Evil Zun absolutely favors the evil wife

Chapter 92 Vampire vs Zombie

Chapter 92 Vampire vs Zombie (1)
"There's not even a scum, what about the glittering treasure I imagined?" Ling Feng frowned and walked in, looking hopeless.

"I also know that it is impossible to put treasures in such a conspicuous place." Fufeng gave Lingfeng a white look. Since the matter between him and Helian's family was resolved, Lingfeng has relaxed, not as before. The tense feeling of step-by-step eyeliner for Fufeng made him show his most real miser and money fan side thoroughly.

Similarly, Li Feng, who was considered wise at first, once recovered his nature, his IQ was instantly lowered by more than one level.

"It seems to be like this!" Hearing Fufeng's words, Lingfeng's brows furrowed deeper, and after a while, he said seriously with an expression of approval.

"By the way, what's inside this sarcophagus?" Xue Qilin asked, holding the black beast with one hand, and gently knocking on the lid of the sarcophagus with the other.

"Don't knock randomly. If you accidentally wake up the person inside, it will be fun." Hu Xiaoman took a quiet look at the blood unicorn, and said coolly.

"Master Man, is it really okay to say such things in this atmosphere?" Six-Tailed Thunder Beast was quite nervously grabbing the lapel of Hu Xiaoman's clothes, its small eyes still twirling around.

"Isn't it good?" Hu Xiaoman spread his hands innocently and said, "Isn't there some people who like to tell ghost stories in gloomy places on rainy days? It's only interesting if there is an atmosphere, okay?"

"My lord, it's best if you don't talk at this time." Six-tailed Thunder Beast said weakly, what kind of atmosphere is not atmosphere, please don't scare people like this, okay?

After Hu Xiaoman grinned for a while, he really didn't speak, but just calmed down and observed this place that could be regarded as a secret room.

When Hu Xiaoman and his group walked into the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum one after another, the stone gate suddenly closed without warning, no matter how they beat it, there was no sign of it opening at all.

But the moment the stone gate was closed, the mausoleum suddenly became dark, and he couldn't see his fingers. Fufeng subconsciously approached Hu Xiaoman's position, and hugged him in his arms. Many accidents are prone to happen in the dark. Holding her is more reassuring, at least knowing that she is still safe in my arms.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a sharp and terrified cry was especially harsh in this darkness. After all, in this darkness, there is only a secret room with a sarcophagus. What happened?
"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Ling Feng yelled twice in the darkness, Fu Feng just frowned slightly, hearing that the voice was birth...

And Hu Xiaoman's night vision ability is very good, when he glanced at the source of the screaming, he couldn't help frowning: "Xiao, what's your strange cry?"

"It's so dark here. When I wake up, there is darkness in front of my eyes. I'm afraid." The evil beast lay in the arms of the blood unicorn and complained coquettishly, with a very aggrieved look.

"Hey, don't scream in this atmosphere, okay? You scared the beast to death!" Xue Qilin grabbed the arms of the beast with both hands and shook it desperately, warning.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't mentally prepared for the time being." The evil beast pouted aggrievedly.

"Okay, then let's see what kind of secret door mechanism is in this secret room." Hu Xiaoman started to look around while talking, and the most suspicious thing in this secret room is only the sarcophagus.

"Please boss, what do you think we are strong enough to observe in this dark place?" Ling Feng said helplessly leaning against the stone gate.

"Oh, I forgot, you can't see in the dark." Hu Xiaoman occasionally made mistakes, forgetting such an important time.

"What do you mean we can't see in the dark? You can see the same thing." Xue Qilin couldn't help complaining.

"You keep shaking Dan's arm like that, and next time I'll let you shake Xiao Liu's beast enough." Hu Xiaoman's sudden innocuous words surprised Xue Qilin and Yan Beast. endlessly.

"My lord, you, you can really see!" The surprised words proved to other friends that Hu Xiaoman's night vision ability is excellent.

"Why lie to you!" Hu Xiaoman shrugged and said to the six-tailed Thunder Beast standing on the sarcophagus: "Return to the beast body and discharge."

"I see." The six-tailed Thunder Beast jumped out of the sarcophagus after responding, lying on the ground with a faint blue light, and then changed back to the original shape of the beast. The Chamber of Secrets was lit.

"Xiao Liu is really useful." Ling Feng squatted in front of the Six-Tailed Thunder Beast and patted it on the head, praising it without hesitation.

"Why don't I have any joy after being praised?" Six-tailed Thunder Beast shook its head in disgust and shook off the extra hands on its head.

"Stop making trouble, let's see if there are any traps in this secret room to get out!" Fufeng said solemnly, glancing at them coldly.

"Understood." Fufeng's words were really weighty, Lingfeng Xueqilin and the others immediately restrained their previous playful smiles, and started searching around this secret room seriously.

"How much amazing power does Xiaoman have?" Fufeng looked at Hu Xiaoman and said with a smile, "Xiaoman can always surprise me."

"Of course there are many more." Hu Xiaoman raised his head proudly and said, "Otherwise, how could you keep your attention on me?"

"Even without these, my attention is always on you, don't you feel it?" Fu Feng said with a smile.

"It's just now, and it's hard to say in the future." Hu Xiaoman pouted and said, "So save some amazing skills, and show them off from time to time, that's what attracts you! Have you ever heard a saying? Secrets make women more attractive." Feminine."

"Heh, where do you see these things, they are all in one set." Fufeng was amused by Hu Xiaoman: "You are so cute, how could I let you go?"

"That's the best, boo." Hearing what he wanted to hear the most, Hu Xiaoman's heart was as sweet as if he had eaten honey, and he even put a wet kiss on Fufeng's face.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang." There was a regular sound of knocking on the sarcophagus.

"Oh, my God, what are you doing?" Hu Xiaoman saw a very harmonious scene when he turned his head: blood unicorn, Ling Feng, black beast, Xiao Liusi were divided into two and distributed on one side. On both sides of the sarcophagus, the four tacitly and rhythmically hammered the lid of the sarcophagus with fists and then slapped it with palms. One time is a rule, and the single action repeats infinitely.

"It's too boring. I can tell you very clearly that there is nothing else in this room except this sarcophagus." The four guys once again looked sideways at Hu Xiaoman in a tacit understanding, and by the way deeply He sighed, and then moved his hands more quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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