Bodyguard: my daughter

Chapter 661 A sense of oppression

Chapter 661 A sense of oppression (2)
"No, you have to go this time, because Zou Minghua, your third son of Zou Shibo, came back from abroad. In half a year, he performed very well. He said he played golf, but in fact, it was a blind date." Cao Guoxiu was straightforward. He said that he understood the personality of his daughter, and therefore, he said clearly.

"Dad, you..." Cao Xuan was speechless.

Cao Guoxiu smiled and said: "There is nothing to be ashamed of. Minghua is really good, and he is also outstanding. Whether you want to or not, give Dad and you Zou Shibo a face. Go and see him. If you can, try to talk about it." , can’t say anything else.”

"You've already said that, see you soon." Cao Xuan said helplessly.

Cao Guoxiu patted Cao Xuan and said, "Don't worry, Dad is open-minded, but Minghua is really kind."

"Okay, no matter how good it is, wouldn't it be nice to have that Chen Shou?" Cao Xuan said angrily, and as soon as the words came out, he couldn't help but stop talking.

Hearing Cao Xuan's words, Cao Guoxiu couldn't help smiling, and said, "What? Are you interested in that Chen Shou?"

"No, I just said it out of the way." Cao Xuan smiled wryly, "It's not you, who always praised Ming Hua for being good. He really doesn't want to go on a blind date!"

"Understood, I'll go see him anyway, and I'm not forcing you to be with him. If it's really not possible, then you can just find a reason to decline." Cao Guoxiu said seriously, and then began to tease, saying "However, if you want to talk to Chen Shou, even though he is very outstanding, Dad, I can still pull the strings for you. How to put it, your qualifications are also very outstanding."

"Stop coming." Cao Xuan said disapprovingly.

Looking at Cao Xuan's expression, Cao Guoxiu could tell at a glance that his daughter really didn't care about Chen Shou, so he didn't think too much about it, and said, "Go get ready."

On the way back to the villa, Chen Shou saw a person walking towards him from a long distance. It was none other than Yang Jian, the deputy captain of the National Security Bureau, whom he had met at the second event organized by Tian Xin.

"But I believe that we will meet again soon, and then we will have a long talk."

Involuntarily, Chen Shou remembered what Yang Jian said when he was in the cave.

And he could also see that Yang Jian came to him specially.

Sure enough, Yang Jian came to Chen Shou and said directly, "If you don't mind, you can find a place to talk."

"I don't think I have the possibility to refuse." Chen Shou said lightly.

Yang Jian laughed and said, "Although this is the truth, it's enough for everyone to know it, so why say it?"

"Because I really don't want to have anything to do with you!" Chen Shou said.

"Let's go to the street next to it. No matter how we talk, we have to go to a three-star hotel to eat." Yang Jian suggested.

Chen Shou nodded and followed Yang Jian to the side.

To get to the next street, you need to pass through an alley. When you arrived in the alley, Yang Jian, who was walking side by side with Chen Shou, suddenly stretched out his hand and struck out with his right hand like an eagle's claw.

Looking at the moment of clawing, Chen Shou didn't hesitate at all. He turned to one side and dodged slightly, not allowing him a chance to breathe. Yang Jian's claws circled like a falcon, with a hint of eagle's cry indistinctly □□, the entire claw, unexpectedly, gives people a strong murderous aura.

Chen Shou stepped back with his left foot, turned his body around, and dodged by a small margin, and then jumped away with his body, saying: "Enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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