Reborn 1990 Married Naturally

Chapter 694 No need to apologize

Chapter 694 No need to apologize
Mu Yunchuan sighed with emotion, the key is that no one will inherit such a large property in the future, so it would be nice to give it to his grandson.

After Tiancheng listened to it, it was rare that this person could still speak some truth.

"The matter of Qing Huan is for her to choose. I will support her no matter what she does. As for her and Feng Lixuan, I don't want them to have too much trouble. After all, it's not good for them."

"Yes, yes, yes! Actually, I understand. If it were a girl, and the Feng family had such a big business, if they went back, it would be her. She would be very noble and don't want anything... Hey! It's a pity ..."

The corners of Tiancheng's mouth twitched, feeling that he persuaded Qinghuan to go back because of Feng's property.

"Qing Huan doesn't want the property of the Feng family, I can take care of her!"

"I'm not greedy for money. It's useless to give it to her. Give it to my grandson. When Xixi grows up, he won't have to work so hard like you!"

Tiancheng said unhappily: "Yeah, you don't have to work hard, and you will be happy when you grow up like Tianhe and the others."

"No... that's because they have a problem raising their children. How can Xixi be like them. You are so good, and Xixi will be as good as you in the future!"

Mu Yunchuan was taken aback, the Mu family's education was really problematic, the children were raised too delicately, he would not raise children like them, and Qing Huan would not agree.

"If you dote on the child like that in the future, I don't mind sending the child to Feng Lixuan to train for a period of time."

"Hey! Is Nu still his own father? How can he be so cruel!"

"Didn't you treat me like that when you were young, don't you be cruel!"

"I, I..." Mu Yunchuan was so coaxed that he had no words to refute, indeed at that time he insisted on sending him to Feng Lixuan's side regardless of Tiancheng's troubles.

It took Mu Yunchuan a long time to feel guilty and said, "Son, I'm sorry!"

I sincerely apologize for his behavior back then.

After many years, when he finally heard what he said, Tiancheng felt melancholy or joy in his heart. Maybe now he doesn't mind his father's cruelty to send his son away.

Tiancheng smiled wryly: "You don't need to apologize, I don't mind anymore, just don't hold me back in the future and just don't spoil Xixi too much."

After speaking, he stood up.

He wanted to pick up Qing Huan. She only had two classes and it was time for her to leave.

Mu Yunchuan watched him leave.

The son must have forgiven him. After all, this was his heart knot. At that time, he really had no choice but to send him away, making him think that he didn't want him anymore. His ability was limited, and he really couldn't control it at that time. Come on, the Mu family was not suitable for him to stay at that time, thinking that his good friend Yin Shengtian was reliable and could help, but who knew that the real Yin Sheng was already dead, and it was indeed Feng Lixuan who lived.

Fortunately, I opened my heart today, and my son's attitude towards him is much better than before.Maybe now that he is married, has a wife and a child, he has matured a lot as a father.

Looking at his little grandson, he was lucky to have sent that woman Xu Lu away at that time. Otherwise, the restless and kind woman would have been among them, and the two father and son would never be able to reconcile. As for the daughter who is in high school now, she is basically not at home. She is closer to Xu Lu, and she goes to her mother's place when she is on vacation. He doesn't want to care about her as a girl. Besides, her daughter's appearance and temperament are too similar to Xu Lu, so he can't like it, so he only treats that daughter. Responsible for her tuition and living expenses, I don't want to take care of the rest, I can't take care of it, the child is all under Xu Lu's orders, and in that case he doesn't want to take care of it.

From now on, he will just take care of his grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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