Chapter 85

When Su Shiying was in trouble, the phone rang just in time, and Su Shiying quickly pressed the answer button as if she had caught a life-saving straw.

"Honey, are you off work? Have you had dinner yet?" Luo Yicheng's voice still sounded cynical.

Su Shiying suppressed her nausea, and for the first time, she didn't scold Luo Yicheng first, but tried to cooperate with him: "Well, it's eating outside, have you eaten?"

Luo Yicheng was taken aback: "Not yet, just got off work, are you finished? Do you want me to pick you up?"

Su Shiying glanced at the wall clock on the wall, what time is it, does Luo Yicheng get off work?Are you dealing with her business?There was a flutter in her heart for no reason. She didn't know that everyone at the table also had their own thoughts after hearing her answer the phone.

"Oh, okay." Su Shiying was eager to take a walk, "I'll send you the address later."

After hanging up the phone, Su Shiying noticed that everyone was looking at her and scratched her head embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I have something to do, I have to go first, take your time and leave me alone."

Unexpectedly, Qu Zijin smiled: "It just so happens that I don't know Mr. Luo, why don't we let him come together, let's sit and chat."

"Ah, he ate it, and I'm full too, next time." Su Shiying had to lie.

Qu Zijin wasn't angry either, and still smiled gracefully: "Okay, it's agreed next time."

When the phone rang again, Su Shiying got up and said goodbye to everyone one by one, and ran outside: "You guys take it easy."

"How did you come here?" When Luo Yicheng got the address, he felt strange. This is a big hotel. It stands to reason that only a few people who usually work together eat together, so they would never come here.

"Mr. Qu's Mr. Qu insisted on treating us to dinner. I didn't want to eat at all. It happened that you played well, so I took the opportunity to sneak out."

Luo Yicheng smiled: "I said, why did you become so docile today? The co-authorship was forced by the situation."

"By the way, haven't you eaten yet? Let's find a place to eat first. I didn't eat much just now, so I just watched everyone toast each other." When Su Shiying came to China, the most unaccustomed thing was the dinner table culture. I really don't know what's so good about wine, so many people come and pay respects, as if they won't give up until they drink each other down.

"Hehe, I guessed it, let's go to the Italian restaurant, I want to eat pasta." Luo Yicheng turned around.

Su Shiying has always been curious, Luo Yicheng doesn't look fat, why he looks like a foodie, and he can discover any delicious food.The pasta here is not only rich in variety, but also very good.

"Let's have another baked noodle. By the way, there is a new seafood porridge shop next door. We can try it tomorrow."

Seeing Luo Yicheng pick up the meat on her plate and speak meticulously, Su Shiying felt in a trance-living like this for the rest of her life seemed not bad, but she didn't know this feeling was stability at that time.

"Okay, tomorrow I will try to finish my work earlier." Su Shiying lowered her head to hide her expression.

"By the way, you've already met Sun, and I haven't met your parents yet."

"My parents...their schedules are different from Sun's. I'm afraid they have to make an appointment in advance. Most of the time, there are classes on university weekends, you know."

"It's okay, don't worry, there will be a long time to come." Luo Yicheng seems to be in a good mood tonight, probably because he has finally dealt with everything.

The next day, Sister Qin told Su Shiying that there were already movies and TV sets coming to Su Shiying to shoot.

"Huh?" Su Shiying didn't expect it to be so soon, she always thought that everyone would regard her as a singer.

Sister Qin had an expected expression: "Based on your appearance, even if you don't have any talents, you are still a natural actor. Don't be so surprised, I will give you a few books, and you can pick and choose."

"I'd rather take a movie." Movies come in quickly, and you're not so busy, so you can spend a lot of time watching Su Yinjie.

"I also think the movie is better. This is the first time you are on camera. It is very important. Usually, the audience has preconceived ideas when evaluating an actor. You must choose what you are best at, not the most difficult one. Wait for your acting skills in the future." Once you’re proficient, it’s not too late to challenge more difficult plays.”


"I don't have anything to do with Prince today. He went to the store in the morning. Let's pick out the notebook and the next work."

In the JP brand store, Prince's head was about to explode. Unexpectedly, after so many days, Susan was still there.

"Please, I'm really a vagrant, and I just want to help you tidy up your clothes here as a shop assistant." Susan took Prince's arm, as if she refused to leave without achieving her goal.

Prince looked helplessly at the clerk and passers-by who looked sideways, and it would be terrible if this continued, so he reluctantly nodded: "Okay, okay, I promise, you come quickly, take her to familiarize yourself with the environment, and she will be a member of JP in the future. "

Prince looked at the clerk with a sad expression, and the clerk looked at Susan even more unkindly. But Susan acted as if she hadn't seen it, and danced happily, attracting a lot of attention again, and Prince wished he could dig a hole and get in.

Amy happened to be shopping today, and when she saw Susan's back flashing past, Leo's handsome face flashed in her mind, even though she was not sure, she followed quickly.When she saw that Susan had a clean face, and her colorful hair turned into clean, short hair, she couldn't help being shocked.Is this still the little girl who likes racing cars and is as comfortable as the wind?

"Susan?" With some uncertainty, Amy hesitated to call out.

Susan was naturally very happy to see the only person who could be regarded as a friend in the past: "Amy, why are you here?"

Then, Susan looked down and saw the big bags and small bags in Amy's hands: "So I'm here to buy things! Do you want to come and see my house? Today is my first day at work, give me a scene. "

Amy was even more surprised when she heard this: "You? You work here?"

"Yes." Susan nodded affirmatively, looked at Prince who was carefully counting the goods, and whispered, "Our boss is still very handsome, and every piece of clothing here is designed by him."

Amy saw countless little stars in Susan's eyes. Although the girl changed her appearance, her temperament remained the same. She could tell what she was thinking at a glance, and her emotions and sorrows were all expressed on her face.I don't know if she will be like this when she looks at Leo herself?

"Then when will you get off work? Long time no see. Let me treat you to something." Amy sent out the invitation, of course for... Leo.

But Susan didn't know about it, and only thought of an old friend reunion: "Okay, okay, but let me treat you, you must have spent a lot of money today, right? Last time I won the game, I still have a lot of savings."

(End of this chapter)

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