Chapter 582 Recipes
After the two returned to school, Yan Ling complained of a stomachache. It turned out that she had eaten too much, which shocked Qing Huan and the three of them. Qing Huan gave her an injection, which relieved a lot. She can't eat indiscriminately now. medicine.

In the evening, Qing Huan wrote a few recipes. It is winter now, and there are actually many recipes suitable for winter health preservation.The first recipe is Shenqi chicken soup, hen, dangshen, astragalus, ginger, jujube and seasonings, stewed over fire for more than two hours.This recipe has great effects, nourishing qi and strengthening the spleen, tonifying deficiency and strengthening the exterior. It is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people who have weak spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, and are prone to colds.

The second dish is stewed pork with Shouwu and walnuts. Shouwu has the effect of nourishing the liver, softening the liver, nourishing the kidney and black hair, and the walnut has the effect of improving the mind and moistening the intestines. Stewed with lean pork is both delicious and nourishing.

The third dish is the old duck soup with ginseng and jade bamboo, which is effective for dryness and heat, cough, as well as physical weakness and constipation after illness.

The fourth dish is Chuanbei Sydney Pork Lung Soup, which is more suitable for the public and the price is not expensive.

Qing Huan showed Yiyi the written recipe, and Yiyi thought it was okay.

"Try to sell these dishes first to see how customers respond, and then I will think about some health porridge and the like. Those dishes are not expensive and meet the needs of the general public. Although the economic conditions are better now, there are still many people who don't have much money. , The state-owned enterprise reform in the past two years has resulted in a lot of laid-off workers, and some families support their children to go to college. Although they are in the city, their families are not rich."

Qing Huan slowly said that more and more workers have been laid off in the past two years, and many of them have gone to sea, but there are also some people who have no skills and connections, and don't know what to do in the future, just like in Tiancheng's factory, the recent supervisor position has Many people applied for the job, and of course Tiancheng also retained all available people.

Yiyi heard Qing Huan's plan and thought it was good. The chefs in the restaurant used to cook their own specialty dishes, but there is no shortage of those dishes in the restaurants in the food street, especially the dishes cooked by many of them are similar in taste. , there is no special feature to make people remember, especially the store is located behind the food street, not in front of the street, and the location is also at a disadvantage
"Okay, Qing Huan, you just have more ideas than me. My brother and I were worried before, but now we have solved a big trouble for us."

Yiyi was happy to read the recipe again, and planned to bring some health-preserving porridge to the store tomorrow when Qinghuan came up with it, and asked her brother to cook it for the chef according to the recipe Qinghuan gave. After trying it for a few days, she didn't believe that she couldn't save her family. shop.

Qing Huan stretched her waist, everything was done, she planned to wash up and go to bed, and she had to go to the pharmaceutical factory after the exam tomorrow morning, the medicinal materials in the pharmaceutical factory were gone, and she didn't know the medicinal materials contacted by Tiancheng When will the merchant deliver the goods.

Thinking of Xiubai's elder brother who has already monopolized medicinal materials, Qing Huan becomes furious. Do you really think that only his Rong family is qualified to open a pharmaceutical factory, and no one else can? This is too overbearing!
After another test the day after tomorrow, she will basically finish the test. After a few days of fun, she will go on winter vacation. It just so happened that Li Hengwei said that she would go to the Feng family's old house to find the spirit beads, and she would go back to her hometown after finding the beads.

My grandma passed away last week, so I hurried back and came back in a hurry. This winter vacation, I can stay at home for more than [-] days.

It's just that before going to bed, the little fox woke up from hibernation and wanted to chat with Qing Huan.

(End of this chapter)

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