Bodyguard: my daughter

Chapter 236: Taking advantage of troubled waters and becoming a traitor

Chapter 236: Taking advantage of troubled waters and becoming a traitor (2)
She wants to fight back, she must not let Chen Shou play with herself in the applause, but how should she fight back?
Chen Shou sat in front of the computer, and after having a small meeting with Wang An and other company personnel, he remembered the things in the game, lost interest and entered the game.

As soon as he entered the game, standing in the crowded city, Chen Shou intuitively felt that the number of people who came to play the game was much higher than before, and according to what he learned from the morning meeting, the number of people online in the game was much higher than he knew before. , has already quadrupled, and if this momentum continues, the game will soon become the number one online game in China.

Amid Chen Shou's emotion, he had no conscience to send him a private message, asking him to go to the nearby zombie cave to find him, saying that he was going to beat the zombie king.

The unknown world game, Chen Shou actually has some small designs, that is, it has a legend among domestic game players. It is true that this game is a word of the past for the new generation of players, but for many old players in the past However, it will always be a memory of a young age.

These old players used to be crazy, and now, these old players have married and established businesses. He believes that these old players will definitely not be as madly obsessed with online games as in the past, but if there is a game that can make them get back the emotion they used to, then He believes this will bring great improvement to their company.

Income is second to none, the key is word of mouth. Chinese people actually criticize domestic online game companies or other companies, but they all have some indisputable emotions in it. If they can get relevant approval, the whole situation will It's different.

In fact, Chen Shou also has patriotism in it.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Shou has integrated some legendary settings or elements into the entire unknown game world, so that those crazy old players who have passed by can find some of their former touch when playing in the unknown world.

Chen Shou's level is low, and he can't even fly with a sword. If someone else came, it would only take a short while to go to the zombie cave from the city, but he had to rush towards the zombie cave on foot.

When he came out of the city and walked halfway, Chen Shou saw a group fight. There were about dozens of people, half of them belonged to a group called Yamaguchi-gumi, and the other half belonged to justice. League people.

"Boss, you don't know how hard it is for me, brother. In this unknown world, I offended the Justice League, and I was chopped off by them every three days. It's okay. The problem is that I also offended the Japanese gang, which made me become a If you are a rat crossing the street, you have to hide from anyone you see, and if you are bullied as a younger brother, if you, a big brother, don’t come out to cover me up, who do you think will cover me up.”

Chen Shou couldn't help recalling what he said unconscionably to him. He thought that the Japanese gang that he unconscionably talked about was probably the Yamaguchi-gumi. After all, when he was in the city, he had never seen any Japanese gangs.

(End of this chapter)

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