Chapter 36: Unintentional (1)
"Take a day off?" Feng Feiyue looked at Xia Tranquility's pleading little face, and was a little distracted for a while, so she agreed, "Okay! I will take a day off tomorrow, but I will practice what I practiced today after I go back. .”

When Xia Tranquility heard that Feng Feiyue had agreed, she jumped up from the ice bed, jumping high. When Feng Feiyue saw Xia Tranquility's movements, her heart beat uncontrollably, her pupils contracted suddenly, and she quickly jumped up. Exercising lightness kung fu, he flew towards her, grabbed her feet like lightning, and brought her down.Xia Tranquility broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and almost hit the roof of the cave just now, and if he didn't die, his head would be bleeding.

Feng Feiyue put down Xia Tranquility, his handsome face turned black, and said coldly: "Continue to practice tomorrow." After finishing speaking, he ignored Xia Tranquility and walked away.

Xia Tranquility was extremely depressed, and in the empty cave, she said to the direction Feng Feiyue was leaving: "Master, I didn't mean it." The only answer to her was the air and the silence of the room.

Xia Tranquility had no choice but to walk out of the cave unhappily, her mood was at the bottom of the valley, and a good rest day was ruined like this, alas!

In Feng Feiyue's room.

Feng Feiyue frowned, feeling a little restless. Just now, Xia Tranquility almost hit the roof of the cave, the sudden rapid beating of her heart, and last night, when Xia Tranquility said she was dead, she was inexplicably angry. All this made him a little overwhelmed.Qiong'er's shadow appeared in front of her eyes less and less frequently during this time. If she didn't think of her deliberately, she would never have thought of her.Feng Feiyue stood up abruptly and walked outside the house.

"Master, where are you going this evening?" Xia Tranquility had just returned to the room when she saw Feng Feiyue walking out in a hurry.

As if Feng Feiyue didn't hear it, a gust of wind passed by.

Strange, where is Master going in such a hurry?How does this look like the usual wind and moon?Could it be that he thought of another move to torture himself?Looking at the back of Feng Feiyue going away, Xia Tranquility couldn't help following.

what!Here is another cave. Xia Tranquility looked in front of the cave where Feng Feiyue disappeared, held her breath, and tiptoed inside.

Feng Feiyue held a painting in his hand, his expression was lonely, his whole body was depressed, and he couldn't stop saying something, Xia Tranquility didn't dare to get too close, although after taking the marrow washing pill, his eyes could see the darkness During the day, her hearing improved greatly, but because she was afraid that Feng Feiyue would find out, she could only watch from a distance, and couldn't hear what Feng Feiyue was listening to at all.

Suddenly Xia Tranquility slapped herself, how stupid!Isn't it possible to listen to Qingfeng Feiyue's words by using internal strength?Xia Tranquility wanted to do it, and listened carefully with Qi Yungong. Sure enough, she could hear Feng Feiyue's words.I only heard Feng Feiyue say: "Qiong'er, it's all because I was too cowardly at the time. I was afraid that I would not be able to bring you happiness, and I was afraid that others would look at you strangely. Now, I have pushed you into the abyss of pain, and I regret it too late!"

Qiong'er, Xia Tranquility heard this name for the first time, is it Feng Feiyue's lover?Xia Tranquility withdrew her internal energy. Since she didn't want to use tricks to punish her, she was not interested in other people's privacy at all, so she retreated quietly.

After Xia Tranquility left, Feng Feiyue looked at the beautiful figure in the painting and said painfully: "Qioner, now I betray our relationship again, I seem to like my apprentice. She is very special and compliments my hair She is very beautiful and smart, and she can learn everything. Her beauty is unparalleled. If you see her, you will also admire her beauty. She is also the second woman after you who does not dislike me. Qionger, I I don't know what to do now."

Speaking of this, Feng Feiyue sighed heavily, rolled up the painting in his hand and packed it, sat in the cave for a while, and then walked out of the cave.

Xia Tranquility lay on the bed tossing and turning, thinking of Feng Feiyue's words, Qiong'er, is this Feng Feiyue's lover?His tone seemed to be that the two had already broken up, why did they break up, and what happened between them?Xia Tranquility suddenly remembered that when Feng Feiyue mistook herself for her former lover when she was in the inn, she lost her composure for a moment. Could it be that Qiong'er ran away with someone else?Thinking of this, Xia Tranquility felt pity for a moment, this Feng Feiyue was really pitiful.

When the first ray of sunlight shone into Xia Tranquility's room in the morning, Xia Tranquility was still ripening.Did not sleep well all night, always dreaming.In the dream, a strange woman didn't speak, but just looked at her with sad eyes.

"Knock, knock." There was a crisp knock on the door from outside.

"Who is it?" Xia Tranquility closed her eyes and called out to the door.

Feng Feiyue's voice came from outside the door: "Teacher, my knife is waiting for you to get up and make breakfast!"

"Yes, I'll get up right away." With a mess of hair on top, Xia Tranquility got out of the nest in no time. Too bad, I overslept and forgot to cook.She dressed casually and walked out the door.

When Xia Tranquility opened the door, Feng Feiyue and Xiaodao were sitting at the table waiting!Xia Tranquility walked past Feng Feiyue with her head down, and hurriedly washed her hands and cooked.

Feng Feiyue stared at Xia Tranquility for a few moments, and said leisurely, "Disciple, have you been practicing last night?"

"No." Xia Tranquility replied honestly.

"Since you haven't practiced, what are you doing?" Feng Feiyue said again.

"I'm sleeping!" Xia Tranquility wondered why Feng Feiyue said that, and then asked, "Master, why are you asking that?"

"The hair is dull, the eyes are dull, and there are two big dark circles." Feng Feiyue dropped a sentence coolly.

Xia Tranquility was a little embarrassed and scratched her hair.

"Don't catch it, if you catch it again, it will become a pheasant's nest." Feng Feiyue gloated.

Xia Tranquility glared at him, ignored him, and went on to work on her own.

Feng Feiyue took a few glances at Xia Tranquility, then went out, and came back after a while with an extra book in his hand.

"Here." Feng Feiyue handed the book to Xia Tranquility.

"What is this?" Xia Tranquility looked at the book in Feng Feiyue's hand, but didn't dare to take it. She couldn't be blamed. She was a little scared after reading the book these days.

(End of this chapter)

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