order to avoid the vicious infectious disease, the townspeople have all moved away for refuge.

The vast majority of residents in the remote Almia region have also left one after another, and there are only a few people on the entire continent. If Fengruo Town is not the base camp of the rangers, they probably have already left. left.

Those cowboys regarded Sirona and the others as infected residents, so the first reaction to seeing them was to turn around and run away.

Well, a reasonable explanation.

Regarding the old man Yuangu's statement, everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

However, no one believed it at all.

The old man is lying!
(End of this chapter)

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