Chapter 759 Meeting
His mission has also been completed. Although he is no longer a soldier, it does not affect his heart to help the army. Maybe he will still be obliged to join the team when he is needed in the future.

When they went back, they changed cars and then flew back home relatively quickly. Qing Huan felt at ease because of Feng Jiawei's protection along the way.

Regarding what happened to Tiancheng this time, Qing Huan was still a little scared. Although she knew that nothing would happen to Tiancheng in the end, if she came late, maybe Tiancheng would be robbed.

Just after returning to Mu's house, Mu Yunchuan was relieved to see that they came back safely, but he had to tell Tiancheng about the situation at home in the past few days.

"Tiancheng! It's good if you come back. You and Qinghuan are not at home this week. That bastard Tianrui will act like a monster and go to the company's board of directors to tell you that you are seriously ill. From now on, he will take over the management of the Mu family's company and treat me and you. Grandpa is half dead with anger, and some shareholders are dragged to his side, he is going to rob the company from you!"

He said worriedly, fortunately Tiancheng came back without incident, otherwise he really didn't know what to do, Feng Lixuan said it was Mu's family affairs and he didn't want to intervene, it was heard that Tiancheng had offended people before I also want to trouble Tiancheng when I come back, this year is really unlucky, why things in Tiancheng come one after another.

Qing Huan looked at Tiancheng worriedly.

"Go up and accompany Xixi, and leave the family and company matters to me." She didn't want Qinghuan to worry about her anymore.

She had already saved him once, it was really good for a woman to do this.

Next, I hope he can protect her and be her husband well.

I haven't seen Xixi for a week, and Qing Huan also misses her son, so I'd better go and see him first, and ask him after the matter of Tiancheng.

Tiancheng didn't even change his clothes, and went directly to the company.

He was always accompanied by several Fengjia guards for protection, which was Qing Huan's request.

When Li Hengwei came back, he didn't go home but went to see Feng Lixuan.

After Feng Lixuan took the medicine given by Qing Huan, he felt much better in the past few days, and he became energetic and able to punch in the yard.

When Li Hengwei saw him punching, he clicked his tongue and said, "The spirit is so good, how can this person look like he is going to die! Did you pretend to be seriously ill a few days ago to trick Qing Huan into becoming the head of the Feng family?"

He sat down very unceremoniously and picked up the snacks on the table to eat. He is not at all polite to this person now.

Feng Lixuan snorted, took a sip of tea after holding back his punches, and then said: "You guessed wrong this time, I really felt like I was going to die at that time, let Uncle Leng make arrangements for the funeral, I didn't know that Qing Huan came over and gave me a strange herb, anyway, I don't know it yet, and then I slowly got better in the past few days.

I went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor said that the heart in my body has also improved. He said that the condition is much better. I saw that people are a little lazy today, so I came to practice. You look like this... have you just come back?From the way you look, I know that you came back safely this trip, Qinghuan and Tiancheng are fine, otherwise you wouldn't have come here to eat leisurely, looking not in a hurry. "

"Tsk tsk, it really is a person, we are fine, I heard Qing Huan said that you are going to die, so I came to see you, have you been buried in the soil after these days, it is really uncomfortable to see you so healthy now Oh, that's right! You still answered my question, since you didn't pretend to be about to die, what happened to the position of the head of the Feng family?"

(End of this chapter)

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