Chapter 50 Pistol
"Master, there are so many weapons here, aren't you afraid that others will steal them?" Xia Tranquility raised a question in his heart.

"Stupid boy, this cave looks ordinary, and there are many traps in it. If you are not careful, you will lose your life." Feng Feiyue smiled slightly, and solved Xia Tranquility's doubts.

"Why is there nothing wrong every time I come in?" Xia Tranquility couldn't believe it.

"Every time the master closed the mechanism, you came in." Feng Feiyue continued.

"Master, will you teach me these mechanisms from now on?" It was too shocking, Xia Tranquility secretly made up her mind that she must learn all the five elements, gossip, and organs, so that she can freely enter and exit the cave without letting Feng Feiyue lead the way.

"Starting tomorrow, you will learn more than these things. Acupuncture, swordsmanship, five elements, palm technique, boxing technique, military technique, medicine, you have to learn all of them." Feng Feiyue said seriously.

"Master, did I hear you right? You're going to kill me!" Xia Tranquility felt dizzy when he heard that, and after a few days of silence, he continued to toss.

"Disciple, Master doesn't want to do this either. In half a year, you have to learn all of these." Feng Feiyue's face was full of distress.

"Isn't it a year? It's less than half a month, why did it change? Do you want to live?" Xia Tranquility yelled at Feng Feiyue, filled with righteous indignation.

"You will understand then." Feng Feiyue dropped a sentence, and the person disappeared.

Xia Tranquility yelled at Feng Feiyue's figure angrily: "Feng Feiyue, I hate you."

Feng Feiyue heard this sentence from a distance, her heart ached, and she murmured: "Jing'er, I'm sorry."

In the following days, Xia Tranquility suddenly felt that she was living in a fiery place, and this place was a purgatory.

Feng Feiyue made a very complete plan, arranged the time well, and didn't have any free time. The only thing to be happy about was that Xia Tranquility didn't have to cook and wash clothes during this time.

While Xia Tranquility was intensely learning Kung Fu, earth-shaking changes took place outside Baicao Valley.

The lord in Xiaoyao Pavilion was furious, and he sent out people one after another, but he couldn't find Yifeng.No one was alive, no dead body was seen, no news at all, and the whole person disappeared without a trace like air.

"Waste, what a bunch of waste." The lord patted the chair vigorously, staring coldly at the people below.

"Lvyi, how did you find out?" the Lord's tone was a little gentler.

The green clothes clasped their fists and said: "My lord, I took a closer look at the brothers who died in the inn. They were poisoned, but these poisons did not kill people, they just made people fall asleep for an hour. It seems that the poisoners didn't want to their lives."

"Who was with Long Mei that day?" The Lord suddenly asked Gaifeng.

Gaifeng bowed his head and replied: "My lord, the owner of the inn, Xiao Er, and the tenants are all dead, so it is impossible to know who Long Mei is with. However, according to my subordinates' guess, Long Mei's character is capricious, his methods are vicious, and his behavior It is unpredictable, there are not many people who can be with him, and there are very few people who use poison, except for Feng Feiyue from Baicao Valley, I can't think of a second person."

"Feng Feiyue?" His lord pondered, "Feng Feiyue is both righteous and evil. He behaves in a low-key manner, and does things according to his preferences. He never kills innocent people indiscriminately. Judging from the way of poisoning, it is indeed his style, but Where's Yifeng?" His Holiness asked.

"The subordinates are also puzzled, but one thing is for sure, Yifeng's disappearance must be related to him. If Yifeng falls into the hands of Long Mei, our spies will be able to find out where he is. Mei will not leave Yifeng alive, she will definitely kill him." Gaifeng said slowly.

"What you said is very true." The Lord nodded, "But what will Feng Feiyue do to Yifeng?"

"My subordinates have tracked for a while, and found a large number of animal corpses in the forest at the junction of the four countries. Judging from the wounds, they were all caused by Yifeng's sword." Gaifeng said another important clue.

"From this point of view, Yifeng is still alive." The Lord said.

"Then let's go to the junction of the four countries and look for it. Maybe we can find Yifeng there." Lvyi said hastily.

Gaifeng snorted coldly, "It's easy to say, how can I find it? Even if we send out all the brothers in our pavilion, I'm afraid they won't be able to find it. There are hundreds of miles around, there are endless mountains, towering trees, and there are beasts and poisons inside. Those who don't know the way When people go in, they will go and never return, and there will be no bones left."

"Where did Feng Feiyue go?" Lvyi asked puzzled.

"In the depths of the mountain, there is a Valley of Baicao, which was built by Feng Feiyue's master, Gui Guzi, and Feng Feiyue is in the valley." The Lord carefully explained for Lvyi.

"Then let's go to Baicao Valley and ask Feng Feiyue to find out." Green Yi said relaxedly.

"It's easy for you to say. Baicao Valley is the most mysterious place in Shikoku. No one knows where it is. I heard that there are formations outside the valley. What you see is completely different from what you see inside. I will just circle around inside, immersed in the illusion created by myself, until I die." The wind poured a basin of cold water on the green clothes.

"Gao Feng, what's your attitude?" Lu Yi stared at Gai Feng with staring eyes, "Can't you just talk about it?"

"Hmph, with you?" Haifeng's attitude became even worse, "I have nothing to say to an idiot."

"Who are you calling an idiot?" Lv Yi was angry, "You are an arrogant, impolite idiot."

Gaifeng's face was covered with frost, and his hand was on the hilt of the sword, "Say it again."

Lv Yi was not afraid of him, raised his face and said: "Idiot, idiot, idiot." He said it three times.

As soon as Haifeng moved, the Lord said: "Okay, you two should stop fighting, this time the mission was not completed, and the loss was heavy, countless brothers were killed and injured, and even Yifeng, who is highly skilled in martial arts, is also missing. You two are still in the mood to fight here."

Lvyi stood aside with a pouted mouth, and Gale also let go of the hand holding the sword.

"Okay, you all go down!" The lord was a little tired, and waved his hands to make the wind and the green clothes retreat.

"Yes, my lord." Gale and Lvyi retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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