Bodyguard: my daughter

Chapter 489 The Bird Place

Chapter 489 The Bird Place (4)
There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Professor Haka is an authority in the genetic field. During many days of research, he noticed that something was wrong with the research, so he started to investigate, and finally he discovered the secret of the institute, that is, secret research. mutated gene.

Professor Haka was shocked at the moment. The mutant gene and the mutant brain are two equally dangerous existences. The consequence of the prevalence of the mutant brain is Star Wars, and the emergence of the mutant gene may also repeat the same mistakes.

What's more serious is that the mutated gene is carrying a highly contagious and destructive unknown germ. Once this germ appears, it will enter the air like dust, which is permeable and permeable. If people inhale this kind of germ, their own genes will be disordered, and then various unknown diseases will be produced, and these diseases will bring a catastrophe to the interstellar world. Perhaps those endless diseases have not been thoroughly studied. , Normal people in the interstellar world died of these new diseases.

Professor Haka was well aware of the horror here, so he decisively destroyed the research materials and announced the matter through

This incident caused a sensation in the entire interstellar at that time. The Camrei Empire was condemned by the interstellar countries, and the Camrei Empire also suffered an unprecedented crisis.

But at this time, an accident attracted people's attention again, that is the black hole layer, which devoured the Namek planet.

Everyone knows what the black hole layer represents, and that means that all creatures in the black hole layer will suffocate to death.

An event began to come to an end due to the appearance of the black hole layer, and gradually faded out of people's vision.

But for all countries, they have never let go of Namek's visual star, including the Kamrei Empire, all hope to enter Namek after the black hole layer is gone to search for relevant mutant gene data.

"Wait!" After learning about the relevant situation, Huo Ming couldn't help shouting in his heart, and asked Zhinao: "Zhinao, if this is Namek, why are there Thunder Tiger and Gale Wolf? Why are you still not dead, you lied to me!"

The mutated brain didn't echo back, it seemed to be silently telling Huo Ming that the question he asked was not worth answering.

Huo Ming said depressedly: "Boss, you talk!"

(End of this chapter)

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