Reborn 1990 Married Naturally

Chapter 439 Making Money Plans

Chapter 439 Making Money Plans
In the future, if you grow medicinal materials like you Qing Huan said, and there is a place to buy them, she will only be responsible for planting and managing medicinal materials. Although she doesn't know Chinese medicine very well, Dad knows something, and you can ask grandma, even grandpa used to leave According to medical books, growing herbs at home is much easier than other people's.

And she can also learn that people will regress if they don't make progress. She wants to live a better life for the family in the future, and since Qing Huan is so motivated, she can't be decadent and hold everyone back.

Thinking of this, he decided: "Huanhuan, your proposal is very good. I didn't expect you to see and think so far. I really want to try the matter of growing medicinal materials, and I will try my best to convince my parents. If the scale is large next year, I will let you Dad will also come back and do it together, so Dad can relax."

Qing Huan grinned at the corners of her mouth after hearing this, her sister has already been explained, so it will be easy for her mother, her mother is already worried about her sister, and her mother will definitely not refute what she proposes to do, if her mother agrees, Dad was the only one left, and he couldn't object even if he wanted to.

"Okay sister, I don't have to worry about that. As for Xiangdong's family, it's best not to join in. His family is more complicated. Wait for her and him to deal with family affairs in the future. If you still like each other at that time, there will be no one together." What can I say, Xiangdong is a good candidate because he is diligent and has been a soldier."

"I know, anyway, I won't talk to him anymore now, let's see fate later, I have to marry him too."

After hearing this, Qing Huan laughed, "Of course, my sister is so beautiful, Xiangdong's condition is very good, and she is a rough person, so she is not good enough for my sister."

In my own eyes, my sister is only in her early twenties and is five years younger than Xiang Dong, and she is also good-looking, so of course I feel that Xiang Dong is not good enough for her sister.

Yuping smiled, and said with relief: "Two people who really like each other don't care about each other's appearance, that person... Forget it, I'll talk about it later, as for the medicinal herbs you said now, I Later, I will look through the medical books left by my grandfather in the past, and find out if there are any books on herbal cultivation."

"Yes, it is more important to make money first, sister, I will go to the bookstore to look for books on this topic and send them back. You can also ask Dad, he must not have given him all the knowledge that his grandfather taught him before. forget."

Qing Huan said, at least she has found something for her sister to do, and if it grows well in the future, it will definitely be better than her going out to work.

"Okay, do you have anything else to tell Dad?"

"No more, tell Dad to pay more attention to his health, buy what should be bought when it's cold, and rebuild the house at home when he has money."

Qing Huan finally said.

Although the family house has only been built for nearly 20 years, my uncle was getting married at that time, and my father paid most of the money for him to marry a wife. As a result, the money for building the house was not enough. Later, I simply built a small floor. My mother is worried about being hit by a strong earthquake or strong wind every day. She always feels that this house is not safe to live in, and when it rains heavily, the house will leak, and there is no such thing as a toilet or bathroom.

Over there, Yuping hung up the phone and saw her father was in the yard, so she walked in and sat beside her.

Ye Danian glanced at her, and saw that her expression was not sad. He just saw her staying inside for a long time, and he didn't know what the two sisters were talking about.

"Mom, stop first, come sit down and chat for a while."

Yuping called to stop Chen Dongmei who came in from the outside and wanted to enter the house.

(End of this chapter)

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