Chapter 287

"Then how could she be disfigured!" Mu Yunchuan questioned, because he and Su Nuan had a good relationship at that time, especially Su Nuan got along very well with Tiancheng's mother Wan Rong. When they were together, they often enlightened Wan Rong. Thanks to her, that's why he was willing to try his best to facilitate the marriage between Tiancheng and Huimei. Coupled with his relationship with Luo Haiyang, he was so angry at his son's refusal to marry.

Fang Lixin thought about that time, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out when Su Nuan was disfigured.

In the end, he could only guess like this: "I guess it should be that after escaping, he encountered danger outside."

Listening to their conversation, Tiancheng said, "You are also doubting Luo Huimei's life experience now. Luo Haiyang should be the one who knows the most about this matter. You should really ask him."


At this moment, Luo Haiyang looked at several pairs of eyes looking at him in unison, and he was completely panicked.

His scalp was numb and he was sweating, the key point was that he didn't know much. He just thought that Huimei was a girl from the Fang family, he had a token in his hand, and Huimei looked so similar to the woman in the photo, so Maybe it was really the daughter of the Fang family, so he boldly sent Huimei to the Fang family.

"Why do you think Su Nuan was disfigured?"

Fang Lixin walked to his side, his face was restless, eager to know what happened back then, and now he regrets that he didn't send more people to protect his ex-fiancee, and he was also angry at Luo Haiyang. He concealed a lot of things, at least he concealed Su Nuan's disfigurement.

Luo Haiyang has seen people who are famous in the world, and no matter what at this moment, he has to bite the bullet and make up the lie.

"I met her when she was giving birth. I have never seen her before. The daughter my wife gave birth to only lived for three days, and she gave birth to the child and abandoned it in the hospital. She left by herself. At that time, she wanted to adopt her back to replace her by herself. It hurts just like my own daughter, but fortunately Huimeiyi is obedient and very filial, but I can't be so selfish, after all, she is not my daughter, she suffered hardships in the Luo family since she was a child, I hope you can treat her well in the Fang family in the future."

After speaking, her eyes were red, she bit her lips tightly, and clenched her hands tightly, as if she was still restraining herself from being excited.

"Mr. Luo seems to have forgotten to mention that there were three pregnant women in that ward at that time, and another girl was born. Maybe that girl is the real Fang family girl."

"You... how do you know that there are three pregnant women..."

Luo Haiyang was in a daze, he underestimated this Mutiancheng, but he was able to check it so clearly, at this time Tiancheng's cell phone rang.

He didn't answer Luo Haiyang's words right away, but picked up the phone.

"Tiancheng, you asked me to check the birth records of the child back then, and found that there was indeed something wrong with the child that Qing Huan's mother gave birth to back then. She only had one child back then, but why did it become two later? On the top of the case, there is a clear record of Chen Huan's birth. Dongmei gave birth to a boy weighing seven pounds and six two, not twins."

"Really! Thank you so much, the news you sent was so timely." Mu Tiancheng thanked him sincerely.

He was about to hang up the phone, but Xiang Dong said again: "Ye Danian should take the train to go to your place right now, he is worried about Qing Huan, he is afraid that Luo Haiyang will force Qing Huan to marry Luo Jianjun."

"Well... okay, I know, it's fine if you come."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and walked to Luo Haiyang.

"Mr. Luo, although your plan is very good, there will always be times when it will be exposed. Don't forget that you were not the only one who knew the truth back then."

(End of this chapter)

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