Chapter 724
When Tiancheng looked at the way Yuhua looked at him, the corners of his eyes twitched, thinking what to do.He has never been beaten by Qing Huan, but he was fixed by her spells. Besides, a good man cannot fight back if his wife beats him in time. Ling fights like that.

Qing Huan said to Yuhua angrily: "So don't bully me casually in the future, or you will fix you well... It seems that it is not right. It should be half of your future. By the way, brother, do you have a marriage partner?"

Yuhua got a headache when she heard this.

"Why do you care about this? A man is still very young at 23, okay? Don't just persuade me to get married."

"Brother, can't you forget the past—"

"No, don't think about it, she is a mother, how can I think about it, besides, I don't want to marry someone I don't like right now." Yuhua scratched her head, "In this day and age, love Freedom I don't want to give in just because I'm old, marriage is a lifelong event, especially since I'm still a soldier, being a military wife is not that easy."

"You can join the army." Tiancheng added on the side.

But Yuhua shook her head, "It's very remote there, and ordinary girls definitely don't want to stay there, besides, being a military wife is very boring, I don't have many vacations a year, I'm afraid... you don't know the family of one of my soldiers... His wife ran away with someone, and then went home to deal with it, and when she returned to the team, she seemed to be a different person.

Therefore, I hope that my future partner will be a good woman who has a good personality and can understand my work. I can find someone casually now, but in the future, if someone finds that life is not what she wants, it will be harmful to others, so I am now Not considering marriage for now. "

Even though his mother kept urging him, his attitude remained the same.

Qing Huan looked at Tiancheng after listening.

Tiancheng nodded, "It's really not easy to be a military wife. At that time, if I hadn't retired, I didn't even think about getting married. Just like when you confessed to me, it wasn't just because you were my cousin. Performing missions outside, if you encounter danger...

So Yuhua's decision is right, we should respect him, and if one day he meets a suitable girl, he will naturally bring her back for everyone to know.Let him focus on his career now, he is still young and well-connected, so he will be very promising in the army. "

Amagi finished speaking slowly.

Yuhua looked at him gratefully.

Because Tiancheng also served in the army, he can understand him best. He really has no plans to get married right now.

Qing Huan didn't say anything, it's just that my mother will probably nag again when she finds out.

It was late at night, and the last three of them went to bed.

Now the house is being refurbished, and each floor has three floors of rooms. On the third floor, Chen Dongmei plans to use it as Yuhua's new house in the future. Only Chen Dongmei and Ye Danian live on the first floor, and Qing Huan and the others live on the second floor.

After the sun came out the next morning, Yuping took them to the mountain, where a large area of ​​medicinal materials was planted. Besides her own family, Ye Dashan also had Ye Jingqiu’s family, and some other families in the village grew medicinal materials for pigs, but Yuping’s planting area was the largest. most.

"Qing Huan, look at the several herbs here."

Yuping pointed to a piece of medicinal herbs not far in front of her. Those kinds were more valuable, and they were also the ones with the largest income in the family.

Qing Huan looked around and felt that her sister was very powerful. She didn't know anything about Chinese medicine at the time, but now she is very familiar with their growth environment and some diseases encountered during the growth process. It sounds like she knows more than she does.

(End of this chapter)

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