The infinity of blood collapse at the beginning

Chapter 1215 Zombie Red Flame Pine

Chapter 1215 Zombie Red Flame Pine

Huchi, wheezing, wheezing. The sound of being pulled back and forth like a dilapidated bellows continued to reach Pluto's ears.

"What's that?" The strange sound that he had never heard before made his heart a little hairy, and at the same time he was a little hesitant.

The attention of those people in Qianli was attracted by the bonfire, and now is the best time to sneak attack.But soon Pluto will not be entangled with this problem.


A faint chuckle sounded in Pluto's ear, and the sharp voice seemed to come from the friction between the teeth.It's no longer the sweetness of a little girl, and it's more creepy than before.

Pluto couldn't help but feel a feeling, which seemed to be more evil than the Wraith Shadow Doll, which symbolized ominousness and curse.

The cool breeze blew past Pluto's ears, as if there was a thousand-year-old death coffin behind him, constantly absorbing his Yang Qi, and the exhaled hellish cold air from the underworld lingered around his ears.He refused to leave for a long time, and couldn't help shivering.

Exhale and inhale, relax and relax, the rhythm is very gentle and rhythmic.

Is there something behind me? !

Thinking of this, the body trembled unconsciously, a dense layer of goose bumps emerged like a conditioned reflex, and the cold sweat adhered to the clothes and rubbed against the skin, giving the feeling of being pricked.The blood in the whole body seemed to be frozen at that moment.

One second, two seconds, as if time has been slowed down countless times, and the feeling of every microsecond is extremely clear.Pluto has never felt that a few seconds are so long for a moment, as if he has spent centuries.The irritability that coexisted with anxiety and madness made Pluto almost collapse.

All kinds of legends about the haunted castle filled his mind.

When he finally summoned up the courage to turn around tremblingly, he found that there was no one behind him.Don't say it's an imaginary monster, it doesn't even have a hair.

Click 1, 2, 3
The icy breath on the back of the neck dissipated instantly with Pluto's turn, and time seemed to return to normal.

"Woo..." Pluto let out a long breath, and wiped off the sweat that was constantly oozing from his forehead.

It seems that he thinks too much.

The castle has long been looted by the Plasma Corps and their Galactic Corps.If there was anything strange it would have been discovered long ago.

The only thing to worry about is Sirona's damn alliance trainers.

Probably because I was too tired and nervous, so I had hallucinations.

Well, it must be so.

Pluto kept comforting himself in this way, and unconsciously took a step forward.Immediately, he touched a soft object under his feet, almost tripping him.

The scared Pluto kicked out reflexively, who was already in shock.

When he woke up, he felt that he was making a fuss again.

I am the chief scientist of the dignified Galaxy Group, and I will be frightened by some ghost stories.Fortunately, no one around saw him in such a mess.

What the hell is it!
The angry Hades looked in the direction he kicked just now, and when he saw clearly what was under his feet through the dim light, his body froze for a moment.The lingering fear hit my heart again, this time more violent than the last time.

A dilapidated black doll was lying there quietly, what was it if it wasn't the Shadow Doll that I released earlier? !

At this moment, how much he wished that the Revenant Shadow Doll would get up from the ground and make a face at him, then point at him and laugh, saying that all this was just a joke.

But the fact is that the resentful shadow doll just lay quietly on the ground, motionless.Even breathing stopped.

He is dead.
He died silently in front of him. Even how he died, who killed him.I don't know anything, I don't even have any feeling at all.

Tap, tap, Pluto's upper teeth collided with the lower teeth uncontrollably, making bursts of noise.

Huh. Ha.
The cold breathing feeling like maggots on the tarsus once again appeared at the base of Pluto's ears, and hit his heart again.The whole person seemed to have fallen into an endless abyss, and could never climb out again.

A gust of cold air rushed straight from his tailbone to the Tianling Cap, and suffocating fear permeated Hades' heart.It was as if an invisible big hand had squeezed his heart fiercely.

Everything is an illusion, everything is an illusion.

It's all fake, fake!
His whole body was stiff, and he kept praying in his heart.Turned his head again.

Only this time it will disappoint him
Less than ten centimeters away from his face, a pale cheek stood out.

It was a face that had been mostly rotted away.The nose collapsed, leaving only two small black holes, and the gums were turned over, exposed to the air.Muscles that have become dark red under the skin can be seen everywhere, leaving pits one after another like the surface of the moon.The image of zombies in American movies is infinitely better than this face.He could even clearly see the white maggots crawling in and out of the opponent's face, constantly wriggling and twisting their bodies.

Where has Pluto seen such a formation?
He's just a researcher, a decent trainer at best.

The rotten smell emanating from the opponent's body made Hades feel his stomach churning.

Finally, he couldn't help it anymore. Even though he knew that doing so would undoubtedly expose himself to unknown monsters, he still couldn't help it. This was an instinctive reaction.

Tears and snot were scattered all over the ground along with their own filth, and the sour smell permeated the entire passage, mixed with the rotten smell.Accompanied by the impact of a heavy object, the strong smell of blood overwhelmed the first two smells.Then there was a chilling chewing sound throughout the passage.At the same time, it was accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

I don't know how long it has been
The rotting face that was so close at hand, opened its mouth to reveal an evil smile, and at the same time, its throat swelled and squirmed.The dark red blood continued to slide down Chi Yansong's neck, and the sticky flesh between the lips and teeth was clearly visible.

It was the flesh and blood of Pluto.


The laughter Pluto had heard before resounded, this time so clearly.Only this time he couldn't hear it anymore.

And the owner of this rotten face gradually emerged from the darkness, and it was vaguely recognizable from the clothes on his body. It was none other than Chi Yansong, the leader of the lava team.

After the possessed Shui Wutong, another powerful trainer became a human-eating demon.It is different from the muscular monster of the water sycamore, but an undead creature like a zombie.

The monster didn't seem to be full, and roared in a low voice.The greedy gaze immediately turned to a direction, which was the place where Bonfire and Nine Tails left not long ago, which is where Saber and the others are now.

A red light flashed in his pupils.

It has found a new target.

There is what he needs, a lot of fresh flesh and blood.

"The Master of the Meat Sacrifice"

(End of this chapter)

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