Chapter 1269 Missed
"Perhaps I have a way."

It was Pluto Dragon Qi Latina, and I saw this huge dragon-shaped behemoth walking in front of everyone.As the relatively least well-known god among the three dragon gods, he doesn't talk much.

He was able to speak still thanks to Chaomeng's help.

"Let's hear what you can do." Jeff said.

Forcibly breaking through can only be an unavoidable solution, the danger is too great, and Jeff is unwilling to do so.As for Sirona, they can't count on it at all.Counting on them is better than counting on Saber's sword to split this space.

"Reverse Space"

Although Giratina's words are few, they hit the point.

"I tried it just now, and here I can connect to the reverse space." Unlike Chaomeng's solitary and slightly hoarse voice, Giratina's voice is hoarse and somewhat deep.That is the meaning of bitterness and hatred.

Giratina is the master of the reversed world, and the only legendary elf living in the reversed world.He can travel and control dimensions other than time and space.And the reverse space is the dimension outside that, and it is because of this that it is not affected by the outer Mobius ring of time and space.

The reverse dimension is the shadow plane of the main plane of the pocket, and its internal structure is almost exactly the same as that of the main plane, except that everything is reversed.It is attached to and deeply influenced by the main plane, and can even be said to be the projection of the main plane.Everything about it is closely related to the main plane.

So the reversal space is closely connected with the main plane!
That is to say, you can enter the reverse world from here and then enter the main world from the reverse world.

"However, the time flow rate of the reverse space is different from that of the real world. Coupled with the chaos of time and space in this space, you can enter the reverse space from here and then enter the main world from the reverse space. There will be some time deviations."

"Maybe in the past 1 hour, maybe 1 day, maybe a month." Giratina expressed all his worries, and he knew that in this situation, let alone a month or a day is very important.That was the existence that 'killed' Arceus.

After a pause, he said again: "But the time will not exceed three months at most, I can guarantee this."

"Up to three months?" Zeref rubbed his hands while listening to Giratina's explanation.Analyze the time difference.One day in the sky and one year in the ground, that's what I'm talking about.At least it's better than 50 years in the sea a day.

Furthermore, even if the luck is too bad to cause a time difference of three months, it is better than getting lost in the turbulent flow of time.Who knows if it will be possible to get out of the turbulent flow of time.

What if I'm lucky and only spend an hour?

Isn't that blood earned?

Looking up at the others, he said, "What do you think?"

Sirona nodded in agreement, and so did Mikoli, and Qianli nodded solemnly after thinking about it.

Don't look at Qianli's expressionless and cool appearance, in fact, don't mention how anxious he is.His most important son and wife are on the main plane.

But he and Jeff both know that the more you can't rush at this time.Because over-anxiety doesn't do anything at all, it just makes things worse.

The others also nodded one after another.This is almost the best way.

The time-space twin gods lowered their heads and shrugged their heads. If they weren't too useless, they wouldn't have to use this method.The god of time and the god of space sound very powerful, but unfortunately they have never been able to master these two powers.

You are the worst time and space gods this year.

There was no extra time to comfort them, and quickly asked Giratina to open the channel to reverse the world.

After all, if you stay here for one minute longer, you will change a little bit more.

Came to the lake surface that was dyed green by the power of Arceus' poison stone slabs. With Giratina's breath, the lake surface reflected crystal light.The door to the reverse world was just opened.

The moment you step into the reverse space seems to enter another time and space.There are colorful steam drums everywhere, as well as various strange buildings and mountains.The overall level is distinct, and the colors are very, very bright.It's like being in Alice in Wonderland.

The inverted space is the shadow of the main world, and its internal structure is exactly the same, but it is viewed from the perspective of the world as a whole.If it were an ordinary person who strayed into the reversal space and had no one to lead the way, he would definitely be trapped here to death.

For example, the complex of buildings in front of Jeff and the others belonged entirely to the Picasso faction.I don't know the reason why it didn't collapse for a long time.Jeff faintly felt that the laws of physics in this world seemed to be different from those in the main world.

Is it because the dimensions are not at the same level?

There are no living things in this world, even a blade of grass is like a phantom.The whole world is eerily quiet.No, maybe quiet is the wrong word to use here.It should be said to be dead silence, deathly silence.There was no sound at all from the flowing water.

"Hurry up and open the gate to the main world, and get out of here." Zeref waved his sleeve vigorously, urging in his tone.He is not a researcher, and he is not interested in investigating the reverse world. He just wants to find some way to return to the main world.

This trip to Xindao by himself had almost nothing but his partner, Chaomeng, and he still couldn't find Xiao Zhuang's whereabouts.

Everything is back to square one.

Giratina looked a little anxious and seemed to want to go back to the main world to solve the mastermind behind the scenes.Unambiguously, it directly opened the door to the main world.The colorful bubbles that can be seen everywhere in the reverse world are the gates that Giratina uses to pass through.

A group of people marched into the mirror of the main world.

In the reverse world, I left without even staying for 1 minute.

The entire inverted world fell into the silence before.

Less than 3 minutes after they left, a heroic girl arrived with several men in black uniforms.

Who is that girl other than Xiao Zhuang whom Jeff thinks about day and night?Beside her was a huge Rafflesia flower.

"The sound just now seems to come from here." Xiao Zhuang stood on the spot and looked around, but found nothing.Quietly, let alone a human, not even a bug was found.

She is in the same position as when Jeff left.

"Could it be my own illusion?" Rubbing his temples, Xiao Zhuang felt very tired.I don't know when I can get out of this strange place, I don't know what's going on in the outside world, and I don't know if he's back.

I seemed to vaguely heard his voice just now, but the surrounding area was still empty when I rushed over.

"Maybe it's because I miss him so much that I have hallucinations. This damn place is going to drive people crazy." Xiao Zhuang smiled at himself, and was about to take his younger brother back the same way.His expression was a little downcast.

Her eyes swept across a place inadvertently, and her and Bawanghua's bodies shook at the same time.

The lost eyes regained their former brilliance at this moment.

"No, it's not my illusion!"

(End of this chapter)

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