Chapter 1213

The remaining three Seven Sages were not as staunch as Asura, and used suicide attacks.Of course, this is also related to Qianli and Sirona's subsequent merciless offensive.

Before Saber was attacked by Mikri and injured, the two may still have maintained their previous attitude towards the enemy, which is the so-called point to stop.

Now that one of their companions was injured, the two realized that the situation was much more serious than they had imagined. This also aroused their ferocity, and they did not show mercy.

How terrifying is a champion trainer who kills?
It is estimated that many of the plasma clusters that were knocked down had broken legs and hands.

Who asked their leaders to die.

Even Akromar, who was in a coma, didn't escape, and was kicked hard by Sister Sirona a few times, and kicked there.

Although he was penetrated by the 'cursed' black mist, after all, the target of the opponent's attack was not him.So Mikri was just weak, and his injuries were not life-threatening.

In contrast, Suicune is much more miserable. The original shiny blue fur has also become dull due to the infestation of the death force on the 'curse', especially where the black mist of the curse is in contact with the front. His hair fell off as if he didn't want money, and he was bald.He was lying on the ground with his head bowed.

"Suicune." Saber gently picked up the head of Suicune, who had endured the 'curse' for her to destroy the remaining power after destroying the wooden clone, and fell to the ground with a sluggish expression.Gently stroking the soft fur on the other party's neck, my heart is very complicated.

"Why are you doing this?"

The fossil-like Cosmom was put aside by Saber, and he was looking at this new big man curiously with his eyes open.

Suicune was once taken back by Zeref, but was abandoned by Zeref after he sided with Phoenix King due to the Masked Man Alliance incident.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not resent Jeff, but he came all the way to find him.

To fulfill the unfulfilled promise he had made with Jeff.

"Woo." Suicune nudged Saber with his head and sobbed softly.The poor eyes are like a child who has made a mistake begging for forgiveness from his parents.

That aggrieved little look is enough to melt any girl's heart. Although Saber will not fall, she still feels a little distressed by the miserable appearance of the other party who sacrificed his life to save her.

The majestic holy beast is the same as a bald cat.

As the Three Holy Beasts, Suicune's vitality is also much more tenacious than that of ordinary elves.Yandi, one of the three sacred beasts, has a flame known as the flame of life in his body.Although Shui Jun is not as good as him, he also has the title of the incarnation of the north wind that purifies all filth.

Instead, the shedding hair is the power of self-purification healing the damage caused by the power of death.

The remaining power of the curse is not enough to kill, maybe it is life-threatening for Saber, but for Suicune it just caused him a lot of damage and looks miserable.

Although he can't understand what Suicune is saying, Suicune doesn't know superpower moves such as telepathy. But Saber understood what the other party wanted to express.

Perhaps this has something to do with Saber having the blood of the red dragon in her body, and being able to perceive the minds of other creatures to a certain extent.

"I know, I know what you mean." Saber smiled softly: "I will try my best to convince him, but my will can't influence him, you have to be mentally prepared for this."

Suicune was also clever, this guy knew that if he went directly to Zeref, the other party would definitely not accept him.So he has retreated to come to Saber for help.

Unexpectedly, he just ran into Asura's life-threatening blow, so he rushed out without thinking.

Maybe there are some calculations of Suicune in it, but if you say he is utilitarian, it is not enough to say that he has a small calculation.After all, it was Jeff who drove him away in the first place, so he could just leave like this and leave him alone.

"Wooooo." Hearing Saber's assurance, Suicune happily stretched out his wet tongue and licked Saber's palm.It made Saber laugh again.

"I didn't expect it to be the legendary holy beast Suicune." Sirona said enviously, she was deeply fascinated by Suicune's body like a work of art.Even though she is the champion, she has not met the holy beast several times, let alone being saved by the holy beast at the risk of her life.

"Can I pet him?"

Sirona couldn't help asking, saying so, in fact, her hand touched it naturally.Suicune didn't make any resistance and let Sirona touch her, and from time to time he rubbed his head against her, causing Sirona to scream again and again.

But I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Suicune always swept across the two peaks on Sirona's chest.

"Take him back into the Poké Ball." Chisato's gaze stayed on Suicune for only a few seconds before moving away, his tone flat.It seems that this is not the legendary holy beast Suicune, but some other popular spirit.

Qianli, who was supporting Mikoli, looked at the time and said, "It's not over yet. I have a bad feeling that those guys are about to achieve their goal."

Saber obeyed Chisato's words and put Suicune into the healing ball.

The healing ball has the effect of healing the opponent's injuries when recovering the elves for the first time.Although Suicune cannot be fully recovered immediately, it can still play some role, it is better than nothing.As for the Pokéball that Zeref originally loaded with Suicune, it was destroyed after driving him away.

The castle and even the entire new island are now too quiet, even the lightning and thunder at the beginning are gone, and everything has returned to calm, as if Queches and Chiri hadn't done anything.The more peaceful it was, the more uneasy Qianli felt.

Based on his years of combat experience, this was the calm before the storm.

Then he asked the weak Mikri: "Can you still fight? If not, you can find a place to rest first, and leave the rest to us."

Poor master coordinator of this generation, since they came to this castle, they have either been abused or injured.Can't remember how many times this is now.

There is no problem in terms of strength, but vigilance is really bad.

If it was Qianli playing against Asura, he would not give the opponent a chance to fight hard.

"Just take a break." Mikoli gritted his teeth and shook his head, a sick look appeared on his bloodless lips.Sweat wet the temples on both sides.

"If you can't, just rest here." Sirona advised.

Several people have experienced many battles together, and Sirona's attitude towards Mikoli has also changed slightly.At least it's not like before, when you open your mouth and shut your mouth, it's just a bitch.

That useless guy in Akromar was knocked down so easily.

The few people who were talking didn't notice that a pair of vicious eyes were staying beside them in the shadow of the corner of the nearby passage.

For Lord Chiri's lofty plan, let me, Lord Pluto, take you here.
Pluto, who was hiding in the dark and observing the people, quietly took out a poke ball from his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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