Reborn 1990 Married Naturally

Chapter 124 Winning Honor for the Family

Chapter 124 Winning Honor for the Family

Yuping knew that she was going to see the grades today.

"How? Can I go to a key university?"

The corner of Qing Huan's mouth twitched, why does my sister think so highly of her, hey!Fortunately, she did well in the exam, otherwise she would be disappointed.

"No.3 in the whole school."

"So powerful!"

Yuping was shocked. She always knew that her younger sister was good at studying, but No. [-] Middle School was the best high school in the city, but Huanhuan was able to do so well in the exam. As expected, her younger sister was very good and brought honor to her family.

Thinking of something, he hurried into the house, took a bunch of whips and set them at the door.

Just as Chen Dongmei was about to go home, she was suddenly frightened by the lit firecrackers.

After the sound of firecrackers passed, he stepped into the door and started cursing.

"Damn girl, why are you setting off firecrackers if you don't have festivals? You're crazy!" I feel sorry for the money for firecrackers, and I don't know how expensive firecrackers are if I am not in charge.

Yuping had a good temper, and when she was happy, she would not care about her. She said excitedly, "Mom, Huanhuan got No. 3 in the school. Let's put down the firecrackers to celebrate."

"The test was so good... what about Yuhua?"

"Yeah, I almost forgot that Yuhua also took the college entrance examination. Huanhuan, how did Yuhua do in the exam?" Yuping asked Qinghuan, almost forgetting that her younger brother also took the college entrance examination.

Although he knew that Yuhua's academic performance was not as good as Qinghuan's, and he didn't want to continue to study, but he still wanted to know how he did in the exam.

"Brother...actually, he did well in the exam. His teacher said that he can go to a junior college, which is not bad, much better than Luo Huimei."

"'s true that college entrance examinations are very difficult now, and not many can enter junior colleges, but this damn child insists on going to the army and doesn't want to continue going to school."

Chen Dongmei was a little distressed. It would be great if Yuhua was as good at studying as Qinghuan. Her daughter is so good at studying. After all, she is going to marry, and it is useless to go to college. It is cheaper for others.

"Mom, let Yuhua think about it tonight. After all, if you have no way to become a soldier, it's not easy to get promoted. You have to work hard by yourself."

Yuping reminded that it's not that the people in the same village didn't join the army, but they were just like ordinary people after being retired for a few years.

"That kid... is determined to be a soldier. Let him go if he wants to. It's not bad to be a soldier."

A family supports two college students, Yuping is not in good health and has to support their mother and daughter, Ye Danian alone supports the family, what's the point, so Chen Dongmei can only agree with Yuhua to serve in the army.

Between Qing Huan and Yuhua, let Qing Huan continue to study. After all, Qing Huan is so good at studying, it would be a pity to drop out of school.There is no patriarchal concept in the family, whoever studies well will be allowed to continue studying.

For Chen Dongmei's words, Yuping knew that her mother had already thought about it, and she felt a little sorry for her younger brother. Now that the busy farming season is over, the work in the field is almost as busy, so she has to find work.Otherwise, it would be too much pressure for Dad to support the family alone.

Qing Huan felt a little uncomfortable because her brother asked her to read it.

The conditions of ordinary families in the countryside are not very good. If two children are admitted to college, the girls will drop out of school and the boys will continue to go to school. Support her to continue her education, that's why she is reluctant to part with this family, and after she is reborn, she must protect this family no matter what.

So I can only become stronger, and I will practice the book my grandma gave me more in the future when I have time.

Then, as soon as she enters university, she will find a part-time job outside. It is best to make enough money to afford her tuition and living expenses. She still has plans for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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