Bodyguard: my daughter

Chapter 614 The Relationship Is Unusual

Chapter 614 The Relationship Is Unusual (1)
Back then, Cao Xuan came here full of interest. She wanted to meet the mysterious boss, but she never thought that that person would be Chen Shou. Chen Shou is not an ordinary person, so she is still full of enthusiasm, because she wants to see what big people do.

But Cao Xuan never imagined that this guy was never seen all day long, which made her an idler with nothing to do.

Money, for her, has never been a problem. As the daughter of her boss, just buying a bag is one or even several months' salary, so she has no nostalgia for her current position at all.

According to Wang An, it is impossible for Chen Shou not to show up all the time. As long as she waits patiently, the president Chen Shou will definitely show up. What a joke, God knows that Chen Shou will be as busy as other presidents. Wang An, her future cousin-in-law, might not be in this state all the time. Wouldn't she want to waste a lot of her youth here?
She sincerely hoped that Wang An would swallow up Chen Shou's company and tell Chen Shou to ignore the company. However, Wang An was her future cousin-in-law, so she still didn't want Wang An to do so.

Cao Xuan drank his coffee, and couldn't help looking into the office lobby. The company's employees were busier than usual. The reason was that the game was upgraded. I heard that this game upgrade will shock the world. This is what Wang An said.

Thinking about it, Cao Xuan put down his coffee and clicked the icon of the unknown world on the computer desktop.

She wants to see what kind of shock it is!
For this, she still had some expectations, after all, these words came from Wang An's mouth, and Wang An was serious about it.

After updating the game, Cao Xuan entered the game. As soon as she entered the game, a short promotional video appeared in front of her eyes. In an instant, her whole attention was strongly attracted.

"Shit!" Cao Xuan couldn't help cursing. She really admired Chen Shou's imagination and research and development ability. Even she, who doesn't like playing games very much, was interested in having a good time.

(End of this chapter)

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