Chapter 1230 Latecomers

"Wind King Barrier * Wind Injury!" The powerful hurricane formed by the magic power forced the three besieged beasts back, and it was not long before strong electric current and sonic boom followed, and there was also a crisp sword cry.

The whole body is covered with extremely sharp paper swords, the philodendron with a speed exceeding the limit of ordinary elves reaching Mach 10, and the electric beam wood that feeds on electric current and uses high-voltage electric shock as its attack method.The three alien beasts are all extremely difficult existences without exception, and Saber's current physical strength is too much for them, and the speed of mana recovery can hardly keep up with the speed of consumption.The high-intensity battle made 'Jian's condition go from bad to worse.

However, just continuing to maintain such an offensive, Saber will undoubtedly lose in a short time, one of the three alien beasts, Pheromex, was called away by 'Water Wutong'.

The pherometa, whose speed was too fast to see clearly, left, and the pressure on Saber was greatly relieved.Facing Shangzhi Yujian and Dianshumu, they no longer blindly defended, and had a faint tendency to want to counterattack.

However, Saber's face did not show the slightest joy, instead, it became more dignified.Even with a rare trace of anxiety.

Never let that dangerous monster pass by!

Saber, who has fought several rounds with Pheromyces, clearly knows that the strength of the opponent is not only speed.On the contrary, compared with its real power, speed is only the most insignificant point.The danger outweighs its speed.

The code name of Pheromus is not speed, but beauty!

Secret Saber twirled the sharp sword in her hand, and Britain's strongest sword skill was about to appear again.

Just at the moment when Saber forced the paper sword and the electric beam wood back again, trying to kill the philodendron.A huge black shadow was enveloping her.

Boom, a gigantic crater appeared at the position where Saber was staying a second ago.There was a big hole in the floor. Saber fell to the next level of the castle along with the attackers.

"Arthur!" Sirona looked at the collapsed floor and turned pale with fright. It was not until Saber's voice came from the big hole that she felt relieved and concentrated on dealing with her alien army.

At the moment when the black shadow fell, Saber's reaction was also extremely fast, immediately unfolding the 'Wind King Barrier' to resist that terrible blow.

The Wind King Barrier, which could be easily blocked by even the Profound Truth of Slayer, was already covered with cracks like spider webs.Withdrawing casually, Saber's heart sank.As his strongest defense method, he couldn't even stop the opponent's blow.

"Hey." With the crackling of bones, the attacker's true face was revealed.It is none other than the 'Water Indus'.

The exposed muscles reflect a different kind of luster, obviously the physical body has been strengthened to an inhuman level, but the demeanor of 'Water Indus' is getting closer and closer to normal human beings.

"You two go up and help." With Zhi Yujian and Dian Shumu facing away, they said without questioning.After the two powerful beasts left, he pointed his chest with his thumb and said to Saber, "It's a substitution. From now on, your opponent is me!"

A cruel smile appeared on his ferocious face: "I will break your neck with my own hands."

It was too late and then soon, a cold light flashed, and the sword in the stone with killing intent came towards the 'Water Wutong'. The one in Saber's hand was not vague at all.The other party is not a knight worthy of respect, so Saber will not talk about chivalry with it.

So while the other party was talking, he made a bold move.

Aiming at the throat of 'Water Indus', it is bound to kill it with one blow!

The unrivaled king's sword slashed across the throat of 'Water Wutong', and there was no bloody radiance as expected, and a lot of sparks burst out from the intersection of the two.

Just when Saber was surprised, a pair of big hands struck like a heavy hammer.Hastily laying the sword across her chest, Saber's hands were numb due to the overwhelming force.Seeing that he couldn't resist, Saber flew upside down along with this huge force, until he retreated to the wall before barely unloading this force.

The moment she looked at the enemy, Saber's eyes were full of shock that was hard to hide.The 'Water Wutong' who got hit by that sword didn't even have a trace of blood, not to mention serious injuries.There was only a faint white scratch on the neck.


Compared with before, 'Water Indus' has been strengthened one step further.

Strengthened to a point where even Saber couldn't resist.

At the same time, the two battle the upper floor.The alien beasts were also fighting fiercely with Qianli and the others. Under the threat of death from 'Water Wutong', the potential of the alien beasts was stimulated one after another.

As if desperate, he frantically launched an attack on several people.

Just when Qianli and the others commanded the elves to rise up and resist, an accident happened.

A puff of pink gas filled the air.This gas is colorless, odorless, non-toxic and harmless.It's like a certain ingredient that melts into the air, and even the defense can't defend against it.

The elves who inhaled the gas had nothing unusual on the surface, but soon became overwhelmed, with shy expressions as if they had done something wrong in front of their loved ones.In the end, he lost his will to fight and was torn to pieces by the crazy beasts, turning them into rations.Only those elves with strong wills or spiritual power characteristics escaped by chance.

In just a few minutes, the Galaxy group elves released by Qianli and the others had already lost more than [-]%.

The name of the pink gas - "pheromones"

The true power of the pheromea, its body can secrete an unknown pheromone.

This power is like the goddess of love.People are deeply fascinated, and they fall into Avici Hell unconsciously.

Qianli, Sirona, and even Mikri were all affected by pheromones to varying degrees.Fortunately, the willpower of the three of them was strong enough, so there was no direct loss of will to fight.

Saber, who has a level-A resistance to magic power, knows the horror of this kind of power, so she wants to stop the pheromea from leaving.

"Die!" The hammer-like fists rained down on Saber, heavy and dense. The attack method of 'Water Sycamore' is even more brutal than that of Hercules with the Berserker job title.

Like a violent storm, endless and continuous.Just parrying is already very reluctant, let alone counterattacking.

Most of Saber's physical strength and magic power have been consumed when dealing with the three big beasts. At this time, it seems very reluctant to face the long-settled 'Water Wutong'.

The more tired the body is, the more energy it loses, and the more chances of making mistakes.I saw that Saber made a mistake and was caught by 'Water Indus', and was forced to hit head-to-head several times.

His chest was hot and his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood could no longer be stopped. 'Water Indus' smiled ferociously again, took advantage of the victory and came to Saber at an incredible angle, raised his arm wrapped in jet-black material mixed with the power to destroy vitality, and aimed at Saber with a punch.It is bound to kill Saber here.

A series of sonic booms sounded.

Just when Saber herself thought that she would be seriously injured even if she was not killed by this punch, a not-wide palm, under the incredible eyes of 'Water Indus', received the punch that destroyed all life with ease.His expression was relaxed and poised, as if he had just done an inconspicuous little thing.

The other hand wrapped around Saber's slender waist, holding her tightly in his arms, as if he was afraid that she would leave if he let go.

A voice reassuring Saber came from beside his ear:
"There was a little delay on the road, sorry I was late."

Belatedly see Jeff.

(End of this chapter)

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