Reborn 1990 Married Naturally

Chapter 410 Expelling Gu

Chapter 410 Expelling Gu
Qing Huantong made a move, the man's face was full of concern, he didn't look like someone who would harm his wife.Then there must be something wrong with their food, so I asked, "Have you ever eaten or drank anything before?"

"No, I eat the same food as hers... No, five days ago, I don't know where she came back from seeing a doctor, and she said that a miracle doctor prescribed a medicine for her, saying that after taking it, she would have a baby immediately It's just that after taking the medicine, she has been feeling bloated for the past few days and can't eat. In the morning, I saw that her stomach seemed to be bigger than before. I asked her to go to the hospital. I went out to run errands. It’s not as big as being pregnant, if it’s only been five days since you’ve been pregnant, how could your stomach suddenly grow so big?”

The man explained, and then looked at his wife worriedly.

After hearing this, Qing Huan immediately understood that there must be something wrong with the medicine she was taking, so she reminded: "You guys have been cheated, and what your wife took was not some kind of medicine, but Gu worm eggs. Now the eggs have turned into Gu worms to make trouble in your wife's stomach, that's why she is in so much pain now."

After speaking, he pointed to her stomach.

"Suck, Gu worm... What, what should I do?"

The man was so frightened that he said with a big tongue, living such a big life, he has never seen such a thing.

"You can only drive the Gu worms out."

" you know how to do this?"

The man looked at Qing Huan anxiously, since she knew that her wife was infected by a Gu, she should also know how to get rid of the Gu.

Seeing that Qing Huan hesitated, she immediately took out her wallet from her pocket, took out a wad of money and stuffed it into Qing Huan's hand.

"Please save my wife, we won't have any more children, I just hope she can survive!" the man said excitedly, and the rescuer knelt down to beg Qing Huan.

Qing Huan's hesitation just now was not because of money, but because this woman was bewitched, and her vitality was severely damaged. Even if she was rescued, her health was not as good as before, let alone wanting children in the future. Judging from their appearance in their thirties, they should be married. I haven't had children for many years, so I went to buy some folk remedies in a hurry, but this time I was cheated.

So Qing Huan talked about the possibility of her body after being rescued, "Sir, even if I can exorcise the Gu, the Gu worm sucked her energy and hurt her body very much. Take good care of your body, and it may be even more difficult to have children, at your age... you can go to an orphanage to adopt an orphan, and when you grow up, it's not worse than your own child."

"...Okay, in the future we won't worry about the child anymore, and I won't let her take folk remedies anymore, and take good care of her body, and when she gets well, if you really want a child, we will adopt one and bring it back. There is nothing better than health. It's important, if she is gone, let alone having a child..."

The man choked up as he spoke. It was because he wanted a child so much that she would ask around for folk remedies, otherwise she wouldn't have been cheated this time.

Qing Huan looked at this man, he was kind and righteous, he didn't dislike his wife's inability to have children, and now he only wanted to save her life.

Seeing that the family's house is dilapidated, the two of them are not well dressed.

Qing Huan took out one piece of money from the stack of money he stuffed into his hand just now, and returned the rest to him.

Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. She helped this woman drive away the venom, so she thought she was doing good deeds.

"You go and cook some eggs first, I'll go out and buy a few things before I come back." After speaking, Qing Huan walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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