Chapter 126 Accident
Qing Huan grabbed the hem of her clothes and lowered her head, a little afraid to speak.

"With your good grades in the exam, you wouldn't just apply to ordinary universities, right? I'm so sorry for your high grades in the exam." Yuhua asked again.

Qing Huan raised her head and hurriedly defended: "No, I applied to two schools. One is an ordinary university in the city, and the other is a key university farther away."

"Well, then you will definitely be admitted to that key university. By the way, where is that key university? It won't be very far."

"Fortunately... I'll talk about it when I'm admitted."

Qing Huan was a little afraid to say where she applied to another school. She really didn't know that she would get such a good score in the test. She thought that it would be good to be admitted to an ordinary university. At that time, she applied to that university just to give herself more a chance.

"Well, don't talk about it to the outside world, wait until you receive the admission letter."

Ye Danian said just to be on the safe side, because although some people got high scores in the test, there are also many who were not admitted because they reported the wrong school.

Qing Huan and Yu Hua nodded. They don't know which university they were admitted to, and it's hard to say to the outside world.

Ye Danian thought about Yuhua's military service, "You passed the medical examination for enlistment. The village chief said that the enlistment time is September [-]st, and Huanhuan and I will leave home by then. Dad finally asked you, are you sure you want to join the army?" Are you going to join the army?"

Yuhua nodded heavily, "Dad, I'm not afraid of hardship. After a few years, I'm like my classmate brother. After a few years in the army, he was left by the army and promoted. Now he's a battalion commander, and the state treats soldiers well, so Dad, and Reading is not the only way to change destiny. Our family is like this, and I have to work harder."

"Good son, Dad supports you!"

"Brother, I support you too!" Qing Huan was full of support.

Such a fighting brother is much better than having a broken leg and being paralyzed in bed in his previous life, and their family will get better in the future.

"Girl, you should work hard too."

After speaking, he patted her forehead.

Chen Dongmei looked at the three of them, father and son, and felt relieved...
Qing Huan got up early in the morning to wash her clothes, had breakfast and was ready to go to school, but for some reason this morning, she always felt flustered as if something was about to happen.

Seeing that everything is fine at home, my father and brother also went to work early in the morning.

When Tiancheng returned home, life on their side still had to continue.

It's just that when I went to work, I broke a bowl in a daze. Fortunately, the proprietress didn't blame her.

At noon, when Yuping was about to cook, Yuping hurried to the restaurant to look for her.

"Huanhuan, it's not good! Dad has an accident and is now in the hospital!" Yuping's anxious eyes were red, as if she had cried.

When my uncle called them, he said that they were seriously injured and everyone was in the hospital now, but she came to tell Qing Huan to go over quickly.

"What! What happened to Dad!" Qing Huan's heart trembled, her face turned pale with fright, how could something happen to her good father, no wonder she felt something wrong today, and her eyelids kept twitching.

Yuping was confused at the moment, and said in a panic: "Uncle called back and said, I don't know the specifics, now mom and the others have rushed to the hospital."

"Let's go, let's go to the hospital too." Qing Huan immediately took off her apron, and then went to the cash register to tell the boss that she had something to ask for leave at home.

The two then hurried to the hospital.

Outside the emergency room, Chen Dongmei and the others were there, as well as Ye Jingqiu and his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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