Chapter 63 Buying Time
After walking out of Aunt Mei's room, when the door of the bedroom was closed again, Yun Yan suddenly had the feeling of being a human again!Even if the main room still has a lot of smell, it is a thousand times better than in that room!

At the very least, breathing here won't kill you!
At this moment,
The silly little girl from before suddenly came in with two cups of tea: "Miss, I brought you some tea, you can try it, I heard that this is a reward from the imperial court to the master, the madam specially kept it for you." Drink it when Miss comes over!"

As soon as Xiaoya finished speaking, the maid who went to pick up Yunyan called out before she entered the door: "Madam, Xiaozhu is back!" In Yan's sight.

Seeing Xiao Zhu's panting appearance, he must have come back from running all the way, Yun Yan was a little puzzled: "This guy usually looks like this? It doesn't look like it!"

In Yun Yan's impression, shouldn't all girls who can be in the top position in a big family be calm and steady?And isn't that exactly what Xiaozhu showed before? !

The so-called abnormality must have a demon!

Although Yunyan is not afraid, she is afraid of trouble, so it is better to leave as soon as possible!

But: "Miss, my maid greets you." As if she knew she was going to leave, Xiao Zhu's slightly curved body just blocked Yun Yan's way.

Feeling something was wrong, Yun Yan didn't even bother to reply, she pushed Xiao Zhu back and was about to leave.

And at this time, it was also the time when the maid in the house reported to Aunt Mei.

"Miss, if there is anything wrong with this servant, please tell this servant, I will definitely correct it next time!" Xiaozhu staggered two steps, before she could stand still, she rushed over to hug Yun Yan's leg, and said pitifully .

I don't know, but I really thought this girl loved her job so much!

At this moment, Yun Yan could see that Xiaozhu must have got the news before entering the door, knowing that Aunt Mei had suffered from dementia just now, and she hadn't completed what they planned. Now she is buying time for the people in the room!

Think about it too, who made this their home field!
"Living is your biggest mistake!" Yun Yan said coldly, looking at the little master and finished speaking, taking advantage of the fact that Fang Fang was overwhelmed by her aura: "Go away!" After leaving the other party, this stinky girl who was seriously injured did not stalk her anymore.


The door of the bedroom opened at this moment, and the voice of the maid next to the bed sounded immediately: "Miss, go slowly, madam, please come in, I have something to say to you."

"Hey..." Yun Yan sighed.

"The moonlight is excellent tonight. It's a good time for a long night to sleep well, but being disturbed by an old woman who is too old and sleepy. What a life! Life is hard!"

Stopping at the door, looking at the two spaces separated by only a threshold, but like clouds and mud, Yun Yan looked at the sky speechlessly, lamenting the pathetic fate of her own.

It's just that she is not a literary person, and she made herself sick with just a few words, so after a while, Yun Yan put away her miserable face, turned her head and walked resolutely to the smog-stricken area created by Aunt Mei.

The things that have to be faced sooner or later, why procrastinate and procrastinate, it is better to cut the mess quickly, once this old woman is restrained, she can be clean for a period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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